Lol I get a laugh out of it too. Still can’t wrap my head around our totalitarian gov making the choice for us to be mandatory vaccinated to get on a plane here...
I am open to listening and considering the argument against government mandate
(at least as it relates to Canadian citizens). But in this particular situation, passengers were also wilfully violating the rules of the airline on it's private property
(having accepted the terms of service in bad faith, terms which where legal and readily disclosed). Shouldn't the operator be free to terminate service, refuse future service, and seek damages for those actions?
Shouldn't the classical Personal Freedom purist also support the rights of private property owners and wealth generators, as well as linking personal freedom and persona responsibility?
:...You can ride a bus with 50 or 75 people not mandatory vaccinated & a lot of other examples...
Still cracks me up at the land border coming home from business drive right through no test required!"
This part I completely agree with. The whole thing was a pathetic face. I was in favor of very stringent border & travel restrictions but there was no point doing it in such a random half ass effort with more leaks than a 1998 Neon. Together with completely illusionary, ineffective "social distancing", almost no enforcement, and constant replenishment of new carriers, it is no wonder that by end of 2020 cases & hospitalizations were higher than with no mitigation at all in February & March.