That's a really lame evasion from someone who normally swaggers around these threads making jokes about Thunberg. Why don't you just admit that the climate is fucked and that shit will get weirder and nastier from here on in, while you oil guys keep raking in the cash?
Apparently you knew the answer to your question already and just wanted
to find out if I am in agreement with you. I think where people stand on the
climate issue doesn't matter much as business will be as usual
even if they admit that the climate is fucked. People
will still be cooling their residence 24 hr a day in the heat and paying big
oil willingly at the gas pump. Big oil will have to step up drilling sooner or
later to increase supply and bring down oil price even if they know the
climate is fucked or people will attack them for making a lot of money.
Emission will continue growing in Canada after Trudeau is reelected on
the promise of net-zero emission by 2050. Greta will carry on her attacks
on world leaders relentlessly (and selectively). And those politicians she
picks on will be all too happy to respond with more vows of fighting
climate change in the future to win votes. More school strikes for
climate on the street will be instigated by the attention whore of the century
when hopefully the lock down is lifted in the fall. A few of the striking teens
may bring the matter to the federal court. Most of them
will nonetheless be happy to get their driver's license by grade 12.
Seriously what really matters is how we live our life as
an Earth citizen. Until last Saturday I still tried to have
air-conditioning turned off for as much as 12 hr a day.
I have cut down expenses on many items to reduce
carbon footprint. That doesn't have anything to do
with climate change. One doesn't have to believe
in it to be environmentally conscious.