He wasn't duped.
He chose the deceptive ones because they fit his purpose.
That is a possibility. But this is also a probability as to why he could have been duped just like the rest of his viewers:
A major disinformation and Russian propaganda channel called "Donbass Devushka", which published a fake version of "secret Pentagon documents," is hosted by a former U.S. Navy officer who was recently discharged from military service. The "Mila Girl from Luhansk," who hosts podcasts with pro-Kremlin propagandists, turned out to be Sarah Bils, a divorced American from New Jersey. She was exposed by members of the "North Atlantic Fella Organization" (
#NAFO), an online community that fights Russian propaganda. On Twitter, "Donbass Devushka" posted filtered photos of herself and wrote that her name was Mila. NAFO collated the photos and other information from one of the podcast videos and found out that her real name is Sarah Bils, but she had recently officially changed it to another, more Russian name. Bils is a former U.S. Navy officer, recently discharged from active duty. Bils herself claims she was "kicked out" of the military because of her "leftist views." Former associates have expressed concern about her mental health and have called her a habitual liar. Beals' mother claimed that her daughter often made up stories. On social media, "Donbass Devushka" claimed she was traveling between the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don and the Ukrainian city of Luhansk in 2014, but in reality, Bils was suing her ex-husband in Oak Harbor at the time. When Russia began a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Bils created several Twitter accounts and added Telegram in April. Her Telegram channel publishes more "banned" Twitter content, including memes, fake images, and ultra-violence: such as cheering the killing of a U.S. volunteer who went to Ukraine, videos of dead Ukrainians, and supporting videos of a Ukrainian POW being beheaded by Russian mercenaries from the "Wagner" PMC. In January 2023 Jack Teixeira of the Massachusetts National Guard shared hundreds of classified documents on his Discord server. The Bellingcat investigation revealed the distribution of documents from Teixeira's Discord to 4Chan, Telegram and Twitter. Two versions of the key documents were distributed: one showed that Russian losses far exceeded Ukrainian ones, and the other badly edited version showed the opposite. Belligcat claims that the falsified versions were created by the Telegram channel "Donbass Devushka", but Bils denies this claim. Fox News host Tucker Carlson used the faked version circulated on "Donbass Devushka's" Telegram channel to claim that Ukraine had a 7-to-1 troop loss ratio and is "losing the war" (video). The faked versions were spread by pro-Kremlin propagandists, and "Donbass Devushka" began supporting the well-known Z-channel. In November 2022, The Bell journalists found out that this channel received money from Yevgeny Prigozhin (head pf the PMC "Wagner") and could be linked to the FSB.