In the 21st century, anti-Zionism means anti-Semitism


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
notice how franky refuse to read anything he does not like and links to one his favourite propaganda hate site "jewish voice for peace that supports terrorism and anti-semitic trope against jews and waas caught promoting holocaust denialism

Following is a brief timeline detailing peace proposals rejected by the Palestinians:

– 1947 UN Partition Plan: At the time when Great Britain governed the territory now fought over by Israel and Palestinians, the UN General Assembly proposed the establishment of two states, Jewish and Arab. This offer was accepted by the Jews and quickly rejected by the Palestinians.

– 1993-1994 Oslo Accords – The Oslo Accords represent the start of what was supposed to be a “peace process” for Israel and the Palestinians. Israel agreed to recognize the Palestinian Authority’s right to interim self-governance in Gaza and the West Bank in return for the Palestinians’ recognition of Israel’s sovereignty.

Soon after the “peace process” was established, Palestinians began attacking Israel with suicide bombers.

2000 Israel Offers Follow-up Peace Deal – Israel offered the Palestinians another opportunity to end the conflict, but the offer was rejected outright. Instead of proposing an alternate peace deal, former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat initiated terror attacks on Israel that led to the death of 1,184 Israelis, according to reports.

– 2005 Israelis evacuate Gaza Strip and West Bank –Israel ordered the evacuation of all Israeli settlements within Gaza and the West Bank, essentially giving this land to the Palestinians in an attempt to establish peace. The Palestinians did not accept this gesture of goodwill and instead allowed Hamas to take over the Gaza Strip and continued issuing terror attacks on Israel.

– 2008 peace proposal – Israel offered the PA another peace deal that was rapidly rejected by the PA’s new president Mahmoud Abbas. Reportedly, the Palestinians were not satisfied with the land boundaries proposed in the deal, as they did not allow the Palestinians control over Jerusalem’s holy sites.

– 2009 Israel Offers Support for Palestinian State – Israel offered conditional support for a demilitarized Palestinian state, which the Palestinians quickly rejected.

– 2020 Trump Peace Plan (Deal of the Century) – Palestinians quickly rejected a peace plan formulated by former President Donald Trump and supported by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The plan’s title was “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People,” and focused on economic incentives to quickly and drastically repair the Palestinian economy. The Palestinians refused the deal prior to seeing it.

Timeline of Peace Proposals Rejected by the Palestinians - The Foreign Desk | by Lisa Daftari (
Now you think Jewish Voices for Peace 'supports terrorism and promotes holocaust denial'?
There is no bottom to how low you can go, CM, all you've done is replace the 'n' word with a 't' word.

You still won't answer to why you back settler colonialism, do you also support settler colonialism in Jamaica?

And as for that list, why do you keep blaming the people who have been occupied for half a century for the occupation?
Why do you think the people living under military occupation are the ones that control when the occupation is ended?

Israel keeps colonizing more of Palestine and killing the native population as they do so.
Why do you think settler colonialism in the name of zionism is moral?

Israel: UN experts condemn record year of Israeli violence in the occupied West Bank


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Now you think Jewish Voices for Peace 'supports terrorism and promotes holocaust denial'?
There is no bottom to how low you can go, CM.

You still won't answer to why you back settler colonialism, do you also support settler colonialism in Jamaica?

And as for that list, why do you keep blaming the people who have been occupied for half a century for the occupation?
Why do you think the people living under military occupation are the ones that control when the occupation is ended?

The ironically titled American nonprofit “Jewish Voice for Peace” has achieved a new low in its obsessive anti-Israel efforts. The organization has a long track record of hard-line stances against the Jewish state, including support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and the embrace of convicted terrorists such as Rasmea Odeh. Now, however, JVP seems to be taking things to even greater extremes. JVP’s actions prove unquestionably that the organization calling itself Jewish Voice for Peace is neither representative of Jews, nor of peace by any measure.
Along with other extremist organizations, JVP stirred up controversy this month with its choice of speakers for a panel on “dismantling antisemitism” that included the divisive Peter Beinart, BDS activist Barbara Ransby, and public figures Rashida Tlaib and Marc Lamont Hill, known for their own controversial antisemitic statements. Instead of bringing in leading scholars or experts on today’s antisemitism, or even a diversity of opinions, JVP invited exclusively fringe anti-Israel voices, most of whom are not even Jewish. Even the one exception, Peter Beinart, represents a very controversial opinion that is rejected by the majority of the Jewish community.
Understandably, the consensus Jewish community expressed outrage from Left to Right that some of today’s most prominent voices who have given legitimacy to antisemitism would be lecturing Jews about what is or isn’t antisemitism today.

