Discreet Dolls

Toronto- Terrorist supporters arrested


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Wtf? Err...i think he pointed out "Hezbollah"?
Oh, and by the way, that "give it time", i got bad news for you...
It will never happen in Canada lol.
Wrong, basketcase, like all the zionists here, label all Palestinians as 'Hamas' or 'terrorists' in order to tell themselves that they aren't terrorists themselves.
If they admitted Isarel is targeting and killing civilians they'd have to admit they are the terrorists.

So none of them, including you, will admit Israel kills civilians.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
It’s a moral confusion and delusion in regards to Israel and warfare.

According to the mullahs in Tehran, the US is the big Satan, Israel is the small Satan and the Western civilization, including Canada, is the devil’s nest.

If Israel and the West don’t stop Iran’s muhllas today, tomorrow they will be at your doorstep.

Unfortunately many in the West are confused about Israel and are delusional about peace with the death cult of islamists, ceasefire, and “two state solution”. No war in the history ended with “ceasefire”. In a war, one side wins and the other loses. Eventually the side who lost moves on. We defeated the Nazi Germany and Italy, and now one generation later we are friends with Germany and Italy.
You are Germany in that metaphor.

The country that is trying to expand and has declared they can't live with their neighbours.
The country that is committing genocide.



His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I don't know if you lie because you are consumed with hatred, or your brain has rotted because of the hatred. I've explained this to you and your hate mogner crew before, I'll do it one more time.
I know this is a waste of my time, but if you continue with such claims this will be total proof that you are a hate mongering blood thirsty bigot.

The Americans have one of the best trained and the msot technologically advanced militaries on the planet
Even they have been known to kill their own and their allies in friendly fire accidents.
Fuck they kill more of their own in training accidents without the stressors of actual combat than they lose in actual operations
So far this fiscal year alone, the Army has reported 82 accident-related fatalities. Across the Department of Defense, from 2006 to 2020, 5,605 service members were killed in training accidents.
This is in peace time training.
Jimmy Carr takes the piss on Americans by mocking them for killing British soldiers

Fact 1: In war people die. It is utterly unreasonable not to expect civilians to die in a war in a built up area. Yeah you can point out stories of bad things happening to civilians, but it is unavoidable. You don't even have to target civilians for it to happen, no matter HOW MUCH YOU TRY TO PREVENT IT [like in peace time training] it will happen.

Fact 2: It was Hamas who attacked Israel on Oct 7 a year ago with their rape murder and hostage taking, targeting civilians knowing full well that it would result in a military response that would result in their own civilians dying. See Fact 1. Hamas knew will full certainty that this would happen and did it anyways, it was a sure to happen as it is of Kate Micucci being adorable, me being weird or Trump lying. A sure bet.

Fact 3:The October 7th attacks could have no other purpose. It isn't as if killing, raping and hostage taking would cause Israel to just surrender and volunteer for extinction, it was not a path to military victory.

Fact 4: Hamas does have a history of hiding behind civilians and behind sensitive infrastructure to ensure that more of their civilians will die. It is their plan. Israel warns people in Gaza about attacks so they can leave, Hamas tells them to stay to be killed.

It is outrageous that Hamas spent decades and billions of dollars building tunnels under civilian homes and protected areas for the sole purpose of using Palestinian civilians as human shields. It is outrageous that Hamas does not allow civilians in their tunnels, that Hamas says and takes actions to create as many civilian deaths as possible—both its own and Israeli.

Fact 5: Even though it hurts operational security, the IDF have been providing warnings to Gaza civilians of impending attacks to try to prevent civilian dead and it's Hamas who tell their own people to stay in place to they can be killed, to paraphrase your Indian professor of logic friend, because they need more deaths to encourage the west to drop their support

"Entering Gaza, just past the Kerem Shalom crossing, there was a new road lined on both sides with dozens of trucks, most of them carrying food. The road was constructed by the IDF to make it easier to get food, water, fuel, and other essential supplies to the civilian population."
"The average man needs 2500 calories a day to maintain a stable diet; the average woman needs 2000. At current levels, there is enough aid entering Gaza daily to support over a 3,000 calorie a day diet. But food insecurity remains a challenge in Gaza, IDF officials say, because of Hamas fighters inside Gaza who steal and horde relief supplies."
"The fact is the killing of Palestinian civilians is a cruel and illegal element of Hamas’ strategy. While there is no denying that civilians are dying because of the IDF’s actions, the routine Hamas tactic of walking the streets in civilian clothes with no weapons, then duck into a building knowing where weapons are stored for use against the IDF, makes urban structures legitimate military targets according to the laws of armed conflict. In targeting these, the principles of distinction and proportionality still apply. The military activities I saw, as well as the processes and procedures followed by the Israeli military, are indicative of the IDF complying with the laws of armed conflict."
"In those cases where there are questions of misconduct or errors in the application of military force, these issues are investigated by a judicial arm of the IDF. In fact, such investigations are currently underway in Israel by a judicial arm that is separate from the military chain of command, causing widespread debates across the Jewish nation. Legal action is imminent. IDF personnel are legally held accountable for their actions. Israel employs measures not just to comply with international law, but because, whenever hostilities end, Israelis will still be living with the Palestinians as neighbors.

