When you consider that like 88% of the population is fully vaxed, take another look at those numbers. Or is that too big brain for you?
i cannot spread a disease i do not have turn of the tv and read official govt stats
COVID-19 vaccinations data | COVID-19 (coronavirus) in Ontario
Unvaccinated cases 168
Partially vaccinated cases 19
Fully vaccinated cases 185
In hospital but not the ICU
Unvaccinated cases 686
Partially vaccinated cases 167
Fully vaccinated cases 2035
explain why we never had lockdowns and mandates during pass flu seasons when hospitals were overloaded with flu patients.
Oh No! Hospitals Are Overwhelmed! Raging Surges Reported In…1957…2000…2003…2016…
Oh No! Hospitals Are Overwhelmed! Raging Surges Reported In…1957…2000…2003…2016… – William M. Briggs (wmbriggs.com)