No, you don’t have to be Jewish to join the Orwellian-named Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) – it’s enough if you agree that ever since the world’s only Jewish state has been re-established, it has been causing an ongoing “Nakba,” i.e. catastrophe, to the Palestinians. Obviously, without this ongoing Nakba, the Palestinians would live in one of those thriving modern and democratic Arab-Muslim countries that are so typical for the region…

Working hard to undo the catastrophe of having a tiny piece of the Middle East that is not ruled by Arab Muslims, JVP has acquired a reputation for using “its Jewish identity to shield the anti-Israel movement from allegations of anti-Semitism.” Some recent events have provided JVP with the opportunity to demonstrate that this reputation is well-earned.

In January, after a group of hundreds of Oberlin College alums and students argued in an open letter that the aggressive demonization of Israel by so-called “pro-Palestinian” activists created a hostile campus climate for Jewish students who wouldn’t denounce Israel, JVP urged their followers on social media to support efforts to reject such “false” accusations of anti-Semitism. It is noteworthy in this context that a new study indicates that there is indeed a strong correlation between anti-Israel activism and anti-Semitism.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The ironically titled American nonprofit “Jewish Voice for Peace” has achieved a new low in its obsessive anti-Israel efforts. The organization has a long track record of hard-line stances against the Jewish state, including support for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement and the embrace of convicted terrorists such as Rasmea Odeh. Now, however, JVP seems to be taking things to even greater extremes. JVP’s actions prove unquestionably that the organization calling itself Jewish Voice for Peace is neither representative of Jews, nor of peace by any measure.
Along with other extremist organizations, JVP stirred up controversy this month with its choice of speakers for a panel on “dismantling antisemitism” that included the divisive Peter Beinart, BDS activist Barbara Ransby, and public figures Rashida Tlaib and Marc Lamont Hill, known for their own controversial antisemitic statements. Instead of bringing in leading scholars or experts on today’s antisemitism, or even a diversity of opinions, JVP invited exclusively fringe anti-Israel voices, most of whom are not even Jewish. Even the one exception, Peter Beinart, represents a very controversial opinion that is rejected by the majority of the Jewish community.
Understandably, the consensus Jewish community expressed outrage from Left to Right that some of today’s most prominent voices who have given legitimacy to antisemitism would be lecturing Jews about what is or isn’t antisemitism today.

No, you don’t have to be Jewish to join the Orwellian-named Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) – it’s enough if you agree that ever since the world’s only Jewish state has been re-established, it has been causing an ongoing “Nakba,” i.e. catastrophe, to the Palestinians. Obviously, without this ongoing Nakba, the Palestinians would live in one of those thriving modern and democratic Arab-Muslim countries that are so typical for the region…

Working hard to undo the catastrophe of having a tiny piece of the Middle East that is not ruled by Arab Muslims, JVP has acquired a reputation for using “its Jewish identity to shield the anti-Israel movement from allegations of anti-Semitism.” Some recent events have provided JVP with the opportunity to demonstrate that this reputation is well-earned.

In January, after a group of hundreds of Oberlin College alums and students argued in an open letter that the aggressive demonization of Israel by so-called “pro-Palestinian” activists created a hostile campus climate for Jewish students who wouldn’t denounce Israel, JVP urged their followers on social media to support efforts to reject such “false” accusations of anti-Semitism. It is noteworthy in this context that a new study indicates that there is indeed a strong correlation between anti-Israel activism and anti-Semitism.
Ah, its the Copy and Paste Man routine.

Copying opinion pieces from racists in defence of racist settler colonialism isn't a good defence, copyandpasteman.
You keep using your 'n' word 'terrorism' as if it justifies racist settler colonialism and apartheid.