"According to the Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at West Point’s Modern War Institute, John Spencer, “Israel has done more to prevent civilian casualties in war than any military in history,” he posted on LinkedIn. His studies reveal that the ratio of enemy belligerent deaths to civilian deaths in Gaza is on the order of 1 to 1.0-1.5. Others estimate that ratio to be on the order of 1 to 2. World famous historian Lord Andrew Roberts gave a compelling expose in the House of Lords to the same effect. In similar urban terrain in Mosul, Iraq, from 2016 to 2017, the ratio was 1 to 2.5. The United Nations estimates that the nominal ratio of belligerent casualties to civilian casualties in wars of all types is on the order of 1 to 9. While the effects of combat are not conclusive, regarding the implementation of law of armed conflict obligations, they are certainly relevant. It is hard to square the accusations of indifference to Palestinian civilians and indiscriminate warfare with these statistics."

No military fighting an entrenched enemy in dense urban terrain in an area barely twice the size of Washington D.C. can avoid all civilian casualties. Reports of over 25,000 Palestinians killed, be they civilians or Hamas, have made headlines. But Israel has taken more measures to avoid needless civilian harm than virtually any other nation that's fought an urban war.
In fact, as someone who has served two tours in Iraq and studied urban warfare for over a decade, Israel has taken precautionary measures even the United States did not do during its recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

By contrast, Israel provided days and then weeks of warnings, as well as time for civilians to evacuate multiple cities in northern Gaza before starting the main air-ground attack of urban areas. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) employed their practice of calling and texting ahead of an air strike as well as roof-knocking, where they drop small munitions on the roof of a building notifying everyone to evacuate the building before a strike.

No military has ever implemented any of these practices in war before.

The IDF has also air-dropped flyers to give civilians instructions on when and how to evacuate, including with safe corridors. (The U.S. implemented these tactics in its second battle of Fallujah and 2016-2017 operation against ISIS in Mosul.) Israel has dropped over 520,000 pamphlets, and broadcast over radio and through social media messages to provide instruction for civilians to leave combat areas.

Israel's use of real phone calls to civilians in combat areas (19,734), SMS texts (64,399) and pre-recorded calls (almost 6 million) to provide instructions on evacuations is also unprecedented."
The IDF also conducted daily four-hour pauses over multiple consecutive days of the war to allow civilians to leave active combat areas. While pauses for civilian evacuations after a war or battle has started is not completely new, the frequency and predictability of these in Gaza have been historic.

Another historical first in war measures to prevent civilian causalities was Israel's distribution of IDF military maps and urban warfare graphics to assist civilians with day to day evacuations and alerting them to where the IDF will be operating. No military in history has ever done this."

So there. We have Hamas that specifically targets civilian targets knowing that Israel will respond with military operations which no matter how careful they are will result in Gaza civilian dead and we have the IDF who is doing everything they reasonable can to prevent such deaths.
You do not know what terrorism actually is. YOU support terrorism. You are the shitstain of terb.

So take your pro terrorist pro genocide bullshit and FUCK OFF.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I don't know if you lie because you are consumed with hatred, or your brain has rotted because of the hatred. I've explained this to you and your hate mogner crew before, I'll do it one more time.
I know this is a waste of my time, but if you continue with such claims this will be total proof that you are a hate mongering blood thirsty bigot.

The Americans have one of the best trained and the msot technologically advanced militaries on the planet
Even they have been known to kill their own and their allies in friendly fire accidents.
Fuck they kill more of their own in training accidents without the stressors of actual combat than they lose in actual operations
So far this fiscal year alone, the Army has reported 82 accident-related fatalities. Across the Department of Defense, from 2006 to 2020, 5,605 service members were killed in training accidents.
This is in peace time training.
Jimmy Carr takes the piss on Americans by mocking them for killing British soldiers

Fact 1: In war people die. It is utterly unreasonable not to expect civilians to die in a war in a built up area. Yeah you can point out stories of bad things happening to civilians, but it is unavoidable. You don't even have to target civilians for it to happen, no matter HOW MUCH YOU TRY TO PREVENT IT [like in peace time training] it will happen.

