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Hunter Biden heading for a trial


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Funny, where righties think that a president's son going to trial is the same as their actual presidential rapist candidate being indicted on god knows how many counts of fraud and other criminal activity. Grasping at straws has a new meaning with righties. 😂
Within the parameters of political ramifications and considering the players the practical effects will be more similar than you think.


Aug 23, 2001
I believe I was talking about slim legislative majorities here. They never existed. Not in 2020 and less so in 2022.

The rousing idea that Joe Biden had America behind him in his legislative initiatives is political imagination..
First of all, who is even saying this as a broad and general statement?

Which legislative initiative are you referring to? And does most of America even follow what actually takes place in DC during the term, except in a vague, half-informed sense?

Biden got legislation through the House and passed. Given the GOP majority in the House after 2022 and the equilibrium in the Senate, that's a commendable achievement.
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Aug 23, 2001
Republicans know that just having investigations no matter how ridiculous they are is almost as good as having a real investigation. To their blood hungry base it really doesn't make any difference. Hunters case is completely irrelevant but the right wing keeps it front and center for 5 years because that is all they have. It's like when Marge Greene files motions to impeach old Joe for nothing - any rational person knows its a bunch of horse shit but their base is not rational. Marge Greene filing these is just as effective as an actual impeachment. It's all smoke and mirror political posturing. The Hunter biden tax filing and gun possession has taken on a whole life of its own. From what i can tell the judge rejected the plea deal because it exposed Hunter to future litigation if the gop happened to win the presidency. This is truly a weapon iced DOJ in action. By letting these proceedings go through joe shows his administration believes in law and justice. The right wing will use anything they can to lie and slander. This ruling is no differen, just another right wing clean show
To the GOP base, politics is a blood sport similar to WWE wrestling. There are "bad guys" and "good guys", a lot of showmanship and crude, clownish conflict and eventually the "bad guys" lose.

It's the trailer trash / National Enquirer / cartoon version of politics and it has to be crude, showy and verbally violent all the time. That's why they love Trump. It's the perception of struggle and of conspiracy theories and of villains that must defeated that drives the MAGA carnival.

That's why MAGA always has to portray the Bidens as a villainous "crime family" and Trump as "saving America". It's dumb, but Republicans are dummies and they love it.
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Um, you do realize he was pleading out? Than means they have enough to convict.
I actually was thinking hunter linked to Joe -but didnt articulate so apologies you're right on hunter per se.


Well-known member
May 17, 2017
I just wonder about your definition of those terms. Is it all those media outlets who don't suck Trump's cock? Is it all media except Fox and Ben Shapiro?

Can you be specific?

Not necessarily. I think that the NYT might be a little more objective than Fox News about these things. You agree with that?

Earpy, people don't take offence. That's just your own martyr complex kicking in.

Here's your REAL problem. Sure, media outlets are often party-aligned. MSN roots Dem for instance. The NYT and Post are probably non-aligned, as are many other outlets that you would try and argue are "liberal media".

It's your continual attempts at false equivalence that are comical. For instance, the GOP is supported by Fox News, an outlet so blatantly false, unethical and irresponsible that it recently paid a $700M libel award - based on deliberately lying to prop up Trump and the 2020 Election lie. Now MSN, the NYT, the Post, CNN and all the "liberal media" that you hate so much have never had to pay $700M for lying, have they Earp?

Mehdi Hassan is anti Trump, sure. But he's never got MSN sued to $700M the way Ingraham, Hannitty and Carlson did, has he?

In fact, trying to pretend that Hassan is on the same level as the Fox crew is like trying to pretend that a dude who got in a little push and shove outside a bar is as evil and violent as Jeffrey Dahmer. Isn't that right, Earp?

And this is why Frankie laughs at you so much. You try so hard and your points are so weak.
Apparently, your counter on partisan media is an obsession with Fox News. There are many partisan media outlets that are right and right of center.

Wall Street Journal, NY Post, legacy business-oriented magazines in print and on-line. There are other conservative TV and radio outlets that compete with Fox. For the most part, print is dominated by city papers with liberal editorial orientation. So much so it's hard for them to even criticize Democrats who run their cities. In the past, big cities had a Republican-leaning paper and a Democratic-leaning paper that helped to keep things balanced and honest if not entirely impartial. Some of the right-leaning media I mentioned even have liberal commentary on their pages.

I think we're getting off track from the basic idea that CNN is generally a Democratic friendly outlet. The CNN video stands on its own.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Allowing an independent investigation shows that Biden supports an independent judiciary and this kills rump's arguments that his multiple suits are political.
Are you saying Joe Biden is allowing this Special Counsel?
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
If those morons had Hunter dead to rights you don't think we would have had that evidence put forth???
Do you really feel that Hunter was investigated with rigor? Do you think the two career IRS agents who became whistleblowers are lying?
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Funny, where righties think that a president's son going to trial is the same as their actual presidential rapist candidate being indicted on god knows how many counts of fraud and other criminal activity. Grasping at straws has a new meaning with righties. 😂
The problem is what happens if Biden wins the nomination, but doesn't face Trump.

Contrary to this strange idea presented here by several members, my poor candidate is better than your poor candidate is not a great place to be before the primary season. That would go for any party.

These members are also continually saying Biden's doing a good job. Somebody needs to tell the Americans that pollsters are talking with.
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Well-known member
May 17, 2017
Biden got legislation through the House and passed. Given the GOP majority in the House after 2022 and the equilibrium in the Senate, that's a commendable achievement.
Why is that so commendable? The U.S. system is designed for course corrections and contradictions.

We don't have a system where having a 51% margin one election cycle leads to shifting government policy for more than a few years. Most Western Parliamentary systems give the party in power more time and authority to make policy. That doesn't make a parliamentary party commendable either.

History, distant history I might add, has a way of looking at what was commendable and a long-lasting achievement.
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