"Israel, Similar to Apartheid": Ekos Canada Poll


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
That is some evil shit right there man to control land, air and sea, bomb them to hell, and then only allow a certain number of calories per day and call it "humane". It's like this Israeli guy once argued with me how kind Israel was for dropping leaflets informing people in Gaza of an impending airstrike, while cutting off access to every route out of Gaza. Psychological terror at its finest.
It continues to be simple. Toss Hamas out. Say you want peace. Negotiate a separate state. Sign a peace deal.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Yeah how dumb of both the Israelis and Palestinians to not realize how simple it was!
The Israelis do. They have signed several peace treaties with the likes of Egypt, And other nations in the region. And held them.

The Palestinians however have never even tried. Have they?


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2022
The Israelis do. They have signed several peace treaties with the likes of Egypt, And other nations in the region. And held them.

The Palestinians however have never even tried. Have they?
You are an excellent candidate for the Darwin Award.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I love when you argue against your own rights groups and international law.

At times, civilians may take part in hostilities without formally belonging to any regular armed force. This may happen, most notably, in the context of spontaneous uprisings in occupied territories. It may also occur in other armed conflicts where the distinction between civilians and combatants becomes more difficult. In such cases, civilians who directly take part in hostilities temporarily lose the protection provided for civilians, but only for the duration of their participation in the hostilities (API Art. 51.3, APII Art. 13.3).
I find it disgusting that you accuse Palestinian protesters in Gaza of 'taking part in hostilities' to justify shooting them every Friday for a year during the Great March of Return. Every Friday for a year Israeli snipers shot civilians and you defended it claiming it was the people of Gaza who were 'violent'. You claim to quote international law but only to defend war crimes. You want to claim settlers as civilians even when they are committing 99 attacks a month on Palestinian civilians. You claim to support international law while ignoring the fact that every single settlement is illegal, a war crime.

Since the start of the year there have been at least 99 incidents where settlers have attacked Palestinians, where it is clear they are not acting as civilians.

You still act as though Israel is on the right side of the law and morality while ignoring 99% of the law and reports.

You defend apartheid and violence on civilians so vicious it makes Hamas look like the freedom convoy.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Still trying to pretend Palestinians are so far beneath you that they can't be accountable for their actions?
Still trying to blame the occupation of Palestine on Palestinians?
Still trying to blame Palestinians for apartheid?

Using the wife beater's defence that its all the fault of the victims is disgusting.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
No idea where you get your data from because recent polling also 76 % of Palestinians reject a One State peace and 70% oppose a two State peace. It has me wondering if there is any kind of peace plan Palestinians support.
They don't support the two state solution because its no longer feasible because of the settlements you claim 'aren't the problem'.
Today, 71% believe the two-state solution is no longer practical due to settlement expansion but 27% believe it is still practical. Moreover, 76% believe that the chances for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel in the next five years are slim or nonextant, and 23% believe the chances are medium or high. Three months ago, 71% said that the two-state solution is no longer practical due to settlement expansion.

30 years after Oslo Palestinians have been taught that Israel won't negotiate.

The only non-violent path forward is supporting BDS to end apartheid.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Yeah how dumb of both the Israelis and Palestinians to not realize how simple it was!
It is simple. Unfortunately the leadership on both sides benefit from the status quo. Netanyahu gets to keep in power (which is his only motivation), the PA gets it's uncontrolled corruption, Hamas millionaires make more money and justify their exitance.

It is also unfortunately that people like you keep pretending Palestinians should have no agency or responsibility for their choices.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Seriously? It had to be the only war in history where one of the sides feeding the enemy but you have this pathetic need to try and claim Israel is evil because of it.
You're defending calorie counting all of Gaza?
Where 10% of the children are permanently stunted because of malnutrition?

Its one thing to defend racist policies like apartheid and ethnic cleansing but to defend disfiguring children is another level.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Yeah they signed peace treaties with everyone that did not matter and had their own countries.
Sorry but what peace treaties have the Palestinians signed?
They refused the Peel Commission plan, they refused Partition, they refused at Camp David, they rejected the Clinton Initiative and walked away from Olmert's 2008 offer.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You're defending calorie counting all of Gaza?
I'm defending Israel as the only country in the world that ever shipped food to their enemy during a war. Hell of a lot better than Hamas shipping thousands of unguided rockets towards Israeli cities during that same conflict.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I'm defending Israel as the only country in the world that ever shipped food to their enemy during a war.
Now you're claiming Israel is at war?
With what country?

The Gaza strip is the world's largest open air prison, its not a country where things are 'shipped'.
Gaza: Israel’s ‘Open-Air Prison’ at 15

How long did the Warsaw Ghetto last?
There are teenagers there who have known nothing else, who have lived through countless Israeli attacks and total control of everything that goes in and out of Gaza.

2,279 Calories per Person: How Israel Made Sure Gaza Didn't Starve
State forced to release 'red lines' document for food consumption in the coastal Strip following legal battle; official: state has right to determine who it assists.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Funny you have no idea, as I've already posted it before, here it is again:

"Further, most Palestinians believe that a two-state solution is unlikely to emerge from the conflict. Instead, a majority of them say they prefer to reclaim all of historic Palestine, including the pre-1967 Israel. A one-state solution with Arabs and Jews holding equal rights comes in second. Similarly, recent polling from PCPSR finds support among Palestinians and Israeli Jews for a two-state solution has dropped to 43 percent and 42 percent, respectively."
So their first choice is getting rid of Jews. Thanks for admitting that. Think that might be something worth condemning?

And you shouldn't rely on second hand analysis because their polls show that far more Palestinians oppose a One State peace than a two state one.

Also from PCPSR: June polling
But I'm sure you support that belief.

And sorry but Abbas was shown the map and walked away without even making a counter-offer. There was an offer on the table for a Palestinian state on the equivalent of 100% of West Bank/Gaza with land swaps, a land corridor between Gaza and the West Bank, international oversight for the Holy Basin, citizenship for some Palestinian refugees and compensation for the rest as well as assistance to settle in Palestine, the state of their birth, or an accepting third country like Canada (and polling of refugees have only single figure percentages wanting to become Israeli). The map was even published by Al Jazeera.

If the only issue was exactly what land would be swapped (as Al Jazeera alleges), the deal would have been completed in a few weeks negotiation but Abbas knew that after generations of pushing for the elimination of Israel, the Palestinian public wouldn't support him and he'd lose his job to hardliners. I would say that the lack of peace in 2008 was 100% the fault of Abbas but we all know that even if Abbas had agreed to peace, groups like Hamas wouldn't go along with it.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I find it disgusting that you accuse Palestinian protesters in Gaza of 'taking part in hostilities' ..
I find it disgusting that you choose to ignore Palestinian violence and support their attacks on Jewish civilians.

Plenty of video and photographic evidence showing violence, firebombs, gunmen, and explosives. Plenty of people there were peaceful but not all of them.

Of course you have routinely tried to count Palestinians killed during attacks on Jews as innocent civilians so it's nothing new.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Now you're claiming Israel is at war?
Playing dumb again? There's a reason it was called the Gaza War.

And I see that you desperately avoid any mention of thousands of war crime rockets launched by Hamas during that war but instead want to demonize israel because it gave "only" the recommended amount of food to its enemies. At the same time that Hamas was sending thousands of war crime rocket at Israel, Israel was shipping thousands of tons of food to Hamas.
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