Fact 2: It was Hamas who attacked Israel on Oct 7 a year ago with their rape murder and hostage taking, targeting civilians knowing full well that it would result in a military response that would result in their own civilians dying. See Fact 1. Hamas knew will full certainty that this would happen and did it anyways, it was a sure to happen as it is of Kate Micucci being adorable, me being weird or Trump lying. A sure bet.

Fact 3:The October 7th attacks could have no other purpose. It isn't as if killing, raping and hostage taking would cause Israel to just surrender and volunteer for extinction, it was not a path to military victory.

Fact 4: Hamas does have a history of hiding behind civilians and behind sensitive infrastructure to ensure that more of their civilians will die. It is their plan. Israel warns people in Gaza about attacks so they can leave, Hamas tells them to stay to be killed.

It is outrageous that Hamas spent decades and billions of dollars building tunnels under civilian homes and protected areas for the sole purpose of using Palestinian civilians as human shields. It is outrageous that Hamas does not allow civilians in their tunnels, that Hamas says and takes actions to create as many civilian deaths as possible—both its own and Israeli.

Fact 5: Even though it hurts operational security, the IDF have been providing warnings to Gaza civilians of impending attacks to try to prevent civilian dead and it's Hamas who tell their own people to stay in place to they can be killed, to paraphrase your Indian professor of logic friend, because they need more deaths to encourage the west to drop their support

"Entering Gaza, just past the Kerem Shalom crossing, there was a new road lined on both sides with dozens of trucks, most of them carrying food. The road was constructed by the IDF to make it easier to get food, water, fuel, and other essential supplies to the civilian population."
"The average man needs 2500 calories a day to maintain a stable diet; the average woman needs 2000. At current levels, there is enough aid entering Gaza daily to support over a 3,000 calorie a day diet. But food insecurity remains a challenge in Gaza, IDF officials say, because of Hamas fighters inside Gaza who steal and horde relief supplies."
"The fact is the killing of Palestinian civilians is a cruel and illegal element of Hamas’ strategy. While there is no denying that civilians are dying because of the IDF’s actions, the routine Hamas tactic of walking the streets in civilian clothes with no weapons, then duck into a building knowing where weapons are stored for use against the IDF, makes urban structures legitimate military targets according to the laws of armed conflict. In targeting these, the principles of distinction and proportionality still apply. The military activities I saw, as well as the processes and procedures followed by the Israeli military, are indicative of the IDF complying with the laws of armed conflict."
"In those cases where there are questions of misconduct or errors in the application of military force, these issues are investigated by a judicial arm of the IDF. In fact, such investigations are currently underway in Israel by a judicial arm that is separate from the military chain of command, causing widespread debates across the Jewish nation. Legal action is imminent. IDF personnel are legally held accountable for their actions. Israel employs measures not just to comply with international law, but because, whenever hostilities end, Israelis will still be living with the Palestinians as neighbors.

"According to the Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at West Point’s Modern War Institute, John Spencer, “Israel has done more to prevent civilian casualties in war than any military in history,” he posted on LinkedIn. His studies reveal that the ratio of enemy belligerent deaths to civilian deaths in Gaza is on the order of 1 to 1.0-1.5. Others estimate that ratio to be on the order of 1 to 2. World famous historian Lord Andrew Roberts gave a compelling expose in the House of Lords to the same effect. In similar urban terrain in Mosul, Iraq, from 2016 to 2017, the ratio was 1 to 2.5. The United Nations estimates that the nominal ratio of belligerent casualties to civilian casualties in wars of all types is on the order of 1 to 9. While the effects of combat are not conclusive, regarding the implementation of law of armed conflict obligations, they are certainly relevant. It is hard to square the accusations of indifference to Palestinian civilians and indiscriminate warfare with these statistics."

No military fighting an entrenched enemy in dense urban terrain in an area barely twice the size of Washington D.C. can avoid all civilian casualties. Reports of over 25,000 Palestinians killed, be they civilians or Hamas, have made headlines. But Israel has taken more measures to avoid needless civilian harm than virtually any other nation that's fought an urban war.
In fact, as someone who has served two tours in Iraq and studied urban warfare for over a decade, Israel has taken precautionary measures even the United States did not do during its recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

By contrast, Israel provided days and then weeks of warnings, as well as time for civilians to evacuate multiple cities in northern Gaza before starting the main air-ground attack of urban areas. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) employed their practice of calling and texting ahead of an air strike as well as roof-knocking, where they drop small munitions on the roof of a building notifying everyone to evacuate the building before a strike.

