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Hunter Biden heading for a trial


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Because the committee needs to investigate Hunter first, in order to eventually impeach Joe. Most of Joe's corruption, was done through Hunter's business dealings. By the way, Hunter's recovering drug addiction, is absolutely no excuse, for Hunter's deviant and corrupt behaviour!!

Hunter is very lucky his last name is "Biden", or Hunter would be in jail by now!!
In 5 years of rump appointed investigations they haven't found any sign of corruption with Joe Biden.
Why do you think they will?

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Exactly. Thanks goodness the GOP gained control of the house in 2022. Also that those two democrat IRS whistleblowers came forward. Those IRS whistleblowers put Garland, Weiss and Joe Biden, in a whole bunch of controversy!! That's why Weiss changed his story, three times in the last month!!
I don’t think Garland cares either way. I think his primary concern is trying to restore public confidence in the DOJ. To that end, it seems to me that Garland will go out of his way to appear unbiased to the point that he will overachieve in going after Hunter Biden…Kinda like the baseball coach who is extra tough on his own kid to show the other kids he doesn’t favour his son.

As far as Weiss goes, I think you are right. He received overwhelming criticism from the Right for Hunter’s “sweetheart” plea deal and seems like he is trying to atone for it now. I think he will just keep “investigating” Hunter indefinitely for…I dunno what…It doesn’t matter. As long as Trump and the GOP can truthfully say that Hunter is “under investigation” they will be happy. Same thing Trump was trying to do with Zelensky in Ukraine when he got impeached the first time.

As far as Joe Biden goes, he would obviously prefer that this matter would just get resolved and go away…but until someone presents actual credible evidence that Joe was involved in Hunter’s crimes I will just keep 💤 to the smears and disinformation that the GOP keep spewing.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Frank, it's very simple. Biden is NOT "allowing an independent investigation". There is nothing to be commended.

In our system, an independent judiciary is an inherent principle. What President Biden does or doesn't do with the Judiciary is neither here nor there to that principle.
It’s not supposed to be that way…but the Trump-era DOJ demonstrated that principle can no longer be assumed or taken for granted.

Biden could intervene in this matter. He could fire Marrick Garland but, unlike the spineless GOP, I don’t think the Dems would stand for such overt and obvious corruption.
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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
Because the committee needs to investigate Hunter first, in order to eventually impeach Joe. Most of Joe's corruption, was done through Hunter's business dealings. By the way, Hunter's recovering drug addiction, is absolutely no excuse, for Hunter's deviant and corrupt behaviour!!

Hunter is very lucky his last name is "Biden", or Hunter would be in jail by now!!
Once again totally right as evidenced by all the congressional committes involving people whose last name is not Biden.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It’s not supposed to be that way…but the Trump-era DOJ demonstrated that principle can no longer be assumed or taken for granted.

Biden could intervene in this matter. He could fire Marrick Garland but, unlike the spineless GOP, I don’t think the Dems would stand for such overt and obvious corruption.
Its rather disingenuous of Wyatt to argue that Biden not interfering means he's doing nothing about judicial independence.
Just as he won't discuss GOP interference and calls for politically based investigations like the ones that Mitch loves to talk about, impeaching Joe and investigating Hunter.
But maybe it is just so tribal to them that all investigations on their party are political and all investigations on the dem or just because Fox says they are the Biden crime family.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
What other explanation is there for a congressional committee dedicated to the son of a president who has never been in government and is a recovering drug addiction.
The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability is simply looking for equal treatment under the law. I don't know how it works in Canada, but the DOJ and other government agencies have a dotted line to the House. I don't think it's a stretch for the House to consider whether the President's son is receiving special treatment.

You might not like the bluster that comes out of our Congress, but that's been the history and nature of our legislative body for two hundred years. I think you are one of those guys who has basically said history-schmistory. To give this recent perspective, remember when Adam Schiff was telling the media he had seen the evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia. That was technically very bad form for the Head of the House Intelligence Committee to politicize a very serious national security position with access to confidential information.
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Aug 23, 2001
Why is that so commendable? The U.S. system is designed for course corrections and contradictions.

We don't have a system where having a 51% margin one election cycle leads to shifting government policy for more than a few years. Most Western Parliamentary systems give the party in power more time and authority to make policy. That doesn't make a parliamentary party commendable either.

History, distant history I might add, has a way of looking at what was commendable and a long-lasting achievement.
It's commendable because he did it and many would not have been able to.

He did it with a minority in the House after 2022 and a slim majority in the Senate.

Tell me what Trump did?


