Sugaring is really it's own thing. The women on Seeking do not act or behave like escorts. Many of them do not identify as sex workers. They treat sugar dating more like an untraditional relationship, which has its benefits over seeing escorts.
The biggest challenge is that there aren't a lot of attractive women on Seeking. Most are average looking. You can get a gorgeous escort for $400/h without much hassle, but even if you manage to find any on Seeking, they might not respond, might be a scammer, might be a toe-dipper etc. If you very particular, such as seeking out Asian women, than you could be waiting around for a while. When I first started, I met several Asian women immediately in the first couple of weeks. When I came back, it took me months to find someone.
If you manage to connect with someone though, and can afford to meet up regularly, than the experience can be better than anything you can get with a GFE escort.