No military has ever implemented any of these practices in war before.

The IDF has also air-dropped flyers to give civilians instructions on when and how to evacuate, including with safe corridors. (The U.S. implemented these tactics in its second battle of Fallujah and 2016-2017 operation against ISIS in Mosul.) Israel has dropped over 520,000 pamphlets, and broadcast over radio and through social media messages to provide instruction for civilians to leave combat areas.

Israel's use of real phone calls to civilians in combat areas (19,734), SMS texts (64,399) and pre-recorded calls (almost 6 million) to provide instructions on evacuations is also unprecedented."
The IDF also conducted daily four-hour pauses over multiple consecutive days of the war to allow civilians to leave active combat areas. While pauses for civilian evacuations after a war or battle has started is not completely new, the frequency and predictability of these in Gaza have been historic.

Another historical first in war measures to prevent civilian causalities was Israel's distribution of IDF military maps and urban warfare graphics to assist civilians with day to day evacuations and alerting them to where the IDF will be operating. No military in history has ever done this."

So there. We have Hamas that specifically targets civilian targets knowing that Israel will respond with military operations which no matter how careful they are will result in Gaza civilian dead and we have the IDF who is doing everything they reasonable can to prevent such deaths.
You do not know what terrorism actually is. YOU support terrorism. You are the shitstain of terb.

So take your pro terrorist pro genocide bullshit and FUCK OFF.
I don't know how many times I have to explain international law and human rights to you and your hatred filled compatriots, but here you go:

Fact 1: Israel has been illegally occupying Palestine for 76 years, as recently ruled by the ICJ and UN.
Fact 2: Israel is not a democracy, its an apartheid ethno state intent on colonizing Palestine and its neighbours.
Fact 3: Palestinians, including Hamas, have the right to self defence against an illegal occupation. They do not, like Israel, have the right to target civilians.
Fact 4: Israel cannot claim self defence against the people they occupy illegally, nor can they declare war on the people they occupy illegally.
Fact 5: Israel has killed more civilians than any other country this century, more journalists, more medics, more UN workers and more children.
Fact 6: Israel has created the most child amputees this century.
Fact 7: Israel has been shown to target civilians repeatedly, including using snipers on children and targeting aid workers with the support of the US
Fact 8: Israel kills more civilians than any other army, they intentionally target civilian infrastructure in Gaza and Beirut.
Fact 9: Israel has been accused of genocide, with cases impending at the ICC and ICJ, which has them join select crew like nazis and Pol Pot.
Fact 10: Israel has been repeatedly accused of intentionally using starvation as policy, a crime which targets civilians.
Fact 11: Israel has intentionally destroyed the Gaza health care system and blocks medical supplies.

There are masses of records of Israeli war crimes, apartheid, genocide and terrorism.
It will take decades to go through all of them.

zionism is a shitstain on humanity like nazis were.

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His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I don't know how many times I have to explain international law and human rights to you and your hatred filled compatriots, but here you go:

Fact 1: Israel has been illegally occupying Palestine for 76 years, as recently ruled by the ICJ and UN.
Fact 2: Israel is not a democracy, its an apartheid ethno state intent on colonizing Palestine and its neighbours.
Fact 3: Palestinians, including Hamas, have the right to self defence against an illegal occupation. They do not, like Israel, have the right to target civilians.
Fact 4: Israel cannot claim self defence against the people they occupy illegally, nor can they declare war on the people they occupy illegally.
Fact 5: Israel has killed more civilians than any other country this century, more journalists, more medics, more UN workers and more children.
Fact 6: Israel has created the most child amputees this century.
Fact 7: Israel has been shown to target civilians repeatedly, including using snipers on children and targeting aid workers with the support of the US
Fact 8: Israel kills more civilians than any other army, they intentionally target civilian infrastructure in Gaza and Beirut.
Fact 9: Israel has been accused of genocide, with cases impending at the ICC and ICJ, which has them join select crew like nazis and Pol Pot.
Fact 10: Israel has been repeatedly accused of intentionally using starvation as policy, a crime which targets civilians.
Fact 11: Israel has intentionally destroyed the Gaza health care system and blocks medical supplies.

There are masses of records of Israeli war crimes, apartheid, genocide and terrorism.
It will take decades to go through all of them.

zionism is a shitstain on humanity like nazis were.
Nothing you said, as per usual addressed anything I said.

