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Life with chemo


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2013
Nooo I'm sorry to hear this Brotha, you're one of the best guys here on Terb. I wish you the best.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Ripping huge farts!

A week ago Monday, I had my first round of chemotherapy, two days worth. They gave me medication to take which turned to be even worse poison than the chemo. On Wednesday I was able to hold it down after chasing it with pho broth. Thursday was a different matter, no pho broth, my brain sent my stomach the signal "get that garbage outta there". I'll spare the gory details of what happened next, it lasted from Thursday afternoon until 5:00 AM Friday morning.

This week was somewhat better, I felt like Curly Howard. He said he tried to think but nothing happened, I had waves of nausea but nothing happened. I was told by the nurse who administered the chemo that I could eat what I wanted but I had to avoid alcohol and spicy food. I tested what she told by having Thai Green Curry for lunch. Not long after, I had the most horrendous after taste in my mouth. It was like I had eaten Ceiling Cat's pussy with Homelander eyes. Then it got spectacular, the spirit of Andre the Giant possessed me. I started ripping some of the longest, loudest farts in my was extraordinary. Needless to say that new Korean Restaurant that opened up in my neighbourhood will have to wait. My oncologist will have to explain why she though I could handle two poisons at once.

Jake explains how Andre got the Fezzik role in The Princess Bride.

Wishing the best for you bud.
Looks like life is imitating art, or at least your sig picture. Give e'm hell

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Thanks for all the well wishes, I'm hoping that I'll be well enough to eat Christmas gnocchi. Funny thing, fresh fruit makes me nauseous but canned fruit doesn't. I don't want to become dependent on the nausea medication, so I eat peaches in syrup when I sense it coming on. I bought individually wrapped mallowpufs for the Halloween collective basket. I won't be taking part.

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Well-known member
Worthers were my salvation
When I lost my tastebuds....oddly enough They were the only things I could other foods.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Worthers were my salvationWhen I lost my tastebuds....oddly enough They were the only things I could other foods.
I'd like to know, how did they diagnose your cancer? For me my spleen became enlarged, without taking that into account my GP assessed I'd given myself sunstroke by overexerting on my hike during a very hot and humid day.He called me back after the cardiologist requested a blood test. I had a stent put in in the winter of 2021.

Never tried Worthers, peach cup works for me. Fresh fruit makes me nauseous, anything I cant digest readily triggers the effect. I can taste the peaches in syrup and it settles my stomach. I try to look for other ways to control my nausea without taking zofran.

I'm sad, the spirit of Andre the Giant has left me.



Well-known member
1st time..woke up in morning stretched my neck side to side..and noticed tightness on right side...felt around and notice small lump..size on my pinky nail...since S/O is a nurse ..she che ked and said get to the DR....and rest is history
I also did a barium swallow and it showed a large mass under my breastbone plate..didn't know it was there..A-symptomatic..if I didn't find the little lump the larger mass would kept growing until it was too late
2nd time..lump just above clavical did biopsy and yup back again..
3rd time ..was having coughing fits to point of choking..Did CT SCAN..and several tumors surrounding my esophagus..had to use experiment chemo drug cus on my A-Fib and closeness to couldn't do just radiation..
As far as foods
Hard liquor out
Beer is beverage of choice now
Spicey foods out
Semi bland in
Last edited:


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
Thanks for all the well wishes, I'm hoping that I'll be well enough to eat Christmas gnocchi. Funny thing, fresh fruit makes me nauseous but canned fruit doesn't. I don't want to become dependent on the nausea medication, so I eat peaches in syrup when I sense it coming on. I bought individually wrapped mallowpufs for the Halloween collective basket. I won't be taking part.