Aug 23, 2001
Frank, these are your exact words: "Allowing an independent investigation shows that Biden supports an independent judiciary........" .

There is no dishonor saying that in the heat of the discussion your words came out wrong.
How is Frankie wrong there, Earp?
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Aug 23, 2001
The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability is simply looking for equal treatment under the law. I don't know how it works in Canada, but the DOJ and other government agencies have a dotted line to the House. I don't think it's a stretch for the House to consider whether the President's son is receiving special treatment.

You might not like the bluster that comes out of our Congress, but that's been the history and nature of our legislative body for two hundred years. I think you are one of those guys who has basically said history-schmistory. To give this recent perspective, remember when Adam Schiff was telling the media he had seen the evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia. That was technically very bad form for the Head of the House Intelligence Committee to politicize a very serious national security position with access to confidential information.
"Equal treatment under the law" of a private citizen who has been charged with pretty run-of-the-mill crimes? And he gets an entire House Committee to rant and finger-wag?! For several years of ranting, finger-wagging and doing fuck-all else?!

C'mon, Earp. This is performative crap. Hunter gets charged with a couple of tax evasions and avoids jail by paying back the $$$. That's pretty fucking standard. And there's a misleading statement about drug use on a firearm application. What next, Earp?.... Gym Jordan going to follow Biden around his summer place in Delaware to see if Biden bicycles through a fucking stop sign?!

Now you may style yourself "TERB's intellectual presence". But Frankie and I have a different name for you. We call you "Mister Deflecty". Because not only do you rant on with nonsense about "equal treatment under the law", but you bring up something totally unconnected about Adam Shiff 5 years ago. Now the Shiff anecdote has nothing to do with the Bidens, does it?

In fact, it has nothing to do with anything in this thread. But nothing is nicer than a good "The Dems did this-and-that 27 years ago" story. Especially when you then suggest that the person you're arguing with knows nothing about history - and make that your little "icing on the cake moment".

The Hunter saga is shit the GOP rides because they know Trump will lose the 2024 GE unless they besmirch Biden and this is the best they can do. Hunter is a drug-addicted, nepo kid who rode his family name into a couple of decades of coke snorting and hooker banging as few have ever been able to accomplish. But doesn't it all really being and end with the "He was a spoiled fuck up who spend his entire spoiled life fucking up"???....

The only thing that I can think of pettier and less relevant that Hunter Biden is a vilification campaign against one of Biden's pets - say Major the dog. But the GOP would - I hope - never sink that low.... Oh wait a minute, they already have!!

Your buddy Butler has already started to cut and paste GOP attacks on the canine.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Do you really feel that Hunter was investigated with rigor? Do you think the two career IRS agents who became whistleblowers are lying?
5 years? 5 years.
And this is all they got. Remember first 2 years of this investigationTrump was president. He appointed the prosecutor.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
I think people understand nepotism. Even without a direct link and charges they will draw the conclusion Joe was involved. And that Hunter used the Name. This isn't a Billy Carter situation. Hunter has gotten too many breaks. The drug diversions are especially problematic to some black men.
Nixons brother was wire tapped by Nixon cause he was leveraging his fame. Billy Carter. Neil Bush. Roger Clinton. ivanka and Jared whilst working for the government!!
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Aug 23, 2001
Because the committee needs to investigate Hunter first, in order to eventually impeach Joe. Most of Joe's corruption, was done through Hunter's business dealings. By the way, Hunter's recovering drug addiction, is absolutely no excuse, for Hunter's deviant and corrupt behaviour!!
Haven't they already been investigating Hunter for a couple of years now and found dick-all?

If you were the police, Mitchy, wouldn't you stop investigating someone you wanted to put in jail after a few weeks because nothing solid turned up. It's a waste of time, right?

But the cops actually work for a fucking living, unlike spoiled cunts like Gym Jordan who is too dumb and too lazy to hold a useful actual job and simply capers and hoots at photo ops to earn money.

Hunter is very lucky his last name is "Biden", or Hunter would be in jail by now!!
No, he wouldn't. They haven't actually proved that he's done anything wrong - aside from the plea deal where he admitted wrongdoing.


Aug 23, 2001
I think people understand nepotism. Even without a direct link and charges they will draw the conclusion Joe was involved. And that Hunter used the Name. This isn't a Billy Carter situation. Hunter has gotten too many breaks. The drug diversions are especially problematic to some black men.
Didn't Hunter get the drug diversion in the 1990's when he was 20 years old?

Yeah that sounds like the sort of favour a well connected, powerful guy gets his kid. But it falls well fucking short of being outrageous.
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