1: Maybe, but considering your lies, probably not
2: It is a democracy, arabs are allowed to vote and they often vote for parties like Ra'am and Joint List, so that is definitely a lie
3: You obviously never read anything I posted. Hamas targets Israeli citizens and their own people, I have proven with main stream sources that Israel DOES NOT target civilians and in fact does everything they reasonably can do to avoid targeting civilians, I've proven this, you have no rebuttal except for lies
4: They took over the West Bank and Gaza in defensive wars fair and square, and I noticed the hate monger crew didn't consider it an illegal occupation when it was Egyptian and Jordanian clay
5: This century, maybe it's true, probably not, there is a serious bloodbath in Syria going on, and Iraq, and Burma... as I notice you left out last century I wonder why.
6: Prove it. Like point 5, and again I notice you left out the last century. Also even if it's true, Israel as I proved is doing everything they can to avoid this and Hamas is doing everything they can to create child amputees
7: A claim by a known liar or my debunking using main steam sources which you haven't read,
8: I debunked the targeting of infrastructure, you can blame Hamas for that. I used mainstream media sources, all we have from you is trust me brah from a known liar. Also more than any other army. More than the US Army Air Force in their bombing campaigns, more than the Japanese army who actually did target civilians [three all campaign]. . More than the German and Russian armies in WWII? Seriously. Are you that detached from reality.
9: The ICC was formed in 2002, so I kinda doubt they said shit about the Nazis [which was dealt with during Nuremberg. At it doesn't matter because I've shown they are wrong, assuming you are not lying or misrepresenting this, according to Lancet you tend to do that a lot.
10: Funny that, because we have your claim no doubt backed up by some rando on twitter, I have actual legit media sources that say the exact opposite.
11: Intentionally, I am pretty sure that word doesn't mean what you think it means. I've established that Hamas is using such infrastructure to hide behind which makes them legitimate targets in war, it is Hamas that wants those things destroyed.

So our conversation so far.
I make a bunch of points, I back them up with legitimate sources
Your response is nu huh followed by a bunch of lies and distortions.
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Aug 23, 2001
Frankie, what happened to South Africa's ICC claim that Israel is committing genocide?

Give us an update.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Frankie, what happened to South Africa's ICC claim that Israel is committing genocide?

Give us an update.
Of the three ongoing cases:
1) Occupation - The ICJ ruled the occupation of Palestine is illegal, must be ended and reparations paid. The UN passed a resolution demanding this happen within a year.

2) South Africa's ICJ charges of genocide case - 7 countries have joined the case and it progresses slowly.

3) ICC charges of genocide - Israel waited until the last second to post their challenges, they are now public and being mocked.
The court moves slowly, they've publicly stated that Israel and the US have issued threats on their lives and their families but the case progresses.
This is out in the last day or so.

As someone who plays a lawyer on the board I'm sure you'll explain why Israel has the right to commit genocide on the people they illegally occupy.

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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I don't know if you lie because you are consumed with hatred, or your brain has rotted because of the hatred. I've explained this to you and your hate mogner crew before, I'll do it one more time.
I know this is a waste of my time, but if you continue with such claims this will be total proof that you are a hate mongering blood thirsty bigot.

The Americans have one of the best trained and the msot technologically advanced militaries on the planet
Even they have been known to kill their own and their allies in friendly fire accidents.
Fuck they kill more of their own in training accidents without the stressors of actual combat than they lose in actual operations
So far this fiscal year alone, the Army has reported 82 accident-related fatalities. Across the Department of Defense, from 2006 to 2020, 5,605 service members were killed in training accidents.
This is in peace time training.
Jimmy Carr takes the piss on Americans by mocking them for killing British soldiers

Fact 1: In war people die. It is utterly unreasonable not to expect civilians to die in a war in a built up area. Yeah you can point out stories of bad things happening to civilians, but it is unavoidable. You don't even have to target civilians for it to happen, no matter HOW MUCH YOU TRY TO PREVENT IT [like in peace time training] it will happen.

Fact 2: It was Hamas who attacked Israel on Oct 7 a year ago with their rape murder and hostage taking, targeting civilians knowing full well that it would result in a military response that would result in their own civilians dying. See Fact 1. Hamas knew will full certainty that this would happen and did it anyways, it was a sure to happen as it is of Kate Micucci being adorable, me being weird or Trump lying. A sure bet.

Fact 3:The October 7th attacks could have no other purpose. It isn't as if killing, raping and hostage taking would cause Israel to just surrender and volunteer for extinction, it was not a path to military victory.

Fact 4: Hamas does have a history of hiding behind civilians and behind sensitive infrastructure to ensure that more of their civilians will die. It is their plan. Israel warns people in Gaza about attacks so they can leave, Hamas tells them to stay to be killed.

It is outrageous that Hamas spent decades and billions of dollars building tunnels under civilian homes and protected areas for the sole purpose of using Palestinian civilians as human shields. It is outrageous that Hamas does not allow civilians in their tunnels, that Hamas says and takes actions to create as many civilian deaths as possible—both its own and Israeli.

