Ford Invokes State of Emergency


Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
I don’t agree . Trudeau could have and might still have to call in the Canadian Armed Forces for reasons that you mentioned an insurgent group that is financed by foreign actors that is attempting a coup directed at the Canadian government which was elected by the Canadian people and is terrorizing Canadian citizens and damaging the economy with illegal, terrorist activities.
The nations capital remains under siege. Notice that Ford, Bergen and Poilievre have wisely capitulated. Events are changing rapidly. CSIS, the CIA and FBI are active in Ottawa and elsewhere in Canada to thwart the terrorists who want to provoke a violent confrontation.
I'm not sure about all of that. While the MOU the groups submitted talked about dissolving parliament, a day or so ago they pulled this down. I would also say that putting the military in play would ignite things, not calm them down. The armed forces are a blunt weapon, and while police allowed things to get out of hand, going off like that would be a disaster on a number of fronts.

I do not doubt there are bad actors in that crowd. But I'm not sure if the threat is being overblown by some reactionaries. At some point, it might require the police to clear the area, and that might require the military as well. But I don't like the idea of that happening willy nilly. I mean, I'm not against the protests per se. I don't agree with them, but I think they have a right to do it. I just think they shouldn't be allowed to set up camps, block streets, park illegally for weeks, and harass people.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
People here would lose their minds if BLM did it (I support BLM, but would not support this type of thing), and they would be right!
Because a hell of a lot of people here were still supporting BLM when buildings were being burned night after night in Minneapolis during their protests.
Some of them also being people who condemn the truckers of this protest.

It's amazing how prevalent the hypocrisy is.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2015
your fear of me not injecting myself with poison isn't your liberty, stay home if you're scared
I don't care about you. Kill yourself if you like. I could not care less. One less possibly going to the emergency room.

But running to the hospital when you get covid, and clog the hospital preventing my father or my mother from getting the care he/she needs, and possibly die because they don't get their surgeries in time, I care a lot.
Plus, I have to pay with my taxes for the care you get because you are too stupid to get a fucking vaccine.
Interrupting the economy, by disrupting the flow of goods, hurts my pocketbook with more inflation, hurts the economy, thus my retirement portfolio.
See, I care about myself. I don't give a shit about you.

Plus, none of you folks read the details on the packaged food, that you buy every fucking day and eat every fucking day, yet a vaccine that has been proven to prevent you from getting seriously sick, if you catch the virus, is all of sudden a big deal.
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Where else are they supposed to protest then in your opinion??
Wrong question and premise. They are not “protesting”. They are trying to cause damage and chaos. It’s like me hijacking a flight and demanding
Another province falls

Was going to happen regardless. I just watched 3 weeks of NFL playoffs with packed stadiums. They are not dropping like flies in KC so…


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Because a hell of a lot of people here were still supporting BLM when buildings were being burned night after night in Minneapolis during their protests.
Some of them also being people who condemn the truckers of this protest.

It's amazing how prevalent the hypocrisy is.
And many of the same people supporting this protest had big issues when the Natives blocked the railways. Hypocrisy is a 2 way street.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
And many of the same people supporting this protest had big issues when the Natives blocked the railways. Hypocrisy is a 2 way street.
I supported what the Natives were protesting, and although that blockade was less than ideal. I leaned towards supporting it because they had little other recourse. When a group under persecution keeps getting ignored, it leaves very little options left.
So I am fine with my conscience.
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
Because a hell of a lot of people here were still supporting BLM when buildings were being burned night after night in Minneapolis during their protests.
Some of them also being people who condemn the truckers of this protest.

It's amazing how prevalent the hypocrisy is.
Well, let me explain my views. I cannot, nor do I, speak for others. I support peaceful protests. Arson is not peaceful. Now, we know that some of the fires were started by right-wing agitators, but some were done by legit BLM supporters. It is unacceptable regardless of who did it.

As I said in this thread (or another), I don't agree with the trucker protests (since they really don't have a legit goal with the Feds, nor their actions to disrupt life in the city for weeks), but I support their rights to protest.

But there is massive hypocrisy on both sides. I mean, Pierre Pollivere lost his shit when the natives blocked some rail lines, but he was supporting the truckers up until very recently.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
Well in Ottawa on the grounds of Parliament and in Toronto Queens's Park. i cannot say for other cities. But to suggest that they are only blocking the bridges etc because they cannot find anywhere else to protest is absurd. I think you know that.
Parliament's ground in Ottawa are very small to fit all protesters, so, protesters had to stay on neighbouring streets streets. This is what they do.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Because a hell of a lot of people here were still supporting BLM when buildings were being burned night after night in Minneapolis during their protests.
Some of them also being people who condemn the truckers of this protest.

It's amazing how prevalent the hypocrisy is.
Nobody supported the buildings being burned.

Some people MAY HAVE said stuff like "I support the ideals of BLM, but I don't support the looting that accompanies some of the demos." There's a difference.

Alleging that BLM and / or Native Canadian protestors "got away with it last year, so right wing protestors should be allowed to break the law now" is a silly argument. No one likes to be victimized by lawbreakers. Guys who need to drive to work and desperately need their cars fixed are going to be fucked next week because parts are being held up. I needed parts for my car from the US last month to keep it on the road. If I needed that repair THIS month, I would be screwed.