Israel just elected someone Canada says is a 'terrorist'.
The UN report says Israeli settler colonialists are routinely committing state backed 'terrorism'.

“Armed and masked Israeli settlers are attacking Palestinians in their homes, attacking children on their way to school, destroying property and burning olive groves, and terrorising entire communities with complete impunity,” said the experts. 2022 is the sixth year of consecutive annual increase in the number of Israeli settler attacks in the occupied West Bank, despite a 2016 UN Security Council resolution specifically intended to halt settlement activity.

“Disturbing evidence of Israeli forces frequently facilitating, supporting and participating in settler attacks, makes it difficult to discern between Israeli settler and State violence,” said the experts. “The impunity of one is reinforced by the impunity of the other.”

Why do you keep using your 'n' word to defend terrorism, apartheid and settler colonialism?

How Israel's Ben-Gvir has exploited attacks to fan violence and build his brand

Ben Gvir was convicted by Israeli courts of supporting terrorism and spreading hatred. He threatened the life of former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in the run-up to his assassination. Now, he's taking over the ministry of national security, giving him control over policing in Israel and the West Bank.

How can you defend settler colonial terrorism and claim you are against terrorism?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Ah, its the Copy and Paste Man routine.

Copying opinion pieces from racists in defence of racist settler colonialism isn't a good defence, copyandpasteman.
You keep using your 'n' word 'terrorism' as if it justifies racist settler colonialism and apartheid.

Israel just elected someone Canada says is a 'terrorist'.
The UN report says Israeli settler colonialists are routinely committing state backed 'terrorism'.

“Armed and masked Israeli settlers are attacking Palestinians in their homes, attacking children on their way to school, destroying property and burning olive groves, and terrorising entire communities with complete impunity,” said the experts. 2022 is the sixth year of consecutive annual increase in the number of Israeli settler attacks in the occupied West Bank, despite a 2016 UN Security Council resolution specifically intended to halt settlement activity.

“Disturbing evidence of Israeli forces frequently facilitating, supporting and participating in settler attacks, makes it difficult to discern between Israeli settler and State violence,” said the experts. “The impunity of one is reinforced by the impunity of the other.”

Why do you keep using your 'n' word to defend terrorism, apartheid and settler colonialism?

How Israel's Ben-Gvir has exploited attacks to fan violence and build his brand

Ben Gvir was convicted by Israeli courts of supporting terrorism and spreading hatred. He threatened the life of former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in the run-up to his assassination. Now, he's taking over the ministry of national security, giving him control over policing in Israel and the West Bank.

How can you defend settler colonial terrorism and claim you are against terrorism?

every time you slander me accusing me of colonial terrorism and i will display your anti-jewish and terrorism apologism posts

quoting the Palestinian Centre for Human Right who are linked to the PLPF terrorist organization

quoting btselem an anti-semitic website who was caught hiring holocaust deniers

racist towards me saying blacks cannot defend israel ignoeing the fact that over 180,000 black people reside in israel which includes 25,000
black americans. quoting jewish voice for peace that supports terrorism and was busted citing neo nazi and white supremacists websites

claiming that black persons cannot support Israel that have over 180,000 black people living there

justifying terrorists attacks against israeli and jewish civilians

supports the anti-jewish vandalizing of a business owned by a Jewish man and making excuses for it

promoting the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the region.

apologist for hamas the terror group

defending the PLFP terror group

refuses to condemn anti-jewish hate crimes commited by anti-jewish gangs

refuses to condemn the anti-semitic attacks on jewish shoppers at a supermaket in Thornhill, Ontario Canada.

franky continues to sink deeper and deeper into anti-jewish terrorism. franky defends a mapping project in Massacheusets
anti-jewish activists create a list of jewish organzations for anti-semitic purposes

more anti-black racism

supports and defend anti-semitic actions at the University of Wisconsin

franky butturt at the definition of anti-semitism because he is one

franky defends a terrorist that was killed in a shootout with the IDF

defends hamas claiming that it is islamophobic to call hamas terrrorists

defending an anti-semitic terror supporting rally

defending a terrorist attack against a security guard(security guards are civilians)

still refuses to condemn hamas

post anti-black racism to deflect rom his support for terrorists and anti-jewish hate crimes

justified the murder of a security guard

franky resorts to slander defending the Fatah organization who admitted that they are a terrorist organization

continue to lie and slander

still lying and slander



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
every time you slander me accusing me of colonial terrorism and i will display your anti-jewish and terrorism apologism posts
Copyandpasteman revenge!

