I just wonder about your definition of those terms. Is it all those media outlets who don't suck Trump's cock? Is it all media except Fox and Ben Shapiro?
Can you be specific?
Not necessarily. I think that the NYT might be a little more objective than Fox News about these things. You agree with that?
Earpy, people don't take offence. That's just your own martyr complex kicking in.
Here's your REAL problem. Sure, media outlets are often party-aligned. MSN roots Dem for instance. The NYT and Post are probably non-aligned, as are many other outlets that you would try and argue are "liberal media".
It's your continual attempts at false equivalence that are comical. For instance, the GOP is supported by Fox News, an outlet so blatantly false, unethical and irresponsible that it recently paid a $700M libel award - based on deliberately lying to prop up Trump and the 2020 Election lie. Now MSN, the NYT, the Post, CNN and all the "liberal media" that you hate so much have never had to pay $700M for lying, have they Earp?
Mehdi Hassan is anti Trump, sure. But he's never got MSN sued to $700M the way Ingraham, Hannitty and Carlson did, has he?
In fact, trying to pretend that Hassan is on the same level as the Fox crew is like trying to pretend that a dude who got in a little push and shove outside a bar is as evil and violent as Jeffrey Dahmer. Isn't that right, Earp?
And this is why Frankie laughs at you so much. You try so hard and your points are so weak.