Ford is a conservative.
He cut rent control and killed minimum wage hikes.
The landlord and tenant board he's acting like a typical conservative, he's putting corporate landlords to the front of the line while forcing family owned landlords and tenants to wait years for hearings.
And spent more $$ on things. Like fighting crime. Be it other areas of PS, other than Fn teachers be it LTCs, be gasp save the planet the ministry of the Enviroment and the Ministry of forestry…be it expansions to the 407, 412, 418, Go. In his first years before Covid hit, and utterly trashed the fiscal situation he spent more than Wynne….
That’s hardly typical Conservative ideology.
it makes me laugh sometimes. He’s trying to push expansion so we can actually build housing to meet demand ( good luck with that) and the left is whining about the homeless, the cost of rent/housing, immigration numbers to the gta, and god forbid. Development on green spaces…Look around Ontario. What’s left?
to the west the Niagara Escarpment, to the north Lake Simcoe, to the North East the oak ridges Morraine ( do you like fresh, clear, cold water) to the south Lake Ontario.
Certainly beats the shit out of wind farms the GTA ramned down rural Ontarios throats and no one gave a shit….