Fact 5: Even though it hurts operational security, the IDF have been providing warnings to Gaza civilians of impending attacks to try to prevent civilian dead and it's Hamas who tell their own people to stay in place to they can be killed, to paraphrase your Indian professor of logic friend, because they need more deaths to encourage the west to drop their support

"Entering Gaza, just past the Kerem Shalom crossing, there was a new road lined on both sides with dozens of trucks, most of them carrying food. The road was constructed by the IDF to make it easier to get food, water, fuel, and other essential supplies to the civilian population."
"The average man needs 2500 calories a day to maintain a stable diet; the average woman needs 2000. At current levels, there is enough aid entering Gaza daily to support over a 3,000 calorie a day diet. But food insecurity remains a challenge in Gaza, IDF officials say, because of Hamas fighters inside Gaza who steal and horde relief supplies."
"The fact is the killing of Palestinian civilians is a cruel and illegal element of Hamas’ strategy. While there is no denying that civilians are dying because of the IDF’s actions, the routine Hamas tactic of walking the streets in civilian clothes with no weapons, then duck into a building knowing where weapons are stored for use against the IDF, makes urban structures legitimate military targets according to the laws of armed conflict. In targeting these, the principles of distinction and proportionality still apply. The military activities I saw, as well as the processes and procedures followed by the Israeli military, are indicative of the IDF complying with the laws of armed conflict."
"In those cases where there are questions of misconduct or errors in the application of military force, these issues are investigated by a judicial arm of the IDF. In fact, such investigations are currently underway in Israel by a judicial arm that is separate from the military chain of command, causing widespread debates across the Jewish nation. Legal action is imminent. IDF personnel are legally held accountable for their actions. Israel employs measures not just to comply with international law, but because, whenever hostilities end, Israelis will still be living with the Palestinians as neighbors.

"According to the Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at West Point’s Modern War Institute, John Spencer, “Israel has done more to prevent civilian casualties in war than any military in history,” he posted on LinkedIn. His studies reveal that the ratio of enemy belligerent deaths to civilian deaths in Gaza is on the order of 1 to 1.0-1.5. Others estimate that ratio to be on the order of 1 to 2. World famous historian Lord Andrew Roberts gave a compelling expose in the House of Lords to the same effect. In similar urban terrain in Mosul, Iraq, from 2016 to 2017, the ratio was 1 to 2.5. The United Nations estimates that the nominal ratio of belligerent casualties to civilian casualties in wars of all types is on the order of 1 to 9. While the effects of combat are not conclusive, regarding the implementation of law of armed conflict obligations, they are certainly relevant. It is hard to square the accusations of indifference to Palestinian civilians and indiscriminate warfare with these statistics."

No military fighting an entrenched enemy in dense urban terrain in an area barely twice the size of Washington D.C. can avoid all civilian casualties. Reports of over 25,000 Palestinians killed, be they civilians or Hamas, have made headlines. But Israel has taken more measures to avoid needless civilian harm than virtually any other nation that's fought an urban war.
In fact, as someone who has served two tours in Iraq and studied urban warfare for over a decade, Israel has taken precautionary measures even the United States did not do during its recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

By contrast, Israel provided days and then weeks of warnings, as well as time for civilians to evacuate multiple cities in northern Gaza before starting the main air-ground attack of urban areas. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) employed their practice of calling and texting ahead of an air strike as well as roof-knocking, where they drop small munitions on the roof of a building notifying everyone to evacuate the building before a strike.

No military has ever implemented any of these practices in war before.

The IDF has also air-dropped flyers to give civilians instructions on when and how to evacuate, including with safe corridors. (The U.S. implemented these tactics in its second battle of Fallujah and 2016-2017 operation against ISIS in Mosul.) Israel has dropped over 520,000 pamphlets, and broadcast over radio and through social media messages to provide instruction for civilians to leave combat areas.

Israel's use of real phone calls to civilians in combat areas (19,734), SMS texts (64,399) and pre-recorded calls (almost 6 million) to provide instructions on evacuations is also unprecedented."
The IDF also conducted daily four-hour pauses over multiple consecutive days of the war to allow civilians to leave active combat areas. While pauses for civilian evacuations after a war or battle has started is not completely new, the frequency and predictability of these in Gaza have been historic.

Another historical first in war measures to prevent civilian causalities was Israel's distribution of IDF military maps and urban warfare graphics to assist civilians with day to day evacuations and alerting them to where the IDF will be operating. No military in history has ever done this."