Really, CM, why are so unable to actually discuss anything without going into this routine?
Why can't you answer basic questions?
Why do you back settler colonialism in the form of zionism?
How can you continue to label critics of Israeli policy 'terrorist propaganda' while ignoring the terrorism committing by Israel and their settler colonialists?

Why do you have to copy and paste instead of being able to debate?
Even when you've been confronted and admitted that your copy and paste claims are all false and just slander?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Copyandpasteman revenge!

Really, CM, why are so unable to actually discuss anything without going into this routine?
Why can't you answer basic questions?
Why do you back settler colonialism in the form of zionism?
How can you continue to label critics of Israeli policy 'terrorist propaganda' while ignoring the terrorism committing by Israel and their settler colonialists?

Why do you have to copy and paste instead of being able to debate?
Even when you've been confronted and admitted that your copy and paste claims are all false and just slander?
i already answered your questions multiple times in this thread. your [problem is you don't read what you don't like and expect people to read your propaganda taken from sources that are linked to terrorists and anti-jewish writers


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
US government opens antisemitism probe after ‘Jew-free zones’ alleged at UC Berkeley
Education Department’s Office of Civil Rights says it will investigate claims by pro-Israel advocates that the school failed to address antisemitism among students

US government opens antisemitism probe after ‘Jew-free zones’ alleged at UC Berkeley | The Times of Israel
Cool, your article is of course pushing your favourite antisemitic trope: that its antisemitic to criticize apartheid and the occupation.

The complaint, brought by the Israel-based legal group International Legal Forum and the Miami-based law firm LSN Law P.A., stems from a bylaw passed by a handful of pro-Palestinian law student groups in August. The bylaw stated that the groups would pledge not to invite to campus “speakers that have expressed and continued to hold views … in support of Zionism, the apartheid state of Israel, and the occupation of Palestine.”

All they said is they wouldn't 'invite' those speakers, nothing about a ban.
Your article is just more slander, accusing people of antisemitism while pushing your own antisemitic trope.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
i already answered your questions multiple times in this thread. your [problem is you don't read what you don't like and expect people to read your propaganda taken from sources that are linked to terrorists and anti-jewish writers
You have never answered those questions.
You haven't answered why you support racist, settler colonialism in the form of zionism.
You haven't answered why you defend terrorism committed against Palestinians.

You have offered ignorant claims about apartheid and then slandered Jews, Nobel winning black activists and thousands of others.
That's all.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
You have never answered those questions.
You haven't answered why you support racist, settler colonialism in the form of zionism.
You haven't answered why you defend terrorism committed against Palestinians.

You have offered ignorant claims about apartheid and then slandered Jews, Nobel winning black activists and thousands of others.
That's all.

Israel is a democracy that affords its Arab citizens full rights. They vote in elections, and Arab parties sit in parliament. These parties obviously have a profoundly different worldview than the Zionist parties, which has been a barrier preventing cooperation between them. But this year, in a first, Arab parties were part of the negotiations over forming a new government before they broke down.

Arab Israelis are full participants in Israeli society. There are Arab justices on the Supreme Court. About 20 percent of doctors in Israel and about half of pharmacists are Arab. Roughly 17 percent of students seeking an undergraduate degree are Arab, a number that has roughly doubled over the past decade.

As Steve Kramer of the Times of Israel puts it, “They arguably are the most free Arabs in the Middle East.”

Sharia courts in Israel

  • Since the establishment of the State, the Sharia courts have been under the responsibility of the Ministry of Religious Affairs until they were transferred to the purview of the Ministry of Justice on February 21st 2001.
  • The Sharia courts have existed since the Ottoman Empire, when they served as the court of the state.
  • The British Mandate left the legal situation that preceded it subject to the changes it introduced, and thus the Sharia courts remained in place, but their powers were limited to matters of personal status of Muslims only.

