"Health-related problems
The most serious disadvantage of being tall is the health-related risks that extra height brings along.
With a longer spine, tall people are
more likely to experience back pain—especially in the lower back.
When a tall person lifts something from the floor, the range is larger and the angle of the spine narrower.
This means that the stress on the spine is bigger, and the risk of getting injured is, therefore, higher than average.
Another risk is
blood clots, which results from taller people having a higher blood pressure in general.
A larger body with longer limbs is in itself reason enough for the higher risk of getting a blood clot. There’s simply more blood and blood vessels in a longer body.
The lifespan of a tall person is also said to be shorter than that of a person of average height.
So, even though we try to life tall lives, our life will probably be shorter in the end."
Nest: Why a big cock is injurious to your health.
20 Disadvantages of Being Tall (complete list!) (tallsome.com)