China’s full collapse has begun


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Unless you are driving a truck to Ottawa
You do know they were not in trouble because they were protesting but how they were protesting.

Let me explain this to you via protest which you seem a huge fan of.
Tell me where you live, I'll show up at your home, blaring my horn at all hours in the morning and block your ability to enter and leave your home as well as harass you. That would be fine right, because protest.
I suppose if I want to protest something by smashing a baseball bat across your skull, shitting on your yard and fucking your dog, hey, freedom of speech right.

Fuck, it's been ages, people must have pointed this out on some thread you have read. What is it you don't understand.

[and I feel the same way about any protest where people get in your face] Your right to free speech ends at my face, much like your right to fuck, to religion, to association etc. ]
Funny how people who fly the banner of freedom seem to have no problem forcing themselves on others.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
You underestimate the ability of the government to influence economic and social policy.
A lot of countries have tried to fix the fertility rate and they have all pretty much failed in any significant way. Sometimes you move some planned births forward but that's it.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
You do know they were not in trouble because they were protesting but how they were protesting.

Let me explain this to you via protest which you seem a huge fan of.
Tell me where you live, I'll show up at your home, blaring my horn at all hours in the morning and block your ability to enter and leave your home as well as harass you. That would be fine right, because protest.
I suppose if I want to protest something by smashing a baseball bat across your skull, shitting on your yard and fucking your dog, hey, freedom of speech right.

Fuck, it's been ages, people must have pointed this out on some thread you have read. What is it you don't understand.

[and I feel the same way about any protest where people get in your face] Your right to free speech ends at my face, much like your right to fuck, to religion, to association etc. ]
Funny how people who fly the banner of freedom seem to have no problem forcing themselves on others.
Might they have left, if they’d been given the time of day?

And the same can’t be said of, say, LGBQT or pride? Outside of not knowing when to leave? Or whoever it was that occupied land in the US a year or so ago? Where was the condemnation then?

So apparently, one rule for thee, but not for me?

this kind of stuff can go on indefinitely.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
1: It's nowhere near as bad, a birth rate of 1 is a lot different from, what 1.65ish?
2: People don't scream about the end being near, they scream about doing something about it like bringing in immigrants. China is too hostile for that to happen and at 1.X billion [who knows the true numbers] there are not enough immigrants in the world to fix that.
1. It's more like 1.40 vs 1.26. but who's counting.
2. "like bringing in immigrants." I don't know anyone screaming that. 😁
But my thing is Globalism has told us there is only 1 solution, but why can't there be other solutions? When you have a country that is transitioning from physical labour to intellectual labour, having 1 billion people is extreme.

There can be more than 1 strategy.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
With a demographic collapse (half as many 5yr olds as 10) and birth rates in free fall, a housing market (30% of GDP) that is going bankrupt, and massive debt, there is no one to right the sinking Chinese ship. Xi is a Mao style cult of personality dictator that has disappeared all rivals and dissolved the professional government class to do his will. Traditional US allies (S. Korea, Japan, Taiwan) are being joined by non-allied regional nations like India in looking to contain and weaken China’s influece domestically and internationall.
Welcome back!

Not a single post in more than 3 years and about 30 since yesterday.

I was afraid you had died. Seriously.

Anyway, hope you've been well.
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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
As to the thread at hand, a collapse of China is not surprising. When you have a communist / controlled system, it never ever works. Anytime the government tries to manipulate the economy, it ends in disaster and China is the poster child for that. This weird sort of hybrid capitalist communist system where the central party sets GDP requirements before the fact, where industry is built by the government and yet has no market for their product, sooner or later, the whole damn thing will implode.

I remember reading somewhere that there something like a thousand steel mills in China which provide product for a nonexistent market. So they make kajillions of tons of steel and nobody buys it because there is no market so you've got hundreds of thousands of acres of land filled with steel nobody wants. But those tons all get valued and added to their GDP.

The whole thing is a giant house of cards.

You can bitch about a free market economy like we have in North America and to a lesser extent, Europe, but it truly is the best economic system. If you can't make it, you close shop. In the end, it balances out. But the Chinese just keep churning out product and building entire cities that no-one lives in. It's insane. But it does explain how they can build railways and canals and bridges and highways in Africa for free. Might as well as all the materials are just going to turn to rust in a damn field somewhere if you don't. Only problem is sooner or later, the chickens come home to roost.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Unless you are driving a truck to Ottawa
They didn't do it peacefully. If a bunch of people piled hundreds of gas cans up in the USA in the Nation's Capital what would be the response.

