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Canadian soldier says the war in Ukraine is going very badly


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
NATO is the aggressor on policy, but they are a pussy in actual military confrontation....
Yet simply by sending weapons to untrained Ukrainians has forced Russia to a standstill with significant losses. You really think that Russia would win if NATO stopped sitting on the side-lines.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Ukriane has lots of food. Its Zelensky and his US controllers that wanna export all the Ukranian grain, starve the people and then blame it on Russia. Sanctions are what is causing the food crisis, not the lack of willingness of Russia to export food and fertilizer.

I thought RT1 was banned in Canada.
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Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Yet simply by sending weapons to untrained Ukrainians has forced Russia to a standstill with significant losses. You really think that Russia would win if NATO stopped sitting on the side-lines.
Everyone would lose and Western Europe would look like Mariupol. But I would think if Russia went full mobilization they could defeat NATO in Europe as it would take too long for NATO to move all the weapons there. They would definitely get all the way to border of Germany anyway. NATO was just defeated by the Taliban after 21 years. NATO is not really that strong in a land war. Russias losses have been exaggerated. They have changed their tactics now, and the bulk of losses are with the Ukrainians. People like you keep urging young Ukrainians to die for a lost cause.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
You must have a different definition of war if you think democratic countries choosing to join a defensive alliance is an act of war.
NATO is not a defensive alliance. Its a mechanism for military confrontation and saber rattling.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Everyone would lose and Western Europe would look like Mariupol. But I would think if Russia went full mobilization they could defeat NATO in Europe as it would take too long for NATO to move all the weapons there. They would definitely get all the way to border of Germany anyway. NATO was just defeated by the Taliban after 21 years. NATO is not really that strong in a land war. Russias losses have been exaggerated. They have changed their tactics now, and the bulk of losses are with the Ukrainians. People like you keep urging young Ukrainians to die for a lost cause.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
NATO is not a defensive alliance. Its a mechanism for military confrontation and saber rattling.
There is only one "mechanism" or shall we "tool" in the Russian cast of characters above.



Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
When Ukraine is defeated NATO will have to face the fact Ukraine lost in spite of all the aid it provided. It will also have to face the reality that it has no stomach for a direct confrontation with Russia that could end the world. So in that reality, it will have to negotiate a mutual security arrangement with Russia. This could be a great thing. Less money wasted on weapons we are afraid to use. Downsizing of militaries on all sides and moving on to better pursuits then planning how to kill each other.
Yeah because if Russia wins it is going to be in a very peaceful mood and in no way will it want to use the momentum and advantage that it would have.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
People like you keep urging young Ukrainians to die for a lost cause.
What a fucking psychopathic post to add to your gaslighting history.

Spare us the bullshit of your crocodile tears for the “young Ukrainians”.

"People like you" and fellow brutal Russian fascists who feel the same way don’t give a flying fuck about the thousands of young Russian boys (and their brutal Officers) who have been sent into a meat grinder and died in this barbaric “liberation”.

The professional voluntary Ukrainian soldiers are fighting bravely and willingly to save their country from the brutal conscripted cunts who are firing rockets and artillery shells into apartment buildings. And your Russian leaders who are openly admitting genocide.
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
NATO is not a defensive alliance. Its a mechanism for military confrontation and saber rattling.
Yeah, well let’s see Russians try fighting NATO with your jack-in-the-box tanks, artillery shells with defective fuses, Russian Shipmarines and the fucking cowardly dumb fuck bully soldiers.

Russia can’t even fight a puny country like Ukraine without resorting to terrorist war crime tactics. 😂


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Everyone would lose and Western Europe would look like Mariupol. But I would think if Russia went full mobilization they could defeat NATO in Europe as it would take too long for NATO to move all the weapons there. They would definitely get all the way to border of Germany anyway. NATO was just defeated by the Taliban after 21 years. NATO is not really that strong in a land war. Russias losses have been exaggerated. They have changed their tactics now, and the bulk of losses are with the Ukrainians. People like you keep urging young Ukrainians to die for a lost cause.
How many months in and how far has Russia gotten from the lines originally held by the Russian backed militias?
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Yeah, well let’s see Russians try fighting NATO with your jack-in-the-box tanks, artillery shells with defective fuses, Russian Shipmarines and the fucking cowardly dumb fuck bully soldiers.

Russia can’t even fight a puny country like Ukraine without resorting to terrorist war crime tactics. 😂
Seems like with all their previous experience in Afghanistan, Syria and so far in the Ukraine they would have enough background in terrorist war crime tactics:unsure:...


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
How many months in and how far has Russia gotten from the lines originally held by the Russian backed militias?
We don't know what's happening. It looks like the Russian Donbas push is rolling forward- slowly, but surely. Ukraine needs to pull back under control and consolidate as they're moving- maybe they're doing it already while heavily bleeding the Russians. It looks like it's working because Russia is using now T-62 tanks(very old). What Ukraine really needs right now is to form a separate corps and strike into Crimea- which is a key to the whole Putin's strategy.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
How many months in and how far has Russia gotten from the lines originally held by the Russian backed militias?
They have gone very far actually, they have gone from a smallish pocket to taking most of Donbass.. The heavily fortified landmass they have conquered is massive, and they have most of the coastline. If you really think this is not significant then you really are strategically inept.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Yeah, well let’s see Russians try fighting NATO with your jack-in-the-box tanks, artillery shells with defective fuses, Russian Shipmarines and the fucking cowardly dumb fuck bully soldiers.

Russia can’t even fight a puny country like Ukraine without resorting to terrorist war crime tactics. 😂
Haha that is pretty funny. Well Ukraine is losing big time even with massive NATO assistance. There are plenty of pics of destroyed M1 and Leopard 2 tanks on the internet if you look them up. A few defective fuses are not a huge problem when you are firing hundreds of rounds.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
You must have a different definition of war if you think democratic countries choosing to join a defensive alliance is an act of war.
Democratic nations do not have coups and make big changes to laws with interim govts. NATO is not a defensive alliance, they attacked Afghanistan and Serbia that posed no threat to NATO.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Wow, now this is crazy Z talk on an entirely new level.
Your new theory is that Zelenskyy is the one who is trying to starve Ukrainians and only Vlad the rump impaler can save the poor people of Ukraine?

Do you actually believe this or are you just trolling?
Why would he be exporting food during a war and mine farmers fields?
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