Von, you can do this! Get well and beat this fucking cancer.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Sorry to hear this Von. You’ve been round here for a while, let’s hope that chemo is destroying those cancer cells to keep you here for much longer.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
1st time..woke up in morning stretched my neck side to side..and noticed tightness on right side...felt around and notice small lump..size on my pinky nail...since S/O is a nurse ..she che ked and said get to the DR....and rest is history
I also did a barium swallow and it showed a large mass under my breastbone plate..didn't know it was there..A-symptomatic..if I didn't find the little lump the larger mass would kept growing until it was too late
2nd time..lump just above clavical did biopsy and yup back again..
3rd time ..was having coughing fits to point of choking..Did CT SCAN..and several tumors surrounding my esophagus..had to use experiment chemo drug cus on my A-Fib and closeness to couldn't do just radiation..
As far as foods
Hard liquor out
Beer is beverage of choice now
Spicey foods out
Semi bland in

Mingia! I though I was tough but you thumper19474 have me beat by a country mile. The oncologist put me on steroids to reduce the swelling in my neck. I wasn't expecting shitstorm which happened due to me over indulging during Thanksgiving. Even though I had priority I still spent 9 hours in Emergency.

Here's a food recommendation for you, not only will the brain tolerate, it welcomes it. I have whenever I have a noticeable energy crisis and cant get out of bed.



Active member
Oct 18, 2004
At PMH they could not come up with DX. The problems in Canada they do not perform mutation study after Bone Marrow biopy. What I have is very rare forum of blood cancer. I decided to attend MD Anderson, after BM and genetic mutation. Proper DX was made. In Canada there is not one single hematologist who is familiar with the condition at the time of my DX.

PMH now has hired top doctors from Dana Fabre on contract basis to teach their faculty. Health Canada still does not allow mutation studies. Unreal. I have been in Clinical remission for almost 7 years.
Thats interesting about Healh Canada but not surprising to me - I've dealt with them on the diagnostics side for 30 years and it's so sad that they so often have their heads up their ass. Glad you were able to afford what I'm sure was a hefty price tag to get treatment. I think a lot of people may not even be aware that alternative places for treatment exist.


Well-known member
Mingia! I though I was tough but you thumper19474 have me beat by a country mile. The oncologist put me on steroids to reduce the swelling in my neck. I wasn't expecting shitstorm which happened due to me over indulging during Thanksgiving. Even though I had priority I still spent 9 hours in Emergency.

Here's a food recommendation for you, not only will the brain tolerate, it welcomes it. I have whenever I have a noticeable energy crisis and cant get out of bed.

It's all in the mind brother..and support of family...I wanted to say fuck it and curl up and wait for the inevitable...but I still had so much I wanted to I just decided FUCK YOU!!!


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2023
Thats interesting about Healh Canada but not surprising to me - I've dealt with them on the diagnostics side for 30 years and it's so sad that they so often have their heads up their ass. Glad you were able to afford what I'm sure was a hefty price tag to get treatment. I think a lot of people may not even be aware that alternative places for treatment exist.
For 2 years PMH made my life hell. They could not make DX and kept pushing drugs on me.

Everyone can get 2nd opinion from Md Anderson for about 1.2K. They will request the slides from the hospitals but not all the hospitals are willing to give it. My aunt who attended Sunnybrook ended up in Hopkings. They requested slides 7 times but to no avail. They started from scratch and she is doing well. Her daughter is US citizen and she hardly pay for any medication.

wiskey bravo

Active member
Jul 14, 2017
Ripping huge farts!

A week ago Monday, I had my first round of chemotherapy, two days worth. They gave me medication to take which turned to be even worse poison than the chemo. On Wednesday I was able to hold it down after chasing it with pho broth. Thursday was a different matter, no pho broth, my brain sent my stomach the signal "get that garbage outta there". I'll spare the gory details of what happened next, it lasted from Thursday afternoon until 5:00 AM Friday morning.

This week was somewhat better, I felt like Curly Howard. He said he tried to think but nothing happened, I had waves of nausea but nothing happened. I was told by the nurse who administered the chemo that I could eat what I wanted but I had to avoid alcohol and spicy food. I tested what she told by having Thai Green Curry for lunch. Not long after, I had the most horrendous after taste in my mouth. It was like I had eaten Ceiling Cat's pussy with Homelander eyes. Then it got spectacular, the spirit of Andre the Giant possessed me. I started ripping some of the longest, loudest farts in my was extraordinary. Needless to say that new Korean Restaurant that opened up in my neighbourhood will have to wait. My oncologist will have to explain why she though I could handle two poisons at once.

Jake explains how Andre got the Fezzik role in The Princess Bride.

