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In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Its the native Palestinian presence that offends you.
Now you want them ethnically cleansed.

The latest rounds of attacks were initiated by Israel, it wasn't self defence. It was more of the same apartheid occupation and continuing colonization of what could have been Palestine.
The only difference is that you now realize you've lost the demographic war so democracy is out.
And that is antisemitism- when you don't object to indiscriminate attacks on the Jewish civilians.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
And that is antisemitism- when you don't object to indiscriminate attacks on the Jewish civilians.
No, its more of your Jewish supremacy, where you justify Israeli attacks on Palestinians, try to characterize them as 'self defence', ignore the fact that Palestinian civilians, including children were killed, then again try to blame the victims of an apartheid occupation for the apartheid occupation.

Kids were killed by Israel, yet again.

NOTHING justifies targeting of unarmed civilians. NOTHING. You would do well to remember that while living peacefully in Canada. Anyone who does is a fucking kook.
As the Israeli B'tselem says:


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
No, its more of your Jewish supremacy, where you justify Israeli attacks on Palestinians, try to characterize them as 'self defence', ignore the fact that Palestinian civilians, including children were killed, then again try to blame the victims of an apartheid occupation for the apartheid occupation.

Kids were killed by Israel, yet again.

As the Israeli B'tselem says:
Here's a trick question you will never ask- how many children lost their lives when the good portion of Hamas rockets misfire and hit Gaza?


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Yes, its a trick question.

All those lives were lost because of the illegal Israeli occupation, apartheid rule and illegal blockade.
On May 10th, the Iran backed Islamic Jihad killed three Palestinian children in Gaza in a failed attempt to kill Jewish children. That's who you support.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Al Aqsa is about conquering a Palestinian site that is supposed to be controlled by Jordan.
WTF are you talking about?

You've previously mentioned the status quo. The status quo has the WAQF controlling the site. The WAQF allows Jews and other non-Muslims to visit at appointed times. Sadly Jews visiting their HOLIEST SITE is offensive to you (while at the same time pretending to want equal rights).

Maybe some of Ben Gvir's crew want to remove any Islamic identity from temple mount and ban Muslims and that is disgusting. It should be equally as disgusting that you want Jews banned.

Just more of your ridiculously racist double standard.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Now you say its 'fucking disgusting' to support the two state solution.
More of your braindead nonsense.

Sad that you care so little about Palestinians that you ignore that 75% hate the idea you want them forced into.

And yes, no matter how much you want to pretend otherwise, it is Jew hatred to support targeting Jews around the world with condemnations because of what some other Jews do. I have asked you repeatedly to comment whether you would support:
- vandalizing a Muslim owned store saying "support women's rights"?
- playing anti-Muslim songs loudly outside a school with Muslim children?
- protesting outside a Mosque because Iran kills women protesters?

Of course you won't answer because it would mean once again your asinine double standard gets exposed.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Once again, grandpa, you are avoiding condemning the systemic anti Palestinian bigotry that this is part of. Keeping silent in the face of this systemic bigotry is justification.
Has anyone justified that kind of racist violence the way you and franky do with racist violence from Palestinians?


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Jan 15, 2013
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Nah, the Israeli government just want to do it slowly, airstrike here, home demolition there, shooting kids with snipers on Fridays. Because that way, you think people won't notice it.
Sorry but that's dumb. If they wanted to, the war in '49 or '67 would have given them enough opportunity. Instead the 20% of Palestinians who rejected violence and chose to stay became full citizens.

Sadly failure in '49, '67, and '73 didn't encourage Arab leaders to look for peace and instead spawned repeated waves of terrorism.

And after 100 years of conflict, the leaders in Likud and the PA have become addicted to the power they get from continuing the conflict, allowing extreme nationalistic/religious fanatics on both sides to gain influence.

It is also completely false to portray the conflict as Israel being the sole aggressor. Even the alleged charity that franky quotes admits that half of the Palestinian dead were active members of militant groups and many others were directly engaged in attacks on Jewish civilians or Israeli soldiers when they were killed.

As Franky said in another thread (as he was trying to avoid talking about history) the real question is how to move things forward. Any rational observer would support pushing both sides into a negotiating a peace deal both can accept. The current Israeli government would be a roadblock but there are significant political factions that support a Two State peace. I don't know any political factions on the Palestinian side that support either a Two State peace or an egalitarian One State peace. Again, these roadblocks mean BOTH SIDES need to be pressured into talks. Hate campaigns like those by Franky (or JC) do nothing except further entrench intransigence.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Absolutely clueless

“Academy Award winner Richard Dreyfuss said he is more concerned about “Jews not behaving like Jews” than he is about the global rise in anti-Semitism.

Dreyfuss told the Hollywood Reporter ahead of the release of his new movie, “Astronaut,” that Jews “sound very much like our own worst enemies in trying to protect Zionism and protect our own reputations. We really do need to explore what it means to be Jewish and not let it go away.”

Dreyfuss appeared to criticize Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians, saying that “most Jews are willing to celebrate their own history of being oppressed, and then they’ll get up and oppress other people, so I don’t want Jews to do that.”

Wow. Listening to what a Jew says must be new for you.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Yes, its a trick question.

All those lives were lost because of the illegal Israeli occupation, apartheid rule and illegal blockade.
Ah, back to claiming it's Israel fault that PIJ decided to commit 1000 war crimes. Only the most devout elitists would refuse to hold terrorists accountable for choosing to use terrorism.

And yes, PIJ killed far more Palestinians than Jews in their last campaign, both in Gaza from the 250+ rockets that fell short and a couple Gazans working in Israel.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2013
And you may have noticed that I posted this.

That's just as immoral as Frank and his little friend wanting to remove Jews.
So, you're just trolling by stating what another member may or may not have written, who was not mentioned up until that point, by myself or the other member I was replying to? Thanks for letting me know your intention is to troll. Goodbye.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
That's just as immoral as Frank and his little friend wanting to remove Jews.
We both know that coexistence is not possible. As I said, a generation is on the way that will no longer be interested in negotiating with people who want no peace, a generation that will demand separation. The Jewish State put two incredibly generous peace deals on the table plus a complete withdrawal from Gaze. And what did Israel got back from the Palis?
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