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California Declining


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Its happening in every state. You will find mass homeless camps in Nevada, New Jersey, Penn State, Ohio, Michigan, Georgia, etc etc . After the banks foreclosured on 500,000 homes in 2008 after they were given corporate welfare those homes were sold to rental speculators. Who jacked rents. Or left them empty.

And no this shouldn't be a normal state of things in the richest nation in the history of the planet. And it wasnt until recently. The last time it was this bad was during the Depression
it is five times as many in california vs florida vs a 2x population factor
So you can not ignore the draw of the welfare nanny state

California's efforts to address a part of human nature "inequality" have just encouraged homeless people to migrate to the state


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
fire, aim, miss.
yeah , that does not inspire confidence in Californias lawmakers
laws need to crafted based on sound judgement and a balanced consideration of the intrests of all constituants, not based on failed ideological dogma or the fear of the boogyman under the bed


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
it is five times as many in california vs florida vs a 2x population factor
So you can not ignore the draw of the welfare nanny state

California's efforts to address a part of human nature "inequality" have just encouraged homeless people to migrate to the state
The town I was staying in is one of those seaside towns where they roll up the streets by 9pm. The tiny main drag was half interior designers to service the large homes. You couldn't seing a cat without hitting a Porche, Lexus, Lambo, or Tesla. Racehouse area with large stadium to service the crowd. High end restaurants.

And homeless everywhere. Due in the main to out of control rents. They weren't just bums. They were service workers. Living in their cars and Rv's lined on residential streets.

Its not sustainable. Do you really think its a good idea to have a society where working poor donhave a toof?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The town I was staying in is one of those seaside towns where they roll up the streets by 9pm. The tiny main drag was half interior designers to service the large homes. You couldn't seing a cat without hitting a Porche, Lexus, Lambo, or Tesla. Racehouse area with large stadium to service the crowd. High end restaurants.
Sounds great. people rewarded for hard work, innovation and providing what you demand

And homeless everywhere. Due in the main to out of control rents. They weren't just bums. They were service workers. Living in their cars and Rv's lined on residential streets.
or too restrictive municipal contruction / development policies

Its not sustainable. Do you really think its a good idea to have a society where working poor donhave a toof?
its the best incentive to aquire skills which are in demand

it is five times as many in california vs florida vs a 2x population factor
So you can not ignore the draw of the welfare nanny state
it is a failed experiment


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
California's efforts to address a part of human nature "inequality"
Not all humans are created equal. Why does one person have a 180 IQ and another person have a 90 IQ? Whys does one man have a 10" cock and another man have a 6" cock?

have just encouraged homeless people to migrate to the state
Give them free money and they will come. Some people confuse compassion with naivete.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Sounds great. people rewarded for hard work, innovation and providing what you demand

or too restrictive municipal contruction / development policies

its the best incentive to aquire skills which are in demand

it is five times as many in california vs florida vs a 2x population factor
So you can not ignore the draw of the welfare nanny state
it is a failed experiment
So you think that its a good idea for all the service workers to be homeless?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
So you think that its a good idea for all the service workers to be homeless?
I never said that
Why would you misrepresent me like that ?

Back to the point
the failed nanny state solution has made the situation worse by attracting more homeless to the state.

in addition, It is niave to beleive learning how to flip burgers or wash linen entitles one to a home.
If thats all it took, a good portion of the population would just settle for extremly low productivity positions & that is deadly for an economy


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Among all states California can easily pass as the nation's climate leader. Not a surprise
given it is once governed by Arnold Schwarzenegger the mega climate hypocrite and
home to Hollywood neighbourhood of nation's virtue-signalling celebrities. California
will ban all gas-powered vehicles by 2035. If that is for real half of its population will
be gone by then.



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Are you really going to blame homelessness in San Francisco on right wing policy?

Its all about rents and property value. And how the tech boom (your economic driver) caused it. Coupled with the Entertainment industry.
Again, The Republicans did nothing regarding the homelessness in California for decades. Yet you hear all the Fox News Anchors like Carlson and Hannity constantly blaming the Democrats for the poverty etc. in States like California. How has Tech Boom "caused" the homelessness in California? Rents and Property values are rising throughout the USA, and obviously urban housing will always be valued much higher than estates in rural areas. California still continues to be driving force behind the USA economy, resulting in real estates that have some of the highest values in the USA. The fact is that The State Government are spending Billions to try to address the homeless issue. The problem will take some time to be resolved!!


