Let's deal with the idiotic part first . You can create any outcome you like by creating definitions that suit your narrative. Are you seriously suggesting that a teacher does not have a career because they are unionized. Absurd.Yes because failing school makes you SUCH a winner. Do you even listen to yourself?
IQ is very highly correlated to academic achievement and is also well correlated to future life success. Again, you're making statements that you very clearly have no idea about. Do you feel comfortable making shit up?
Top psychologist: IQ is the No. 1 predictor of work success
Top psychologist: IQ is the No. 1 predictor of work success—especially combined with these 5 traits
Does a high IQ definitely set you up for more success down the road – be it in terms of career advancement or higher salaries? The answer, essentially, is yes, according to researchers.www.cnbc.com
Our analysis shows that the early measured IQ is a relatively good predictor of life success in terms of objective indicators.
Is IQ a Good Predictor of Success?
As the question is stated, the answer is simply “yes.” If you take a “real” IQ test, then the result is a strong statistical predictor of multiple future life outcomes—income, education level, health, even longevity. There are loads of studies that confirm these correlations.![]()
Is IQ a Good Predictor of Success?
This question originally appeared on Quora, the best answer to any question. Ask a question, get a great answer. Learn from experts and access insider...slate.com
Oh please feel free to back up your substantive opinion of "Marks are a very poor indicator of future success". If you can.
Hint; "but I know I guy is not "data". The below chart illustrates a is a very very poor argument.
View attachment 243209
As for spelling? Oh it is very substantive. If you can't spell properly (or even recognize those little red squiggles on the screen), you're an idiot. If you're an idiot, what you say has no meaning. Learn to care about spelling properly. It's the adult thing to do.
As for a professional? A professional has a career, not a job. A professional does not need to belong to a union. A professional ALSO has a governing body to ensure that they meet the standards of that Profession. If they have no governing body, or no independent standards-based body removing their ability to practice their profession, they are not a professional. Professionals understand this. Non-Professionals, sometimes called wannabees, don't understand this.
IQ is an indicator not because it says something about the prospects of the candidate but because the high test score changes his trajectory and so it becomes self fulfilling. Most iq tests are culturally biased and hence they are relied upon less and less.
Many years ago I was on the hiring committee at the law firm where I was then a partner. Marks were used in order to stream the candidates because we received so many applications. A much bigger criteria was the candidates perceived EQ rather than IQ. There was zero correlation between marks and success. One of my former students is now a judge and he used to joke that he had the lowest LSAT ever recorded.
The management commitee made a decision back then that diversity was good for business and we did recruit with diversity and inclusion as one of many factors. Each of the minority students, without exception, went on to very successful careers.
So instead of spouting platitudes and cliches try dealing in the real world.
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