"Israel, Similar to Apartheid": Ekos Canada Poll


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Still trying to blame the occupation of Palestine on Palestinians?
It's pretty disgusting that in your Victorian mindset, you think Palestinians aren't capable of making their own choices and need you to tell them what to do.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005

Of course you missed it, you don't read. I've stated multiple times now that it's a false equivalence fallacy to compare caring about what Palestinians want when it concerns land and living conditions to caring about what they want if it's a Jewish purge. This is like arguing it's "against freedom" to have laws against murder. You are grasping at straws.

I've also told you who is going to keep the peace, police and military forces. Heck, maybe even UN peacekeepers if a one-state solution actually went through. Once Palestinians have equal rights, the violence will naturally dissipate over time.

I've told you all of this before, but you simply keep regurgitating the same debunked arguments and answered questions.
Wow. Talk about grasping at straws. Either you believe that Palestinian have a right to self determination or you don't. The fact that you put in all sorts of emotionally laden bullshit doesn't change the fact you are openly saying the world should force the Palestinians in to something they hate.

And of course you have no comment on exactly how terror groups like Hamas or PIJ that reject your elitist plan will be disarmed. Maybe you think they will just hand over their weapons because you say so.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Israeli ministers out and about.
Repeating some of basketcase's favourite lines 'there is no Palestine', 'arrest the terrorist'.....

Can you find a single post where I fail to condemn those racist assholes? Sadly you live in a paradigm based on one sided hatred so you think everyone else does. We both condemn racism from radical Jews. Sadly only one of us condemns racism from Palestinians leadership like the Holocaust denier Abbas or the genocidal terrorism of groups like Hamas who plan, conduct, and celebrate the murder of civilians.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Sorry but what peace treaties have the Palestinians signed?
They refused the Peel Commission plan, they refused Partition, they refused at Camp David, they rejected the Clinton Initiative and walked away from Olmert's 2008 offer.
Still blaming the victims for not wanting their country split in half by western colonialists?

Israel has been occupying Palestine for more than half a century now.

So their first choice is getting rid of Jews. Thanks for admitting that. Think that might be something worth condemning?
Funny that living under apartheid hasn't made them want to live with Israelis, isn't it?
Think its the 'Death to Arab' marches or something?
Not that you have any problem with those Israelis calling for taking all of Palestine or 'Judea and Samaria'.

The last poll I can find is 2015, where 86% of Palestinians back BDS.

If the only issue was exactly what land would be swapped (as Al Jazeera alleges), the deal would have been completed in a few weeks negotiation but Abbas knew that after generations of pushing for the elimination of Israel, the Palestinian public wouldn't support him and he'd lose his job to hardliners. I would say that the lack of peace in 2008 was 100% the fault of Abbas but we all know that even if Abbas had agreed to peace, groups like Hamas wouldn't go along with it.
Still blaming the victims for the occupation and now also blaming them for not signing a treaty without a map.
Hell, you still can't even provide a map of what you think the borders of Israel and Palestine are.

Its kind of amazing you defend a country when you can't even tell us where its borders lie.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Still blaming the victims for not wanting their country split in half by western colonialists?
Sorry but despite your low opinion of non-white people, Palestinian leadership make choices to reject peace and target civilians. I'm glad I live in a country who isn't afraid to condemn them for it.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Playing dumb again? There's a reason it was called the Gaza War.

And I see that you desperately avoid any mention of thousands of war crime rockets launched by Hamas during that war but instead want to demonize israel because it gave "only" the recommended amount of food to its enemies. At the same time that Hamas was sending thousands of war crime rocket at Israel, Israel was shipping thousands of tons of food to Hamas.
Not only can't you identify the borders of Israel and/or Palestine, now you can't say if they are at peace or at war.
Is it an illegal occupation or is it the one state apartheid solution?

Why can't you answer basic questions about this ethno state you love so much?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Sorry but despite your low opinion of non-white people,
This is offensive and unwarranted.

Palestinian leadership make choices to reject peace and target civilians. I'm glad I live in a country who isn't afraid to condemn them for it.
We live in a country that is opposed to apartheid.
A country where 60% of Canadians say Israel is apartheid.
A country that values equal rights and finds racists disgusting.

I'm glad I live here and can support the same Canadian values elsewhere.
Unlike some.

leadership make choices to reject peace and target civilians.
The Israeli leadership chose to reject peace and target civilian protesters ever Friday for a year, using snipers on women, children, disabled, medics, journalists and other civilians.

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
LOL! The world should certainly force people not to mass murder/expel entire groups of people (not that Palestinians are even in a position to do that to Israeli's). The fact you are attempting to spin not allowing mass murder/expulsion as denying a right to self-determination is hilarious and proves you only argue in bad faith. Your screen name is apt, and you certainly don't care at all that Israel has been doing mass murders and mass land expulsions since 1948.

Hamas and PIJ might as well be toddlers swinging fists at an adult. They have no power over Israel. If Israel were to give Palestinians equal rights, support for Hamas and PIJ would dry up with haste and they would become increasingly even less ineffectual until they dissolved completely.

It's quite clear at this point after 20 pages that you have nothing of substance to offer. You know that you're wrong and your arguments are weak, spurious and debunked - not only by the posters here on this thread but by academics, journalists and human right's groups across the globe. Yet, a fragile ego will not allow you to make the concession. Either that, or you're just trolling. Either way, I don't need to waste further time on you.
Its like every post by basketcase is his own Rubicon speech.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Not only can't you identify the borders of Israel and/or Palestine, now you can't say if they are at peace or at war.
Is it an illegal occupation or is it the one state apartheid solution?

Why can't you answer basic questions about this ethno state you love so much?
Of course a Palestinian ethno-state doesn't bother you in the slightest.