The powers of the Sharia courts
The powers of the Sharia courts were determined in the Proclamation of the King and his Council for the Land of Israel for 1922 – 1947, in accordance with the Procedure of the Muslim Religious Courts Law for the year 1333 H., as follows:

  • Matters pertaining to marriage – proof of marriage, marriage permit, marriage confirmation, wedding gift and dowry.
  • Matters pertaining to divorce – proof of divorce, arbitration, separation and annulment of marriage.
  • Alimony – wife, son, father and grandfather.
  • Guardianship and legal competency.
  • Child support – visitation and hospitality procedures.
  • Genealogy of minors – paternity.
  • Management of assets of missing and incompetent persons.
  • Obedience – domestic peace.
  • Waqf – endowments.
  • Prevention of domestic violence – the Prevention of Domestic Violence Law, 5751 – 1991.
  • Conversion to Islam – the Religious Group (Conversion) Ordinance.
  • Financial relations between spouses - the Financial Relations Between Spouses Law.
About The Sharia Courts | The Sharia Courts (


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Israel is a democracy that affords its Arab citizens full rights. They vote in elections, and Arab parties sit in parliament. These parties obviously have a profoundly different worldview than the Zionist parties, which has been a barrier preventing cooperation between them. But this year, in a first, Arab parties were part of the negotiations over forming a new government before they broke down.

Arab Israelis are full participants in Israeli society. There are Arab justices on the Supreme Court. About 20 percent of doctors in Israel and about half of pharmacists are Arab. Roughly 17 percent of students seeking an undergraduate degree are Arab, a number that has roughly doubled over the past decade.
You copy and pasted again.

The UN, Amnesty, B'tselem, HRW and Yesh Din reports note that there is three levels of apartheid in Israel.
1) inside 'Israel' where, for instance, a Basic Law has deemed that only the right to self determination applies only to Jews. That's apartheid in the area you say isn't apartheid
2) Jerusalem - different rules again and a good example has been the attempts to ethnically cleanse Palestinians from their homes.
3) the Occupied Territories of Palestine - which you ignore and are the most clear examples of apartheid.

So no, you've not done anything to argue that apartheid doesn't exist.
Total failure.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
So what else is new....

More guests at Parliament Palestinian 'solidarity' event linked to antisemitic, pro-terrorist views
Jewish organizations looking into the Canada-Palestine Parliamentary Friendship Group event call it 'disturbing'

Yet another guest at a Palestinian “solidarity” event held on Parliament Hill allegedly made controversial comments online about the Holocaust and publicly praised a Palestinian terrorist group leader.

On Wednesday, B’nai Brith revealed that Montreal’s Mahmoud Khalil was also in attendance at a reception held November 29 to mark the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The event was hosted by Toronto-area Liberal MP Salma Zahid, chair of the Canada-Palestine Parliamentary Friendship Group.

This follows revelations that the event also include a publisher of newspaper known for Holocaust denial and another figure known for praising terrorist attacks against Israelis. The event was attended by Liberal cabinet minister Omar Alghabra and Green Party leader Elizabeth May, as well as NDP, Bloc and Conservative MPs.

Khalil, B’nai Brith alleges, has a history of antisemitic social media posts, including one Instagram post mocking Marvel superhero Sabra, whose fictional biography revealed her to be an Israeli woman born in a kibbutz near Jerusalem and worked as both a police officer and Mossad agent.

“Let’s have a German superhero named Auschwitz, how bout that?” Khalil allegedly wrote on an undated Instagram story provided by B’nai Brith.

The story, featuring an image of Sabra gracing the cover of “The Incredible Hulk” issue no. 256, also included claims Marvel named her after the Sabra and Shatila massacre, the 1982 killing of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians in a refugee camp in Beirut. However, Sabra is a long-standing term for Jews born in British Mandate Palestine or Israel. It is derived from the Hebrew word for prickly pears found on cactuses, known as thorny on the outside but sweet and soft on the inside.

Khalil also posted videos of himself, overlaid with dramatic music, giving a speech at a “Glory To Our Martyrs” rally in Montreal, as well as reciting a poem commemorating the late Ghassan Kanafani, a spokesperson for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP.)

The PFLP, listed as a terrorist organization by the Canadian government, was responsible for the May 1972 Lod Airport massacre in Tel Aviv that killed 26 people and injured 80, including a Canadian citizen.