So there. We have Hamas that specifically targets civilian targets knowing that Israel will respond with military operations which no matter how careful they are will result in Gaza civilian dead and we have the IDF who is doing everything they reasonable can to prevent such deaths.
You do not know what terrorism actually is. YOU support terrorism. You are the shitstain of terb.

So take your pro terrorist pro genocide bullshit and FUCK OFF.
Ok, NAD, I'll respond to your fantasy 'facts'.
1) You can't declare war on a people you are occupying according to the Geneva Conventions, of which Israel is a signatory. Israel is now however at war with Yemeni, Lebanon, Syria and just about with Iran. All of those are wars of aggression by apartheid Israel, all deaths are at the hand of the aggressor.

2) This didn't start Oct 7, 2023 had the highest settler terrorist attacks on Palestinians, the most children killed by Israel and then was followed by an an attack on the Al Aqsa Mosque. A similar attack started fighting in 2021, this time Netanyahu sent the IOF off to the West Bank and refused protection for the rave.

4) Hamas and Palestinians has the right to use violence and resist the illegal occupation of Palestine. On Oct 7 Israel likely killed most of the civilians using the Hannibal Directive. Both sides committed war crimes that day, though Israel has been committing daily war crimes for half a century now.

5) If Shazi warns you he's going to steal your house it doesn't make it any less of a crime when he takes it, kills your family and declares it Israel. Warnings do not excuse targeting civilians or civilian infrastructure.

Your defences would put you behind bars at the ICC or ICJ.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Of the three ongoing cases:
1) Occupation - The ICJ ruled the occupation of Palestine is illegal, must be ended and reparations paid. The UN passed a resolution demanding this happen within a year.

2) South Africa's ICJ charges of genocide case - 7 countries have joined the case and it progresses slowly.

3) ICC charges of genocide - Israel waited until the last second to post their challenges, they are now public and being mocked.
The court moves slowly, they've publicly stated that Israel and the US have issued threats on their lives and their families but the case progresses.
This is out in the last day or so.

As someone who plays a lawyer on the board I'm sure you'll explain why Israel has the right to commit genocide on the people they illegally occupy.
LOL, the UN and ICJ, they are corrupt as shit.
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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2011
…ICC or ICJ.
“Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations,” states Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.

This is true for every UN member country – except, it seems, for Israel. When it comes to the Jewish state, apparently, the rule doesn’t apply.

Kangaroo court


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Hate Mongering bullshit
Yeah whatever. It is pointless having a conversation with you.

Anyone who labels CNN, Newsweek, Forbes and the like as fantasy is about as worthless as a source as those flat earther types.

But you are worse because you want to to commit genocide while lying about your enemies wanting to do the same
You literally have spoke out in favor of terrorists and terrorism and yet accuse others who haven't [which I have proved] of committing terrorism to justify your hate

Also I noticed that NOTHING you have said has actually addressed my debunking.

Clown shoes, total clown shoes.

First of all Dumbass, it is a war, it is as much a way as the Malaysian counter insurgency operations.
1: More to the point, my point is that in war these things happen, even if it did not meet some bullshit self serving definition of war, a normal person not consumed with hate would take what I said to also apply to military operations in general. Those American soldiers killed in training, that was not a fucking war.

2: Funny how you claim falsely that Israel is committing terrorism and it's wrong, but then you turn around and claim it's OK and somehow not terrorism to specifically target civilians because of some occupation. They got their land by the western powers in the 40's and fought off multiple attempts by all their neighbors to destroy them. Also where were the calls to commit rape murder and hostage taking vs Jordan and Egypt when they had the lands. Israel has been around for 75 years it's a bit late now. Like the Russians in the potato union, they have been there long enough.

3: Oh The New Arab, I guess you couldn't find anything by the Economist, or Reuters. Also no actual context of what actually is going on. Considering how much lies and bullshit you have a habit of dismissing and how you ignore Newsweek, CNN, Forbes etc. I am jsut going to call bullshit on that.

4: Oh so Hamas and pals never did anything wrong till Oct 7th? Right. ALso Hamas have been trying their best to get their own people killed not for the past year but longer.
But hey OK, so I suppose if Ukraine sent a force into Russia proper, not to target military forces or transport infrastructure but rather to rape and kill Russian civilians and to take hostages with absolutely no chance of said mission having any meaningful contribution to victory, you would be OK with that. I mean Ukraine is occupied right. Ya feel me, are you grasping how fucked up you sound.

5: Then you give this gift. You totally misunderstand the nature of warnings to save human life AND the evil of Hamas telling people to stay there to get killed.