And your attempts at distraction are weak. Hamas which rules Gaza and Israel were at war. While Hamas was firing thousand of war crime rockets towards the Israeli population, Israel was sending enough food to Hamas to support their population.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
It isn't exactly a war. War is between countries.

This is more like a conflict where one COUNTRY (Israel) is oppressing an ethnic group of people (Palestinians) who have no rights to even control the tiny city they live in.
Yep, Israel is "oppressing" Gaza by making hamas fire thousands of rockets towards Israeli populations.

And yes, it was a war. Gaza is fully controlled by Hamas. It may not be officially a country but the differences are minimal.

It's tricky but even you must know that there is not a single Israeli in Gaza (actually not quite right, I think Hamas still holds hostage a mentally ill Israeli who snuck across the border).


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
It's understandable given their circumstances so I'd rather focus my condemnation on the one's responsible, Israel.
Well thanks for admitting that you're okay with genocidal nationalism when it comes from the Palestinians.

This is based on PCPSR polling of Palestinians, not 'second-hand analysis:'
Wow you're embarrassing yourself. Were you not able to read the heading of your link?
Analysis and op-eds. As I said, second hand analysis.

This is the actual polling.


The executive analysis for their September polling is up but as normal, I will wait for the raw data instead of analysis.

Besides, if what the Palestinians want is not realistic then it's irrelevant.
Ah, the elitist colonial attitude telling them what's good for them. thanks for once again proving how little you actually care about palestinian self-determination.

(1) Lmao! First of all, this map was drawn by Abbas on a napkin based on a map Olmert had shown him but would not allow him to take a copy:

"Olmert met in mid-2008 with Mahmoud Abbas and showed him a map of the proposed swaps. Abbas was not allowed to keep a copy of the map, and so the 73-year-old Palestinian president had to sketch a copy by hand on a napkin...A set of talking points prepared by the NSU included a great deal of confusion about Olmert’s offer; the memo urged Abbas to ask for a copy of the map, and raised a number of questions about the territory swaps."

Hmm....not sketchy at all! 😂

(2) Secondly, allowing a symbolic number of Palestinian refugees into Israel would not resolve the issue — because descendants of Palestinian refugees now numbered in the millions at that point and were scattered across the region.

(3) Finally, the proposed deal was crap and would have taken MORE land from the Palestinians, not given them anything extra:

"Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert wanted to annex more than 10% of the West Bank (including the major settlements in Ma’ale Adumim, Ariel and elsewhere), in exchange for sparsely-populated farmland along the Gaza Strip and the West Bank...Israel would keep all of its major West Bank settlements – Ma’ale Adumim, Ariel, Kedumim and others – none of which were included in the Palestinian offers.

PA offered to concede almost all of East Jerusalem, an historic concession for which Israel offered nothing in return.

Olmert also proposed a 'safe passage' – a territorial link between the West Bank and Gaza – that would be under Palestinian control yet remain under Israeli sovereignty. A special road would connect Bethlehem with Ramallah, bypassing East Jerusalem." <------Not much of a "safe passage" if the enemy owns it. This was at a time when Palestinians wanted and could reasonably ask for a geographically contiguous State that corresponded with the 1967 borders, based on how much land they still had at the time of this offer.

Conclusion: Olmert offered a crappy and ambiguous deal that he wasn't even willing to put in writing or share a map of publicly. He wanted Abbas to sign this deal at the meeting, when the details weren't even put in writing by Olmert. This was after Abbas was willing to concede almost all of East Jerusalem. Israel wanted to annex MORE land in exchange for a few tracts of bad farmland. Nobody with an ounce of common sense would accept such a raw deal.
Did you ever read what you wrote?

1) Abbas' napkin was copied from the map he was shown which is the map I posted.
2) I know you don't care what Palestinians want but the most recent polling I could find has only 10% of refugees wanting to move to Israel. The poll is dated but I can't find any PCPSR polls more recent.
3) Why do you feel the need to make things up when the actual data is available?

Conclusion. Abbas didn't even make a counterproposal. He could have negotiated the number of refugees/descendants, he could have negotiated the amount or which land would be swapped (he is on record supporting the idea). Instead he walked away and made absolutely zero attempt to pursue ANY kind of negotiations, probably a) because it might threaten his cash cow, and b) because he knew most Palestinian factions wouldn't go along.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
LOL! The world should certainly force people not to mass murder/expel entire groups of people (not that Palestinians are even in a position to do that to Israeli's). The fact you are attempting to spin not allowing mass murder/expulsion as denying a right to self-determination is hilarious and proves you only argue in bad faith. Your screen name is apt, and you certainly don't care at all that Israel has been doing mass murders and mass land expulsions since 1948.

Hamas and PIJ might as well be toddlers swinging fists at an adult. They have no power over Israel. If Israel were to give Palestinians equal rights, support for Hamas and PIJ would dry up with haste and they would become increasingly even less ineffectual until they dissolved completely.

It's quite clear at this point after 20 pages that you have nothing of substance to offer. You know that you're wrong and your arguments are weak, spurious and debunked - not only by the posters here on this thread but by academics, journalists and human right's groups across the globe. Yet, a fragile ego will not allow you to make the concession. Either that, or you're just trolling. Either way, I don't need to waste further time on you.
Just like Franky, a bunch of emotionally laden, factually deficient word salad trying to explain how you know far more than Palestinians.

For example, do you know what led to Hamas' formation? It has a lot to do with the PLO moving towards some kind of relations with Israel. You have this infantile view that Palestinians are just helpless victims while ignoring things like Hamas raison d'etre being the formation of an Islamic Caliphate. I would love it if Hamas et al lost sway but as it is, they have a shit load of weapons and aren't afraid to use them on anyone who threatens their power.
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