This news comes just days after the Twitter account Documenting Antisemitism alleged Nabil Nassar, the head of the Fatah Movement in Canada, had also attended the reception on Parliament Hill. Nassar has also publicly praised terrorist actions that have killed Israelis.

In a statement last week to National Post, Zahid said invitations to the reception were “circulated widely” and it was attended by nearly 150 people, and said her staff didn’t “research the history of every attendee that responded.”

While MPs from all parties attended the reception, a group photo consisting of a number of parliamentarians — including organizer Zahid, Alghabra and May — posed for a group photo wearing scarves emblazoned with the Palestinian flag. May, the Green Party leader, said at the event, “I take my marching orders from the permanent representative of Palestine to Canada.”

Also in attendance was Meshwar Media owner Nazih Khatatba, who publishes a newspaper where articles have alleged that the Holocaust was a Jewish plot and referred to it as the “Holohoax.” The newspaper has also published articles praising terrorist attacks against Jews, including last month’s bombing in Jerusalem that killed 16-year-old Canadian-Israeli Aryeh Schupak.

An article posted to Meshwar Media’s website shortly after the reception bore the headline “Representatives in the Canadian Parliament stand in solidarity with Palestine and call on the Government of Canada to support the Palestinian people.”

“The more we look into this gathering, the more disturbing it gets,” said B’nai Brith Canada CEO Michael Mostyn in a statement.

“What is it about the Canada-Palestine Parliamentary Friendship Group that attracts these types of individuals? This controversy cannot be allowed to be swept under the rug.”

More guests at Ottawa Palestinian event linked to antisemitism | Windsor Star


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Well, some people you disagree had an event.
Meanwhile there is real terrorism occurring.
Shot 4 times on her own roof looking for her cat.
This is terrorism, will you condemn it and admit there is Israeli terrorism?

Palestinian teenager Jana Zakarneh was shot four times by Israeli sniper as she fetched her cat

JerusalemCNN —
The Israeli military admitted Monday that its troops shot Jana Zakarneh, a 16-year-old Palestinian girl who died during a raid in the occupied West Bank on Sunday night, saying she was killed by “unintentional” Israeli fire “aimed at armed gunmen.”

“Following an initial inquiry, it was determined that the girl who was killed was hit by unintentional fire aimed at armed gunmen on a roof in the area from which the force was fired upon,” the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) statement said.

“The IDF and its commanders regret any harm to uninvolved civilians, including those who are in a combat environment and in close proximity to armed terrorists during exchanges of fire,” the statement continued.

Jana Zakarneh: Israeli military admits shooting 16-year-old Palestinian girl, calls it 'unintentional' | CNN


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
JerusalemCNN —
The Israeli military admitted Monday that its troops shot Jana Zakarneh, a 16-year-old Palestinian girl who died during a raid in the occupied West Bank on Sunday night, saying she was killed by “unintentional” Israeli fire “aimed at armed gunmen.”

“Following an initial inquiry, it was determined that the girl who was killed was hit by unintentional fire aimed at armed gunmen on a roof in the area from which the force was fired upon,” the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) statement said.

“The IDF and its commanders regret any harm to uninvolved civilians, including those who are in a combat environment and in close proximity to armed terrorists during exchanges of fire,” the statement continued.

Jana Zakarneh: Israeli military admits shooting 16-year-old Palestinian girl, calls it 'unintentional' | CNN
That's a bit like posting Jeffrey Dahmer saying 'they invited me over for dinner, killed themselves and I arrived to find a soufflé still warm on the table the set for me', and saying that's proof he's innocent.
What's next, posting Putin calling Ukrainians Nazis? Posting that the London, Ont truck attack was really caused by a Muslim family really being a family of suicide bombers? You haven't called them terrorists yet, by the way, you're slacking.
(not that I think the IDF are cannibals of course, just you don't post excuses from those accused of murder as proof of innocence)


Jana’s uncle, Majed Zakarneh, told CNN on Monday that his niece “was shot with four bullets, two to her face, one to her neck, and one to her shoulder.”

Israel: UN experts condemn record year of Israeli violence in the occupied West Bank
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