1: Hamas attacked on Oct 7th KNOWING what Israel was going to do, that it was going to result in a military retaliation that they could not win and get mother fuckers killed this is not fantasy, this is a fact
2: Mother fuckers die in training, in military operations mother fuckers get killed by your own side. Israel has been going above and beyond to minimize it and Humas have been doing what they can to negate Israel's efforts. Also in any other situation a combat in a built up zone would result in many fold more civilian deaths if the IDF were not trying so hard to prevent them.
" His studies reveal that the ratio of enemy belligerent deaths to civilian deaths in Gaza is on the order of 1 to 1.0-1.5. Others estimate that ratio to be on the order of 1 to 2. World famous historian Lord Andrew Roberts gave a compelling expose in the House of Lords to the same effect. In similar urban terrain in Mosul, Iraq, from 2016 to 2017, the ratio was 1 to 2.5. The United Nations estimates that the nominal ratio of belligerent casualties to civilian casualties in wars of all types is on the order of 1 to 9."
As for infrastructure Hamas has a history of using it as well as people to hide behind, they know they will get attacked, and by the laws of war their hiding makes them legitimate targets, but they do it anyways because HAMAS WANTS PALESTINIAN SUFFERING>
You have made the claim that Israel is trying to kill as many civilians as they can, how can you justify that statement with the above information.

I've established these FACTs with actual sources and citations so you can read the base reports.

Every dead child is not only because of Hamas, but can only make sense if it's the goal of Hamas to garner support for their genocidal river to sea cause from their own mooks and mooks in the west.

But I am sure you don't actually read what you respond to.
You are a terb version of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serdar_Argic except with much more hate, but it seems a similar love of genocide.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
“Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations,” states Article 51 of the United Nations Charter.

This is true for every UN member country – except, it seems, for Israel. When it comes to the Jewish state, apparently, the rule doesn’t apply.

Kangaroo court
According to the UN and ICJ, Israel is illegally occupying Palestine.
That means they can't claim self defence or declare war on the people they occupy.



His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Your views on what is corrupt is fucked.

Typical Frankfooter.
The claim. The UN and ICJ are corrupt
His response. Something about how a JERUSALEM DISTRICT COURT is being asked to postpone testimony of corruption charges.

1: The Jerusalem district court ISNT" THE FUCKING UN OR ICJ. They could be the most corrupt thing on the planet, but that doesn't change the claims made vs the UN and the ICJ
Again it's a bit like Bill Cosby on being accused to being a rapist defending him self by pointing out Harvey Winestien. That isn't a defense, it's a deflection.
I've pointed out this flaw to you before but you keep doing it. I donno, maybe you are retarded and don't understand basic logic, maybe you don't actually read what people say to you. Maybe you fuck pussies to death sea otter style, I mean you probably are not going to read this anyways so I can make any claim I want about you.

2: Corruption trial =/= guilty we don't know the result. And there is nothing weird about asking for a delay. I mean the court can always say no. That is not evidence of corruption... and even if it was, see point one.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2011
According to the UN and ICJ, Israel is illegally occupying Palestine.
That means they can't claim self defence or declare war on the people they occupy.
Even if it is true that Israel occupied Gaza (but it is not) the language of Article 51 “Nothing in the present Chapter shall impair…” clearly indicates that it supersedes any other claim.

Regarding the occupation claim. Even per Kangaroo ICJ it is not that Israel physically occupied Gaza, but rather that it bares some responsibility, commensurate with the extent of control they still had, even though they did not physically occupy Gaza.
Read the damn source more attentively. You misrepresent it. It’s not what you think it’s concluded. Too much reading Anti-Israel and anti-West propaganda on X.

Btw Israel fulfilled those obligations.Eg they supplied electricity and water. Gave work permits. Treated ill Gazans in Israeli hospitals. Peace loving kibbutz members invited poor Gazans to their homes, gave them jobs, drove them to hospitals. Only to be murdered on October 7.
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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Even if it is true that Israel occupied Gaza (but it is not) the language of Article 51 “Nothing in the present Chapter shall impair…” clearly indicates that it supersedes any other claim.

Regarding the occupation claim. Even per Kangaroo ICJ it is not that Israel physically occupied Gaza, but rather that it bares some responsibility, commensurate with the extent of control they still had, even though they did not physically occupy Gaza.
Read the damn source more attentively. You misrepresent it. It’s not what you think it’s concluded. Too much reading Anti-Israel and anti-West propaganda on X.

Btw Israel fulfilled those obligations.Eg they supplied electricity and water. Gave work permits. Treated ill Gazans in Israeli hospitals. Peace loving kibbutz members invited poor Gazans to their homes, gave them jobs, drove them to hospitals. Only to be murdered on October 7.
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