I'm calling bullshit.
Most guys don't want to recognize or admit to themselves that many, many (probably most, but not all) service provides have issues. People thinking this only means a physical disability are a perfect example. Most "disabilities" service providers have are due to family issues, social issues, substance abuse, lack of love, etc., that result in not insignificant mental health issues.
But guys don't want to deal with any of that shit. Guys want to cum. So you get the "all the girls I see have their heads on straight" bullshit which is really just self-delusion. I'll be the first to admit, hearing a bunch of personal/mental health problems doesn't exactly "set the mood". But I'm also not so ignorant to think these girls all have their heads on straight. It's a small percentage that manage to do sex work and maintain some semblance of a "normal life", despite what girls (or guys) may tell you.
Most guys want little to do with girls who sell their bodies for sex, and the guys that do have their own self-worth issues. Going through life without any relationship (or financial) stability wrecks havoc on a girl's mental health. Some will be open about that, but many don't want to admit it (likely due to feeling judged or shamed) so they tell gullible guys that they're just doing this to put themselves through college, they have a portfolio of properties, they in it for the sex, blah blah blah. If you believe any of that then you need to give your head a shake and wake up.