You are claiming that attacks on random Jews at bus stops or walking around is somehow self defense. The actual definition is a war crime.
No, I have never said any such thing.
Stop making up straw men and trying to slander me.
This discussion was about settlers attacking Palestinian civilians with the backing of the IDF, as reported by B'tselem.
Those are not 'random Jews at bus stops'. Would you call these people 'random Jews at bus stops'?
Attack on Burqa village came after earlier rally turned violent, with Israeli troops firing tear gas on Palestinians.
I note that you still refuse to acknowledge that Palestinians have the right to self defence at any time.
Which is a right you give settlers it appears even when they are attacking Palestinians in the Occupied Territories.
That's apartheid, different rights for different people.
Perfect example.
If a Jew or Palestinian is directly attacking someone, they should be arrested or if that's not possible, self defense means that the attacker can be met with force. .
I would agree.
I would also expect you to stand with me and say that this is therefore a war crime.
Could this move further endanger the soldiers who carry out such orders in the future before the International Criminal Court?
p.s. Jews are also indigenous to the region and half of Israeli Jews are descended from Ottoman Jews just like Palestinians.
Yes, some Jews there are indigenous.
All Jews and Palestinians should have the same rights, including right of return, correct?
Yet as your usual double standard goes, you refuse to criticize obvious flaws in the Palestinian leadership without the ICC's okay but are happy to jump on any stupid allegation against Israel without evidence.
Abbas is a corrupt idiot who should have resigned many years ago. Hamas and the Israeli government have both committed war crimes and crimes against humanity and should be held accountable at the ICC.
Your issue is that Israel, as the apartheid. occupying power, regularly commits almost 10x the amount of war crimes, which is why you refuse to accept having both held to the law equally, as I do. I also understand that it is impossible to criticize Hamas or Palestinians in a way that would satisfy you, no matter what I say.
Yes, civilians. You are supporting attacks on random civilians because some other civilians are criminals. I would never suggest that all Palestinians are legitimate targets just because their leadership are terrorists (according to Canada)> Thankfully you aren't encumbered by morals.
No I'm not. I do not support attacks on civilians on either side and really think the ICC and the UN should come in and stop attacks by both sides.
Even though all the settlements are illegal and all settlers are squatters they are not legit targets when they act as civilians.
When they act as militants, as they did 450 times in the last two years, they are not acting as civilians, and in these cases Palestinians have a right to self defence.
Your refusal to accept that Palestinians ever have a right to self defence is another manifestation of apartheid, or stating you think Palestinians should have fewer rights.
Israeli forces are not intervening to stop the attacks in most cases, and often actively join in, B’Tselem says.
So why don't you ever actually criticize groups like Hamas. A Hamas member recently attacked a tour group in Jerusalem, killing the guide. Hamas praised the attack. You just kept your mouth shut.
Hamas are theocratic, corrupt and have committed acts of terrorism. The issue agains is that Israel kills 10x as many civilians, rules Gaza through apartheid and a war crime, illegal blockade and regularly commits way more crimes against humanity.
I call for both sides to be held to the law but you refuse to have both peoples treated equally as you support apartheid and the occupation and know that they would spend more time at the Hague.
Only one side is actively colonizing the other through a brutal military occupation, and its the side you continue to support. The side that has made the two state solution impossible.
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday announced plans of expanding Israel’s settlement in the occupied Golan Heights with a multimillion dollar expansion that will further str…
And keep pretending that Islamic groups like Hamas aren't motivated by the same kind of religious bullshit you accuse Israel of. Just another of your double-standards that fit Canada's definition of anti-Semitism.
I really don't care which side thinks that their god gave them property rights to which rock, I'm sure there are zealots on both sides of the apartheid walls and fences.
Just stop the violence, end apartheid and stop killing each other.
Leave the god talk out of it.
Wow. You really are getting pathetic with your repetition of that bullshit claim.
I call Hamas, PFLP, PIJ, Al Aqsa's and a few other terrorists because Canada defines them that way and I trust Canada's definition far more than yours.
I gave you evidence that PFLP members were on the board of DCIP. I never said that DCIP was itself a terrorist organization.
Just another case where you desperately grasp for straws because your claim that the Israeli government has terrorists in it fell flat and you don't want to admit that Gaza is run by terrorists and terrorists play a role in the PA leadership.
So now you're saying Defence for Children International has terrorists on its board but that's ok?
Is that sort of you like you saying its ok that some terrorists, as Canada recognizes them, were elected to the Israeli government?
Really, the use of the word 'terrorist' is only used to dehumanize Palestinians to justify treating them as subhumans, or deserving of lesser human rights under apartheid.