Tucker still blatantly lying about Ukraine and the right wingers still buys his dishonesty. He based his so called "evidence" on some Russian altered documents:
Tucker Carlson Duped By Fake Russian Propaganda Docs on Ukraine War
Tucker Carlson laid into President Joe Biden and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Thursday, accusing them of committing “crimes” in their support of Ukraine. He referenced a “leaked” Pentagon slideshow that, Carlson said, proves the American people are being lied to about the status of the war in Ukraine. “The second thing we learned from these slides is that despite direct U.S. involvement, Ukraine is in fact losing the war,” Carlson said last week. “Seven Ukrainians are being killed for every Russian. Ukrainian air defenses have been utterly degraded. Ukraine is losing. The Biden administration is perfectly aware of this.” As it turns out, Carlson is the one peddling lies about Ukraine to the American people—the slides he referenced were apparently doctored by a known Russian propagandist that lives in the United States. “Tucker Carlson pushed a fake version of a U.S. intelligence document about Ukrainian war casualties,” said Yahoo News senior correspondent
Michael Weiss on Twitter. “It was doctored by a fraud podcaster who claimed to be a Russian woman from Luhansk. In reality, Sarah Bils is a former U.S. Navy clerk from New Jersey—and she pocketed all the money she claimed to raise for Russian causes.”
A series of Pentagon slides the Fox News host referenced last week were actually fakes doctored by a known Russian propagandist living in the United States.