I don't have the Canadian numbers handy, but in US the Omicron is running at 73% of all infections(3 days old stats). And it's burning through the double vaxed and boosted without any problems. The situation is most likely similar up here. Aside from locking everything down and sentencing the whole population to the solitary confinement, the horse has bolted and there's nothing we can do, but ride this out.In Canada the death rate is roughly 1.55% of those who contracted the virus. Now if 100% of the population of Canada's 38.25 million citizens contracted the virus, then statistically we can have around 590,000 deaths. We are just at over 30,000 deaths at the moment. That is why we cannot let our guard down, and the anti-vaxxers are prolonging this Pandemic. Presently The Delta strain is the most deadly one!!