"Israel, Similar to Apartheid": Ekos Canada Poll


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Well Israel attacks and kills Palestinian civilians on the regular. Their logic is that the militants are hiding amongst civilians. Well if they are, leave them be! Palestinian militants have no way of attacking the mighty Israeli army. They just have dumb homemade rockets most of which are easily shot down by Israel. So the Israeli crime even here, is bigger.

Canada condemning terror groups is a matter of politics. For example, they have designated the Proud Boys terrorists (rightfully) while not having banned the Khalistani movement despite Khalistanis bombing a plane back in the 1980s and the majority killed were Canadians. These are usually performative and don't make for a good faith discussion.
Your claim is severely misleading. It sure seems that the majority of people killed by Israel were directly involved in violence at the time of their death so according to international law are not entitled to civilian protections. There are civilians killed at times, either by accident, mis-identification or when in battle with Palestinian militants. I'm sure that there are also some Israelis who intentionally kill civilians but it is not policy the way it is with terror groups (who like Franky pretend all Jews are legit targets because they are in land they want).

And 100% wrong that Palestinian fighters have no way of attacking the military; they do and on a regular basis. The terrorist aspects of groups like Hamas and PIJ are nor because they CAN'T attack military but because they are likely to die in combat. It is their CHOICE to go after softer targets like buses, restaurants, or drivers and that is why they are designated as terrorist groups.

As for politics, there may be some terrorist groups not on that list but it is undoubtable that groups on the list are terrorists, including the Jewish terrorist group Kach.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
For them to buy into peace, you have to first stop oppressing them. Israel is the oppressor, not the other way around.
Treating Palestinians like children isn't going to make things better. The only thing that will is international pressure on both sides. Honestly the Palestinian leadership should be worried right now as more Arabs states start to normalize relations with Israel. Those Arabs states have obviously never cared for the Palestinians other than as a way to distract their own people but them backing away from open support of Palestinians will leave the PA with little backing other than Westerners with elitist ideas of how the conflict can be solved without consulting the Palestinians.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I back both sides being held to the law equally.
You keep saying those words. I don't think they mean what you think they mean.

Sorry but your arguments show your catch phrase is 100% a bullshit coverup for your hatreds.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Why do you think Palestinian leaders are responsible for a 75 year old foreign occupation of their country?
Because they refuse to accept the idea of peace. Is that too complicated? The PA has sort of talked about accepting some kind of peace but those other well armed Palestinian factions don't.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Another story that grandpa will never let you know occurred.

Settlers and IDF. Working for the same goal….ethnic cleansing

Disgusting but still better than Palestinians shooting Jewish drivers.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Your claim is severely misleading. It sure seems that the majority of people killed by Israel were directly involved in violence at the time of their death so according to international law are not entitled to civilian protections.
The UN says the occupation is illegal, which means that ever settler is involved in the occupation and its ensuing violence by your logic.

You keep saying those words. I don't think they mean what you think they mean.

Sorry but your arguments show your catch phrase is 100% a bullshit coverup for your hatreds.
In Canada we believe in equal rights, in giving every person here basic human rights.
Pity you don't believe in Canadian values about equality.
Pity you're more interested in backing racial supremacy and colonial settlers.

Because they refuse to accept the idea of peace. Is that too complicated? The PA has sort of talked about accepting some kind of peace but those other well armed Palestinian factions don't.
Now you're blaming the apartheid occupation on the attitudes of the victims? Are you saying they deserve apartheid because they don't accept apartheid?
Or are now the thought police?
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You sure are doing a good job denying them agency or culpability for their actions.
Still trying to blame the victims of a 75 year old occupation for being occupied?
You think Palestinians are to blame for the Israeli occupation of their homeland?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Simply because the Palestinians reject the idea.
BDS has about 80% support with Palestinians.

You think that means they reject boycotts, sanctions and divestment to end apartheid?
You really should stop claiming you know what Palestinians think or that you represent them in any way.

What is BDS?

The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement works to end international support for Israel's oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I read somewhere that Israel used calorie counts to allow just the right amount of food into Gaza at one point man. That's some fucked up shit right there if that happened.
That happened, but Israel stopped it when that info got out and it made them look a touch Nazi like.
That was in 2012 when they were just starting the blockade of Gaza.
That blockade is now 17 years old, its a war crime of collective punishment.

Its also true that 10% of the kids in Gaza were and still are stunted through malnutrition under the Israeli occupation and blockade.

I'm trying to remember, but I think when the WHO reported on Israeli policy physically deforming children through starvation Israel responded by kicking WHO out of Gaza.
Basketcase of course blames Hamas and Palestinians.
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
The UN says the occupation is illegal, which means that ever settler is involved in the occupation and its ensuing violence by your logic.
I love when you argue against your own rights groups and international law.

At times, civilians may take part in hostilities without formally belonging to any regular armed force. This may happen, most notably, in the context of spontaneous uprisings in occupied territories. It may also occur in other armed conflicts where the distinction between civilians and combatants becomes more difficult. In such cases, civilians who directly take part in hostilities temporarily lose the protection provided for civilians, but only for the duration of their participation in the hostilities (API Art. 51.3, APII Art. 13.3).


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I read somewhere that Israel used calorie counts to allow just the right amount of food into Gaza at one point man. That's some fucked up shit right there if that happened.
You should try reading facts instead of relying on what you 'read somewhere'.

Israel provided aid to Gaza even during active fighting. Israel provided the amount of calories recommended by the WHO. But sure, pretend that it is Israel's responsibility to send luxuries to Hamas' Gaza while they and Gaza were at war.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Still trying to blame the victims of a 75 year old occupation for being occupied?
You think Palestinians are to blame for the Israeli occupation of their homeland?
Still trying to pretend Palestinians are so far beneath you that they can't be accountable for their actions?

And thanks for once again admitting you consider all of Israel to be Occupied territory. Considering you have repeatedly said Jews have no right to be in occupied territory, it shows pretty clearly that your claims for equal rights are bullshit.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
No...the Israeli's want it even less. Palestinians rate a one-state solution as their second favorite option.
No idea where you get your data from because recent polling also 76 % of Palestinians reject a One State peace and 70% oppose a two State peace. It has me wondering if there is any kind of peace plan Palestinians support.

Right, neither side wants a One State peace. Israel has officially accepted the concept of a Two State peace but the current government isn't going to move towards it. Olmert offered a comprehensive Two State deal in 2008 which was fully compliant to what the UN and Arab League wanted but like with Partition and the Peel Commission, the Palestinian leadership rejected it.

Last I checked, polling of Israelis is pretty close or just below 50% of Israelis supporting a Two State peace.

p.s. I must have missed your explanation for why you criticize the Brits for not consulting the people living there while while refusing to consult what the people there want in regard to a One State peace. And I'm still waiting for you to explain who is going to go in to Gaza or Jenin to disarm Hamas and PIJ.
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