I know we don't know eachother but I'll be thinking of you pal. You got this. Keep hanging in there. Kick cancers ass.


Active member
Oct 18, 2004
For 2 years PMH made my life hell. They could not make DX and kept pushing drugs on me.

Everyone can get 2nd opinion from Md Anderson for about 1.2K. They will request the slides from the hospitals but not all the hospitals are willing to give it. My aunt who attended Sunnybrook ended up in Hopkings. They requested slides 7 times but to no avail. They started from scratch and she is doing well. Her daughter is US citizen and she hardly pay for any medication.
Wow .This seems to be more about hospital and provincial protocol rather than the welfare and health of the patient. This pisses me off but I've dealt with Cancer doctors being idiots.
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Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
It's all in the mind brother..and support of family...I wanted to say fuck it and curl up and wait for the inevitable...but I still had so much I wanted to I just decided FUCK YOU!!!
My biggest worry at the moment is preventing my blood from going hypoglycemic, that could kill me. I drank two cans of ginger ale last night, just checked my blood sugar and got a reading of 5.2 just above the low end. Once I get to another round of chemo, I have to take the steroids again, that will spike my blood sugar to almost double digits. The oncologist put me on steroids for a week after my throat stated to swell.

I won't give up either, Arnold would say I was a pussy.

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Well-known member
My biggest worry at the moment is preventing my blood from going hypoglycemic, that could kill me. I drank two cans of ginger ale last night, just checked my blood sugar and got a reading of 5.2 just above the low end. Once I get to another round of chemo, I have to take the steroids again, that will spike my blood sugar to almost double digits. The oncologist put me on steroids for a week after my throat stated to swell.

I won't give up either, Arnold would say I was a pussy.

I was on prednisone..for 5 days after each treatment..had me wired..couldn't sleep antsie...full of energy...called the S/O...while she was on nights..told her...and she said if I was so wired..then clean the oven!!...LOL
Gotta have a sense of humor during those times

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
I was on prednisone..for 5 days after each treatment..had me wired..couldn't sleep antsie...full of energy...called the S/O...while she was on nights..told her...and she said if I was so wired..then clean the oven!!...LOL Gotta have a sense of humor during those times
I have 4 tablets of Dexamethasone to take before and after the chemo. The oncologist would not have sanctioned chemo if the swelling of my neck didn't go down. That would have been annoying, having to go through a real life M.A.S.H scenario with a straw in my planger gap so I could breathe. The roids worked.

I sent an e-mail to Mick Foley. I told him about seeing his "blood brother" Abdullah the Butcher at Maple Leaf Wrestling against The Mighty Igor. I didn't know Abdullah is Canadian from Windsor. He's become a successful restaurateur in Atalanta, only a supposed psycho could fuse chicken and waffles with Chinese food. Lawrence Shreve (Abdullah) is 82 now.

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I'm assuming Oakvilleguy's father didn't have access to zofran, anti-nausea medication the oncologist put me on. I should have asked what type of chemo I was on. I'll know as I'm scheduled for another round after Remembrance Day. You're right about the loss of tastebuds, which is why I went for the Thai Green Curry. Not expecting the horrid mouth feel I had I'd just eaten Sexy Hucka's rancid pussy. I couldn't get away with one cheek sneaks after I went Andre, everybody would have known.

thumper what were you diagnosed with, I have Non Hogkins Lymphoma. Being such a hard luck guy, the Mario Lemeiux version was not in the cards.

In other news Bill Maher should invite Francesca Fiorentini on Real Time.
I wish you all the best with your recovery. You got this!

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
At PMH they could not come up with DX. The problems in Canada they do not perform mutation study after Bone Marrow biopy. What I have is very rare forum of blood cancer. I decided to attend MD Anderson, after BM and genetic mutation. Proper DX was made. In Canada there is not one single hematologist who is familiar with the condition at the time of my DX. PMH now has hired top doctors from Dana Fabre on contract basis to teach their faculty. Health Canada still does not allow mutation studies. Unreal. I have been in Clinical remission for almost 7 years.
Gators which MD Anderson Clinic did you go to, the one in Ohio or in Dallas? I've never been to Texas always wanted to go there. I had trouble understanding some of what you wrote and didn't want to look like a Friends moron.
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