Yes the Feds were responsible for guidance, provinces do not need to follow as BC and QC did. Because the ON decided it was better to hold back doses in case of 2 dose supply issues, instead of getting as many LTC residents vaxxed ASAP, thousands DIED. The Feds accepted the manufacturers testing data, but like ALL DRUGS, field use data was used to expand the usage guidelines to provide more options. Canada did not really strech the doses that far, they allowed a MAX of 4 months, but I doubt anyone will need to wait that long. I got mine just over 2 m. Bottom line, this allowed Canada to get 1st shots in many more arms and has allowed us to bring the pandemic under control much faster. i.e it worked yet you cons are still whining about a HUGE SUCCESS STORY. The numbers are the numbers are the numbers. SUCK IT UP.