Grooming children with clothing - Your thoughts?

What grooms kids more?

  • Pride Supportive clothing

  • Regular clothing (ie - girls short shorts)

  • Neither

  • Both

  • Don’t xare

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John Wick

Baba Yaga
Oct 25, 2019
It's not parents who are the concern when talking grooming. Anyone who is a parent will tell you they know exactly where to draw the line in terms of appropriateness where their children are concerned, and 99% of the time the parents get it right. It's the activists, governments and corporations that are the major offenders here. They are the ones who would sell their own souls and those of our children to Satan himself if it meant validation of the 'abnormal' as acceptable, securing more power through pandering for votes to fringe groups, and/or making one more almighty dollar.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2022
Holding Drag Queen-led and oriented sessions/shows in public libraries and elementary schools under the guise of diversity is absolutely 100% grooming of children, and is likely much more of a negative grooming concern than the clothes parents have been buying at Sears, Walmart and Target for the last 100+ years
True but :ROFLMAO:just sayin' it ain't new and we accept more blatant examples.



Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
This is a big topic right now with all the hate towards pride clothing in Target

But what about children’s clothing overall.

Have you ever noticed that a tank top for a 3 year old boy as a wide band at the shoulders but a 3 year old girls tank top has a spaghetti straps. Spaghetti straps that will get her in trouble in high school for wearing the exact same thing. Just saying.

Boys shorts go down to their knees, girls shorts go to the bottom of their little butt cheeks.

So we’re is child grooming happening? We are teaching little girls to wear sexualizing clothing from a toddlers age. Why do girls clothing need to made in such way???? Are we not setting women up for disaster?

As men with daughters - how do you feel about how the fashion world grooms your child into wearing sexualized clothing at such a young age?

Do any of you see a problem with this? Do you think this is also grooming children? Have you just never thought about? Opinions? Should these clothes be ok but pride supportive clothes not ok?
Complicated issue. Some cultures think showing too much knee is sexualized. have teen year olds wasting shirts with slut eye candy as a one time art piece is one thing but as a daily fashion option Another. Fashion is communication ... Halloween go wild but otherwise ...


Jul 3, 2020
I don't see anything wrong with parents allowing a child who has latent LGBTQ+ tendencies to chose to wear Pride-themed clothing, but I see a HUGE problem with parents chosing to dress their kids in Pride-themed clothing because the parent wants to use the kid as a billboard to promote the parents' political ideology.

If I was a kid, and my parents made me wear clothes like that, I would rip them on the way to school, put on something else, and later lie that I had been in a fight.

I'm against the current trend for school teachers and some parents to attempt to impose their beliefs on children, as if they were facts. There are some people who believe that a person who has male genitalia can be either a man or a woman. These people are entitled to hold that opinion. They do not have the right to force other people to share that belief.
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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
This whole concept of cis gendered is wrong. Just a made up term.

There's only two genders. Always was and always will be.
I know some leftist is going to come in and say what about intersex people.

Intersex persons make up such a small fraction of the population that that it's statistically not relevant.

Oh and child beauty pageants are just down right creepy. I just see a bunch of moms trying live out there failed childhoods through their daughters. This needs to be stopped.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
"statistically not relevant."

I think the term being used on this Board is "statistically insignificant". For example, woman killed by a stray bullet is statistically insignificant.


Well-known member
May 8, 2008
This is a big topic right now with all the hate towards pride clothing in Target

But what about children’s clothing overall.

Have you ever noticed that a tank top for a 3 year old boy as a wide band at the shoulders but a 3 year old girls tank top has a spaghetti straps. Spaghetti straps that will get her in trouble in high school for wearing the exact same thing. Just saying.

Boys shorts go down to their knees, girls shorts go to the bottom of their little butt cheeks.

So we’re is child grooming happening? We are teaching little girls to wear sexualizing clothing from a toddlers age. Why do girls clothing need to made in such way???? Are we not setting women up for disaster?

As men with daughters - how do you feel about how the fashion world grooms your child into wearing sexualized clothing at such a young age?

Do any of you see a problem with this? Do you think this is also grooming children? Have you just never thought about? Opinions? Should these clothes be ok but pride supportive clothes not ok?
well considering there is a store call la senza girl....

if I was a parent I would cancel the hams on my kids wearing that shit, especially if Im footing the bill for the clothes.
a child should be naïve to the world, and slowly acclimated by the parents at a time which is in tune with the cognitive ability and maturity of the child.

it is grooming and manipulation of an undeveloped mind which is highly open to suggestion. I believe that parent should be able to instill values and beliefs that may not parallel the current status quo. there is wide room for interpretation in this matter but when, did parents stop taking responsibility for raising their children and rely on government to do so?

I look at everything from a value perspective. value is something that can be subjective. each person equates value differently to different things. as someone who is into personal finance I manage my own portfolio. paying someone to manage it when most cannot beat the market seem like a poor choice. I manage it and have a much more vested interest than some shmuck who sits at a computer all day. this same analogy could be used for child rearing. who would do a better job raising and influencing your kids? a teacher? definitely not. a baby sitter? nope. your parents? a good bet if you are happy with the way you turned out. yourself and your partner? the best candidate.
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Jul 3, 2020
A dog is man's best friend, and diamonds are a girls best friend, therefore diamond dogs are an hermaphrodite's best friend.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
The Term "Cissexual" Was Coined By Pedophile Sympathizer Volkmar Sigusch Who Said "Good Sex Can Be Anything"
Many people have recently become accustomed to using the term "cisgender," which has morphed from the original term "cissexual" originally coined by sexologist Volkmar Sigusch.


Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
I don't see anything wrong with parents allowing a child who has latent LGBTQ+ tendencies to chose to wear Pride-themed clothing, but I see a HUGE problem with parents chosing to dress their kids in Pride-themed clothing because the parent wants to use the kid as a billboard to promote the parents' political ideology.