You expect people to say "Oh that's okay. My life will be fucked because of these assholes, but shit happened in Minneapolis 2 years ago. So it's all fine"??!!!????!! Fuck that bullshit! People should not be victimized and fucked over by idiots protesting a cause most have no sympathy with. That's not how Canada works!
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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
They are generally free to protest anywhere but not occupy and create a siege, blockade traffic and strangle domestic and international trade and industry with terrorist tactics and keep children away from school by exercising paediatric human trafficking. The renegade terrorist truckers have set back legal right protest movements for a long time.
So, basically, they are free to protest at their own homes, right?


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
Well, let me explain my views. I cannot, nor do I, speak for others. I support peaceful protests. Arson is not peaceful. Now, we know that some of the fires were started by right-wing agitators, but some were done by legit BLM supporters. It is unacceptable regardless of who did it.

As I said in this thread (or another), I don't agree with the trucker protests (since they really don't have a legit goal with the Feds, nor their actions to disrupt life in the city for weeks), but I support their rights to protest.

But there is massive hypocrisy on both sides. I mean, Pierre Pollivere lost his shit when the natives blocked some rail lines, but he was supporting the truckers up until very recently.
And let us make something very clear if we are going to do the comparisons.

Of the three examples given. The Truckers Protest is the least invasive and damaging.

The BLM protests were resulting in the burning of a city and looting night after night.
The Rail blockade resulted in a national shipping artery being completely immobilized for months with no alternative able to be put in place.

The Truckers protest results in one boarder crossing being blocked, when another boarder crossing exists an hour away, that is completely free from the protest.
It results in some streets being tied up in Ottawa with some honking.

Far cry from cities burning, stores being looted, and Police officers being attacked night after night.
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JeanGary Diablo

Well-known member
Aug 5, 2017
So, basically, they are free to protest at their own homes, right?

You can protest wherever you want, so long as you do not keep other people from enjoying THEIR rights.

You and your friends want to protest the price of pork bellies in front of my house? Go ahead and do it, it's your right. But if I leave my home to walk my dog and you refuse to allow us passage, you're stepping over a line you have no right to cross.

What is so difficult to understand about this?

Individual rights do not override the rights of everyone else and never have and never should.
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K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I just blasted my local MPP for this. This party will never get my vote ever again. Ford is a weasel, almost as bad as Turdope.


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2013
Nobody supported the buildings being burned.

Some people MAY HAVE said stuff like "I support the ideals of BLM, but I don't support the looting that accompanies some of the demos." There's a difference.

Alleging that BLM and / or Native Canadian protestors "got away with it last year, so right wing protestors should be allowed to break the law now" is a silly argument. No one likes to be victimized by lawbreakers. Guys who need to drive to work and desperately need their cars fixed are going to be fucked next week because parts are being held up. I needed parts for my car from the US last month to keep it on the road. If I needed that repair THIS month, I would be screwed.

You expect people to say "Oh that's okay. My life will be fucked because of these assholes, but shit happened in Minneapolis 2 years ago. So it's all fine"??!!!????!! Fuck that bullshit! People should not be victimized and fucked over by idiots protesting a cause most have no sympathy with. That's not how Canada works!
No, but they continued to support the protest that was spawning it and perpetuating it.

And the hypocrisy comes in how mad politicians are, and how quickly they are acting on this, when another blockade more economically damaging was left to fester for months on end while they twiddled their thumbs.

And just because most people don't have sympathy for the cause means that protest should be tolerated less than a protest that most people do agree with?

So you are saying the majority makes injustice right? Tell that to all the minorities that have been persecuted through out history.
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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2020
Ford has shown great leadership by making this move. He'll be voted in again. This story has been carrying on for too long, job losses are not acceptable. Trudeau missed a great chance to shine.



Well-known member
Apr 10, 2019
At this point the protestors are slowing the conclusion of the mandates and restrictions. It seems like the era of these policies are coming to an end. The Govt cannot just end them now because it will look like they are only giving in to the protestor's demands. The protestors are cutting off their noses to spite their faces at this point. Just go home and give it a few weeks. When these policies end it needs to be all of them for everyday life. No more testing for travelers on any type of travel. Maybe only keep mask mandates for hospitals and retirement/nursing homes

Also it's border not boarder


Well-known member
Feb 28, 2020
Please do not conflate your fear and mine. You are the one who is afraid. I took my shot so I could go out again.

So yeah, please stay at home if you’re scared (of the “poison!”)
and how much of a coward does one need to be to be scared of something that a BILLION people took without issues?

JeanGary Diablo

Well-known member
Aug 5, 2017
I just blasted my local MPP for this. This party will never get my vote ever again. Ford is a weasel, almost as bad as Turdope.

Your MPP won't get your one precious vote again? I am sure he/she and Doug Ford are heartbroken.

The Ontario Tories are likely to attract more votes than lose them over Ford's decision, and he's smart enough to know it. Maybe move to Alberta and join the Maverick Party? They love freeDUMB.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts