Canada hits highest ever recorded temperature!


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Who to believe:
1)trained experts?

That's a tough one. How much time do I get to make my choice?
I do believe Canada has been hit by highest temperature
ever recorded as told by trained experts. Just wonder if
you can name some of those experts who have also issued
the warning that is "the heat wave in Canada is just getting


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015

CO2 levels are currently around 418ppm. 100 years ago they were at about 300 ppm.
So in 100 years they've gone up only 100 ppm:

We have another 50 years of oil left before it runs out. That means we'll be around 600 ppm by 2070.
Lets be conservative and say it'll be at 700 ppm.

700 PARTS PER MILLION is not gonna melt the poles. Its not gonna bake the planet either.
Yes it will be a bit hotter in some places, but not to the point where massive amounts of people will die from the heat.

My advice to you is use your fricking brain and try to think for yourself, instead of letting the know-it-alls do it for you
Actually, 700 gets you close to a thermal maximum and around 200 only happened during ice ages.
Of course, Phil can't handle facts, he had to put me on ignore instead.


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Just so I am clear... its your opinion that poles are not melting? Right now.

I normally do not allow myself to engage in these pissing matches. But, this is a little entertaining. Its like listening to a holocaust denier explain what concentration camps were "really for". There is no amount of evidence that will convince them.

I will let you play with your snow balls and pretend the world is just fucking dandy!
I'm saying neither poles are gonna completely melt, not now, or 50 years from now when oil has run out.
If some parts of both poles melt, then so be it. Its not gonna be catastrophic for the rest of the planet.
None of Al Gore's prediction have come true. And they wont come true

But keep living your life in fear. Guys like you make me laugh (wait, you are a guy right??)
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
And you just go along with whatever the experts tell you.
Because so many scientists can never be wrong, right??

Its not like there's any money or politics involved.
No, not at all 😂

I'm telling you, global warming is an exaggerated pile of bullshit.
There's a guy named John Christy who used to work for the IPCC and finally went against the grain to call it what it is.
Read about him here:

He also became ostracized by the scientific community for telling the truth.
So he paid a big price, but to him it was worth it
Christy the Evangelist's so called "truth" was debunked:

In 2004, scientists at the University of Washington published evidence that Christy and Spencer’s readings of what was purported to be the lower atmosphere—the troposphere—were being polluted by the cooler upper atmosphere, the stratosphere. The following year, the same team in Washington showed that Christy and Spencer’s temperature plots were biased by the satellites’ east-west drift.

Christy and Spencer responded to the critiques by adjusting their calculations, and by 1998, they had backed off their cooling finding, reporting a global warming trend apparent in their data, albeit a slight one. At one point, Christy introduced an algebraic error into his orbital drift re-calculations, making it look like the lower atmosphere warmed at night and cooled during the day. Christy then corrected that error, thanking the RSS scientists who pointed it out in a letter to Science magazine.

Christy is adamant that he does not take money from fossil fuel companies, saying, “No one would take me seriously,” if he were on Big Oil’s payroll. But a wide array of Libertarian activists and groups that receive industry funding have promoted the work of Christy and Spencer, including the Western Fuels Association’s Greening Earth Society, the think tank the Heartland Institute, and the Competitive Enterprise Institute.

Christy’s argument has shifted from the early days of his work, when he challenged the notion that global warming was taking place. Since at least 2007, he has acknowledged that the Earth is warming, but not as quickly as the climate models predict. A team from NASA, the University of California, Berkeley, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently published a study showing that global sea-surface temperatures were well in line with climate models. But Christy, Spencer and others who rely on their work often display a chart that plots their satellite readings against those of the climate models that show no such agreement. It has become iconic among those who challenge climate science.

Although the chart itself has not been published, it is based on a 2007, peer-reviewed paper, of which Christy was a co-author. That paper, too, became a lightning rod for criticism. Other researchers said that if Christy had included the full range of uncertainty in both his own data and in the climate models, the projections and observations would have been shown to overlap. And in a paper published in 2008, a team of scientists from 12 institutions found that Christy and his colleagues did not account for the effect on their temperature readings of natural non-climate factors like El Niños and La Niñas.

That team was led by Santer, who had won a MacArthur “genius” award for his work identifying the man-made causes of global warming, and who had become an especially harsh critic. Santer said he believes that Christy is more interested in proving his satellite data is correct than getting to the bottom of what is happening with the climate.

“Most of the scientists I’ve met in my career have genuine interest in advancing scientific understanding,” Santer said in an email. “In my opinion, Prof. John Christy does not.”
Then Christy became a Trump Appointee. say no more!!
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I'm saying neither poles are gonna completely melt, now, or 50 years from now when oil has run out.
If some parts of both poles melt, then so be it. Its not gonna be catastrophic for the rest of the planet.
None of Al Gore's prediction have come true. And they wont come true

But keep living your life in fear. Guys like you make me laugh (wait, you are a guy right??)
Wow, an argument so strong it had to include an attack on a member's sexuality.
Followed by a personal prediction based on a hunch.

And if you're going to quote predictions or projections, stick to quoting scientists, not politicians.


Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Christy the Evangelist's so called "truth" was debunked
Debunked usually is MSM code for its true, but it needs to go away.

Remember when Trump's Wuhan lab leak theory was debunked as well?? 😂
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I'm not asking you (or anyone else) to believe me.

I'm just giving my opinion
So am I. You inferred that we shouldn't believe experts.

My opinion is that your statement is incredibly stupid. Based on the definition someone being an expert, we should believe them before anyone else.
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Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
So am I. You inferred that we shouldn't believe experts.

My opinion is that your statement is incredibly stupid. Based on the definition someone being an expert, we should believe them before anyone else
I think your statements are generally stupid too. Guess we're even


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Just wonder if
you can name some of those experts who have also issued
the warning that is "the heat wave in Canada is just getting
Ask Phil. He was the one who referenced "experts". As such, I don't know which ones he meant.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I think your statements are generally stupid too. Guess we're even
Not really. You said not to believe experts. Clearly stupid.

What did I say in this thread that was stupid?

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Not really. You said not to believe experts. Clearly stupid.

What did I say in this thread that was stupid?
That you automatically believe the experts without thinking for yourself.

That's incredibly stupid
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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2010
No. Climate this year is not normal. Usually you get 1 or 2 days a year that might break a half-degree above a record set twenty years ago. THAT'S normal.

But so far, Texas has frozen in January. Toronto had fucking SNOW in late April. And BC currently has temperatures which are TEN fucking degrees above FUCKING normal. That's fucked!!!!

The highest temperature I have ever firggin' noticed is 35 or 36. Vancouver is in the fucking FORTIES!!!! That's not fucking normal.
I did not say this year weather is normal. What I said is that it is normal to have ubnormal weather in a single year. It is not normal to have all years normal. It is like it is normal to buy a lottery ticket and do not win big. However, it is not normal if noone ever win big or if you buy tickets every weak and never win at all.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
I suspect a lot of the sheeple don't even know
who the experts are.

Well... does the Oil industry count as experts?

"Chevron accepts the consensus in the scientific communities on climate change,” said Boutrous. “There’s no debate about climate science.” Boutrous made the case that oil companies are not directly responsible for climate change. Rather, he said, humanity’s larger economic decisions are to blame. Boutrous told Judge Alsup that the “IPCC does not say it’s the extraction of fossil fuels [that causes climate change], it’s the energy use — the economic activity — that generates emissions.”

In a Federal District Court in San Francisco, five oil companies argued before a judge on facts that uphold the 95-100 percent likelihood that human activity has been the dominant cause of the global warming of Earth since the mid-20th century. In 2017, the cities of Oakland and San Francisco and the State of California filed lawsuits against Chevron, ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips, Royal Dutch Shell, and British Petroleum (BP), the five largest investor-owned producers of fossil fuels in the world, which are considered responsible for over 11 percent of all carbon dioxide and methane pollution that has accumulated in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution.
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Well... does the Oil industry count as experts?
They are better informed than typical climate change sheeple by looking into
studies of the experts. Climate change is not the expertise of Big Oil. I think Greta
told people to listen to science not Big Oil.
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Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
They are better informed than typical climate change sheeple by looking into
studies of the experts. Climate change is not the expertise of Big Oil. I think Greta
told people to listen to science not Big Oil.
When did they teach tap dancing at your school? 2nd or 3rd year? You're good at it. Bet you were a natural! Used "sheeple" and "Greta" in one post. Well done!

The broader point being... No, I am not a climate scientist. But I doubt you are, or the other board members your patting on the back calling us "sheeple".... however... the oil companies have conceded for years... in courts... that fossil fuels contribute to climate change.

Now... Oil Companies know most people do not know these facts... so they still continue to fund right wing media to say otherwise. Ben Shapiro... Faux News... OAN... still spinning man made climate denial non-sense for.... the "herd" would you call them?

So... I take the word of the 5 biggest oil companies... on record in court, over anything your blatantly obvious bias has to offer on the subject.

You're an incredibly smart guy too. Bias really is a funny thing. And I bet you tell yourself you're too smart to be biased.
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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
We will eventually have to continuously put sulfates into the atmosphere to block/reflect some of the sunlight, it would be expensive as fuck but we have to accept it.
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