If I was a kid, and my parents made me wear clothes like that, I would rip them on the way to school, put on something else, and later lie that I had been in a fight.

I'm against the current trend for school teachers and some parents to attempt to impose their beliefs on children, as if they were facts. There are some people who believe that a person who has male genitalia can be either a man or a woman. These people are entitled to hold that opinion. They do not have the right to force other people to share that belief.
You mean like this?

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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
So I made it to Walmart and here is what I found. I’m only comparing summer clothes


All girls shorts are SHORT. Like basically meant to fit just below the butt cheeks.

All boys shorts are to the knees.


Boy and girls had the same amount of “tank tops”. The athletic style with the thick band over the should. Which was about 3 varieties each.

The rest of boys tops were standard T-shirts

Girls had a variety of other top options. There were maybe 10 % T-shirts and the rest were a spaghetti strap or a slight thicker but not by much, band at the top. Most were the spaghetti strap type.

All dresses were spaghetti strap.


All boys swimwear was shorts.

For girls - half were bikini and half were one piece. All one piece had spaghetti straps. Half the two piece had the band over the shoulder.

Now I meant to relate this thread to clothes only. People were saying that kids were being groomed by LGTBQ+ kids clothes being slid during pride month. I just went and reported back the clothes I saw at Walmart for summer.

So which is grooming kids more? Where there options to not buy some of the more revealing clothes but at that point you may as well go into the boys section for better selection of style and patterns, etc.

I think if we say that LGTBQ+ supportive clothing is grooming children then we have to look at the state of little girls clothing on a regular basis and get rid of some of it. Make shorts longer, get rid of the spaghetti strap, don’t make bikinis for children, etc. but that is just me.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Frankly, I view all of this hysteria about ”grooming” children is nothing but a made-up problem which exists for the sole purpose of ginning up hate against the lgbtq community. Same as trans bathrooms, trans athletes, etc.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
This is a big topic right now with all the hate towards pride clothing in Target

But what about children’s clothing overall.

Have you ever noticed that a tank top for a 3 year old boy as a wide band at the shoulders but a 3 year old girls tank top has a spaghetti straps. Spaghetti straps that will get her in trouble in high school for wearing the exact same thing. Just saying.

Boys shorts go down to their knees, girls shorts go to the bottom of their little butt cheeks.

So we’re is child grooming happening? We are teaching little girls to wear sexualizing clothing from a toddlers age. Why do girls clothing need to made in such way???? Are we not setting women up for disaster?

As men with daughters - how do you feel about how the fashion world grooms your child into wearing sexualized clothing at such a young age?

Do any of you see a problem with this? Do you think this is also grooming children? Have you just never thought about? Opinions? Should these clothes be ok but pride supportive clothes not ok?
Here's the deal.
Your kids are your responsibility not targets.
We can't like everything eg, I hate Italian food, loaded with carbs and it makes you fat.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Really dislike that word, or phrase. Too many are groomed when they hit their teens.This isn’t about “that”.

This is more about how parents, society raise girls, influence[ girls. One of my daughters was a Tom Boy growing up. The other a “princess”. Then through their teens, TB got into a lot of trouble, but never took shit from anyone. Had a mind and will of her own. To the point when she defended herself, beat the shit out of her BF, and had a peace bond placed on her. My ex was mad/embarrassed walking out of court. Me. I told her “I’ve never been prouder of you”.

My “princess” in her teens got into a lot of trouble too. She also had her self esteem shattered. In part, because she fell victim to the way society, men, sexualize women, and it starts very early.

Today, both are 25-30. Both out in the world on their own. Both still have some baggage ( personal shit everyone has. But not everyone works on). Pretty solid, well adjusted young adults/grown children. Choose one, both apply.

The princess, while she still post too many “racey” selfies in FB, Insta showing off her smoking body in lulu, tank tops, etc. now has a mind of her own. And she is smoking hot…Doesn’t take shit from anyone. Is “free” to do what she wants and is…It’s been a long road.

I still have hair, so “good job” dad.

Jenesis, you’re not going to like this. I no longer buy into the patriarchy on this topic. Way too many young attractive females on insta, at gyms, on beaches, FB, OF, and more influencing current 10-14 year olds. They have their own minds. Or should by then.

just look at the Kardashian’s, music stars, and more. Also lots and lots and lots of women in marketing these days too.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Jenesis, you’re not going to like this. I no longer buy into the patriarchy on this topic. Way too many young attractive females on insta, at gyms, on beaches, FB, OF, and more influencing current 10-14 year olds. They have their own minds. Or should by then.
It’s not about liking or not liking an opinion. I found the topic interesting because it is a SM debate. Many on one side believe that pride clothing in stores like Target are grooming children. Some believe that the clothing made by the heterosexual community are grooming kids. I found that both sides have the same argument about clothes but from two completely different perspectives.

Now I agree that parents have to step in but my trip to Walmart showed me that some stuff, you have no choice. You either buy boys stuff for your girl like shorts because all the shorts in the girls section were too short in my opinion. But then if you buy the girl the boys stuff then you are grooming to the “trans” side as well?????? It is a little mind boggling. Everyone is using the word but I wonder which side, if any side is actually doing it.

I think society has influence but I think that “grooming” is happening more with SM then clothing. Sexualizing girls and women is happening more on SM then in Walmart. Even if the shorts are always too short. Again, boys short - hem them if you want to go a little shorter then the knee and make them look a little more girly. I’m a big alterations fan. I alter a lot of clothes. Have too. Tits are too big. Often have to go a size or two up and then alter to be more fitting elsewhere.

I just find the topic interesting. So is no right or wrong answer, just discussion.
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