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Don't Get Married!!!


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
@probyn Did you just get dumped by your SP?

@canada-man - Well yeah, the show helps us to identify these wonderful ladies for us not to fall in the pit.
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Well-known member
May 23, 2005
After 2 failed marriages, and after knowing how bad things have to be before most couples will actually consider getting a divorce, plus given that the general divorce rate is probably around 50%, I would advise a son:

"Only consider marriage if you have high confidence that it will work out, and it's not just about the sex, AND IF YOU WANT TO HAVE KIDS. Otherwise don't do it!"


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
It was refreshing to see a video that explains things from a woman's perspective. LOL


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Canada is now forced to import couples from countries that have arranged marriages to take up the slack and deficiencies in the Canadian workforce, and to counter Canadians having less marriages, higher divorce rates and accelerations in the already falling birth rate. There will be a large baby boom in Canada in the next 5- 10 years from couples from India and soon to be married students from India in arranged marriages.

“Don’t get married “ has a macro effect on the economy in many ways.

For example as the boomers fade out, cottages prices are really starting to see deflation in their prices.


Respected Member
Mar 9, 2016
Funny how guys with shitty marriages say never get married
and guys with great marriages say how great it is to get married.

It's almost as if this "advice" doesn't provide any wisdom about relationships or marriages at all.
It's almost as if everyone's just sharing their personal experience as some universal truth lol


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
After 2 failed marriages, and after knowing how bad things have to be before most couples will actually consider getting a divorce, plus given that the general divorce rate is probably around 50%, I would advise a son:

"Only consider marriage if you have high confidence that it will work out, and it's not just about the sex, AND IF YOU WANT TO HAVE KIDS. Otherwise don't do it!"
No need to marry to have kids.


Active member
Jan 7, 2016
Funny how guys with shitty marriages say never get married
and guys with great marriages say how great it is to get married.

It's almost as if this "advice" doesn't provide any wisdom about relationships or marriages at all.
It's almost as if everyone's just sharing their personal experience as some universal truth lol
Being 100% honest, I’ve never heard a guy in a ‘great marriage’ ever recommend getting married either lol it’s either ‘don’t get married’ or ‘take your time, don’t rush into things’ …that’s as far as the spectrum goes.


Respected Member
Mar 9, 2016
That's too bad. Plenty of guys I know have phenomenal marriages and tell me exactly what you said: "Don't rush into it." But they usually add on "...but when you do find The One, it's great and totally worth the effort."

Being 100% honest, I’ve never heard a guy in a ‘great marriage’ ever recommend getting married either lol it’s either ‘don’t get married’ or ‘take your time, don’t rush into things’ …that’s as far as the spectrum goes.


Active member
Jan 7, 2016
That's too bad. Plenty of guys I know have phenomenal marriages and tell me exactly what you said: "Don't rush into it." But they usually add on "...but when you do find The One, it's great and totally worth the effort."
I do believe you. It’s a good discussion to have. I’m also likely much older than you & seen more. In this part of the world, the chips are stacked against men at every level.

only thing I’d say from personal experience, you’ll have a much better marriage if you have a good foundation of friendship. The 23 hour rule. Even if by some miracle you fucked for an hour every day, what about the other 23 hours? Lol wish someone told me that when I was younger.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
My first marriage.
I married a very attractive Sicilian. If you want an idea, check out Milani at secrets. They could almost be sisters.

Loved her, loved her mother, family, how tight knit they were. Years later, we divorced. Not friendly, but amicably. We are after all adults, and we both said “ I do”. I still love Nona, miss her quite a bit. It wasn’t until I was really grown up, and I started reflecting on things, looking inwards. That I truly discovered myself, understood myself. The way I think, my motivations for doing this or that, for not doing this or that. My likes, my dislikes, my wants and needs out of life. Getting a call from a Doctor the first week of January to be told there’s cancerous bomb in my head. Coming home from work in February, to the proverbial “Dear John, empty home letter”. Waiting a few more months, for the surgery to remove it. All while not knowing if I’d see my girls the next Christmas. Having bankers, lawyers, rape me. Splitting up, all the things I’d worked so hard to achieve over a life. The big house, the white picket fence, the things that decorated the house, the things we had bought, the things we thought were important….

Nothing like.
Losing more than half your net worth, all told about 70-80%….your kids, your things, and almost your life, in the span of a couple months. To figure out what’s important, and what’s not…

My second.
Coming out of my divorce a couple years later I knew who I was. I knew what I wanted out of life. A few false starts with a few. I watched many friends, men and women alike mistake lust for love. I watched men chase pussy like they were teens again, bitching about gold diggers. I watched my divorced female friends chasing cock, bitching about unfaithful men. I watched both cry

“why are there no good ones left”.

Me, I worked on me. Spent the time to figure out who I was. When we met, neither of us were looking for it. We spent the next 6 months dating. Getting to know each other, becoming the best of friends, before we got physical. The old school way. All our friends envied us, can’t understand why……As for my friends that tried to find it, but could never understand why each relationship crashed and burned……

How can anyone, anyone. Know who and what is right for you. If you don’t know yourself first.. Generally, with a broad brush stroke. Most men I know don’t work on themselves, and don’t or aren’t all that self aware.

And with respect..divorces, separations, and common law break ups, . about 60-70% of them grow apart, fall apart and will go through it.

I wonder why…
Last edited:


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
For f**ks sake, don't get married and don't live common law!!!

Just see SPs.

So don't marry a girl that's so full of herself. Try not to be full of yourself while you're at it...
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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
You don't even have to be married or common law to be raked over the coals.

There was one case where a woman rejected the mans offer of marriage. He like a simp paid her bills anyways, they went on vacations, they never moved in together and never had kids. Some judge fucked him over for a huge amount. Of course he didn't arrange a prenup or cohabitation agreement because there were no fucking nuptials or co-habitation but fuck him, he has a penis.
Also if she has kids and you start acting like a parent, they will make you one of the original father can't pay the bills.
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Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
You don't even have to be married or common law to be raked over the coals.

There was one case where a woman rejected the mans offer of marriage. He like a simp paid her bills anyways, they went on vacations, they never moved in together and never had kids. Some judge fucked him over for a huge amount. Of course he didn't arrange a prenup or cohabitation agreement because there were no fucking nuptials or co-habitation but fuck him, he has a penis.
Also if she has kids and you start acting like a parent, they will make you one of the original father can't pay the bills.
Here is the post where the guy that got screwed. Never pay for anything while in the gf/bf phase.

Link A

" Under Ontario law, an unmarried couple are considered common-law spouses if they have cohabited — lived together in a conjugal relationship — continuously for at least three years. But that doesn’t necessarily mean living in the same home, the court found. "

Link B

Don't do what he did in Link B.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Here is the post where the guy that got screwed. Never pay for anything while in the gf/bf phase.

Link A

" Under Ontario law, an unmarried couple are considered common-law spouses if they have cohabited — lived together in a conjugal relationship — continuously for at least three years. But that doesn’t necessarily mean living in the same home, the court found. "

Link B

Don't do what he did in Link B.
Link B.
Under common law. If one partner “assumes” the role of responsibility for the other partners children ( paying for things)…which he most certainly did in spades….that “responsibility” ( not sure right term/phrase) continues.

Right/wrong? To each their own.
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