And if you looked out of your home and saw said pile would you be so cavalier?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
So then who really has social unrest?

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Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Welcome back!

Not a single post in more than 3 years and about 30 since yesterday.

I was afraid you had died. Seriously.

Anyway, hope you've been well.
I got randomly banned and just walked away - how many fucking Trump threads can you read.

Alive and thriving, thanks for asking.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Nothing will happen. China will be fine. People like to come to extraordinary conclusions.
And house prices will only go up


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022

This stuff is done and over with.

I'd even say Canada covid protest with truckers was worse.

Anything you point at with china, is the same situation with any other developed nation.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
This stuff is done and over with.

I'd even say Canada covid protest with truckers was worse.
I'd say its the precursor. I'm Curious how much the PRC pays you by the post btw?


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Chinese government is fully aware of their population decline. If they had forced people to have one kid before, you will be foolish to think they won't be successful forcing people to have >2 kids. People are obedient, and anything can been accmozplised in the name of patriotism.

On a side note, it was believed that TikTok was created by China to turn western kids trans, so we here in Canada and USA are doomed too.
Industrialization, when people move from the farm to the city, increases productivity but reduces fertility. On the farm kids are free labor, in the city they are a luxury good, especially in densely populated areas.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
I'd say its the precursor.
Every country has a doom and gloom story.

I could point to a lot of different things here like homelessness, house prices, inflation, government spending, infrastructure , weak job market etc. It's all overblown.

I'm Curious how much the PRC pays you by the post btw?
They matched the salary the Biden administration pays you.

Open your eyes, they moment China was projected to overtake the American economy for number 1, That's when the sanctions and hit pieces started popping up.

They know China is far ahead of them in key areas and closing ground where they are behind.
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Well-known member
Sep 11, 2004
China's problem in a nutshell.
Reversing the one child policy won't be easy. A grand son who has to take care of 2 parents + 4 grand parents will not have many kids.

View attachment 255393
It was reversed in 2016. But couples do not want to have more kids. Basically happens everywhere once women have more education.
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Every country has a doom and gloom story.

I could point to a lot of different things here like homelessness, house prices, inflation, government spending, infrastructure , weak job market etc. It's all overblown.

They matched the salary the Biden administration pays you.

Open your eyes, they moment China was projected to overtake the American economy for number 1, That's when the sanctions and hit pieces started popping up. They know China is far ahead of them in key areas and closing ground where they are behind.
Um, you might want to check with the other posters about that Biden

And China is, like the rest of the world, not in good shape. But unlike many other parts of the world, doesn't have the same tools to weather it.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
Um, you might want to check with the other posters about that Biden

And China is, like the rest of the world, not in good shape. But unlike many other parts of the world, doesn't have the same tools to weather it.
They have different tools. You were taught to believe the Globalist G7 plan is the only way.

You don't get it. It isn't that they aren't playing by the rules, they are making their own rules.

China is is ahead of everyone in manufacturing goods, solar panels, Electric cars, The US pays their scientist to do research for them, they are forming their own strategic global system. They are gaining ground in chip making and robotics. And all this is done with America trying to block them.

If that's the resume of a country soon to fully collapse, then what are we? We don't even have high-speed rail here.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
They have different tools. You were taught to believe the Globalist G7 plan is the only way.

You don't get it. It isn't that they aren't playing by the rules, they are making their own rules.

China is is ahead of everyone in manufacturing goods, solar panels, Electric cars, The US pays their scientist to do research for them, they are forming their own strategic global system. They are gaining ground in chip making and robotics. And all this is done with America trying to block them.

If that's the resume of a country soon to fully collapse, then what are we? We don't even have high-speed rail here.
Rail is what you do if you can’t afford a highway system and your people are too poor to fly.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
BBC News - Evergrande: Shares in the crisis-hit Chinese developer plunge by 80%
Chinese people are restricted in what they can invest in. They have capital controls that keeps their money in country, there are very few equities they can buy so they buy real estate as a store of wealth. It’s 30% of the second largest economy in the world and it’s collapsing.
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