how insane is that most kibitzniks targeted on October 7 were very left wing politically.Israel fulfilled those obligations.Eg they supplied electricity and water. Gave work permits. Treated ill Gazans in Israeli hospitals. Peace loving kibbutz members invited poor Gazans to their homes, gave them jobs, drove them to hospitals. Only to be murdered on October 7.
And how insane is that a music festival was shot up, and immediately it was accepted that it’s okay and all the electronic music lovers in the west totally sucked it up and went on to support Palestine from the river to the sea (and being so stupid that they do not even understand that this expression necessarily means wiping israel out).
A Palestinian dj is coming to Toronto in a week or two. I’d think that they should be sitting the whole war out like CK Louis went and hid his face for a few years. Fucking cancel yourself. What a stain on electronic music this whole thing is. I completely lost respect to anyone connected to it. Not that I had much ever.
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