Oh well. I could care less.
It`s Social Media! It`s not real fame LOL. Influencing IMHO is not a real career, and what are they contributing? Nothing worthwhile.
Our narcissistic culture today is so obsessed with being rich and famous, and don`t want to work hard to get there, this is a major problem.
These kids will be running the country when most of us our seniors or approaching middle age.
That apathetic kid that gives a snide look or groans because you asked them for a napkin at McDonald's and took their attention away from their phone,
will most likely be that same idiot doing the wrong surgery on you, (if they can get into and complete Med School) serving our meals, wiping your ass at the old age home,
flying you to your destination, etc. That's what happens when a generation is raised by tv, and the internet, and by parents that keep telling them how special they are,
instead of disciplining them, and teaching them how to be respectful, upstanding people, and not blame everything on the system.