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Again, The Republicans did nothing regarding the homelessness in California for decades. Yet you hear all the Fox News Anchors like Carlson and Hannity constantly blaming the Democrats for the poverty etc. in States like California. How has Tech Boom "caused" the homelessness in California? Rents and Property values are rising throughout the USA, and obviously urban housing will always be valued much higher than estates in rural areas. California still continues to be driving force behind the USA economy, resulting in real estates that have some of the highest values in the USA. The fact is that The State Government are spending Billions to try to address the homeless issue. The problem will take some time to be resolved!!
Its a Dem State. For decades. And they really aren't doing much . Just by say extending services to mentally ill people they could cut things done. But they leave them in the streets.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I never said that
Why would you misrepresent me like that ?

Back to the point
the failed nanny state solution has made the situation worse by attracting more homeless to the state.

in addition, It is niave to beleive learning how to flip burgers or wash linen entitles one to a home.
If thats all it took, a good portion of the population would just settle for extremly low productivity positions & that is deadly for an economy
Lol. I never said that. But its all the homeless peoples' fault in their choices and the state should do absolutely nothing to help them.

All in the same post. Nice gaslight.

Personally I thing basic housing should be a human right. But I guess thats as radical as suggesting they should not have to go hungry.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
]Lol. I never said that. But its all the homeless peoples' fault in their choices and the state should do absolutely nothing to help them.
And you do not see the difference between
a) expecting others to take responsibility for ther choices and
b) thinking its a good idea for all the service workers to be homeless

one is common sense & the other (your statement) is too extreme to be taken seriously
one is intended to help others in the long run, & the other (your statement) wishes ill will on a whole economic sector
They do not equate, not even close

So yeah, I never said that

All in the same post. Nice gaslight.
gaslight ?
better check your reality first before misrepresenting me

re: and the state should do absolutely nothing to help them.
The welfare state is a failed experiment , it attracts more homelees people

Personally I thing basic housing should be a human right. But I guess thats as radical as suggesting they should not have to go hungry.
8 billion people in the world makes housing as a human right completly impractical

mind you, capitalism and acess to abundant affordable energy have greatly reduced the proprtion of the world poulation living in abject poverty. (See graph below)
this a very positive trend, which I fear the loonie left shall disrupt/ destroy

give a man a fish and he will be back tomoorow with two others looking for more free food
teach a man how to fish & he can feed himself and others for the rest of his days

Last edited:


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
For the record I am neither left nor right.
For the record you are hard right. You routinely post lefties are to blame for this and lefties are to blame for that. I've never ever seen even one similar post from you blaming righties for anything.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
And you do not see the difference between
a) expecting others to take responsibility for ther choices and
b) thinking its a good idea for all the service workers to be homeless

one is common sense & the other (your statement) is too extreme to be taken seriously
one is intended to help others in the long run, & the other (your statement) wishes ill will on a whole economic sector
They do not equate, not even close

So yeah, I never said that

gaslight ?
better check your reality first before misrepresenting me

The welfare state is a failed experiment , it attracts more homelees people

8 billion people in the world makes housing as a human right completly impractical

mind you, capitalism and acess to abundant affordable energy have greatly reduced the proprtion of the world poulation living in abject poverty. (See graph below)
this a very positive trend, which I fear the loonie left shall disrupt/ destroy

give a man a fish and he will be back tomoorow with two others looking for more free food
teach a man how to fish & he can feed himself and others for the rest of his days

So your solution is no service workers. Right? Everyone become a professional.

Or you got nothin' so your premise is let them eat cake? Fuck em, they are losers anyway?


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Homelessness is the result of individuals on the whole pursuing
a lifestyle that is unsustainable even in an affluent society. It is time
for the U.S. to wake up to the real emergency they are facing. To
avert future social upheavals the world's richest nation ought to
restructure city living along the line of providing affordable public
housing to not only the poor but the middle class as well. Living in
a housing community that comes with essential amenities--schools,
parks, health services, grocery stores etc is more dignified for
a family without a car than living in a trailer park.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
So your solution is no service workers. Right? Everyone become a professional.
despite being show very clearly your misrepresentation of me was absurd and illogical, you double down and nisrepresent me again
stop that

the solution is every person should strive to continously upgrade skills which are in demand be it professional or otherwise

Or you got nothin' so your premise is let them eat cake? Fuck em, they are losers anyway?
you are not grasping the fundamental concept

inequalty is embeeded in human nature.
Man has always and will always have a comptivity instinct
that dictates there will always be inequality

govt can not fix human nature
govt can not fix inequality

At best govt can promot equality of oppourtunities by the elimination of barriers to oppoutunities (ie municipal regulations hindering housing development)
you want equality of outcome & that is entirly different (and unachievable)


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Homelessness is the result of individuals on the whole pursuing
a lifestyle that is unsustainable even in an affluent society.
No, its a direct result of right wing policy.

Cut social services, unions, wage protections and give that money to the rich.
That's why its a US problem, not an EU problem.
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