Which of those were specifically against the advice of NACI or doctors?The fact is the delay in the second dose wasn’t done by design or strategy but done solely cause of lack of supply. The availability of vaccines has dedicated the program almost from day 1 and still continues.
There was nothing scientific about it.
cad rollout has been done contrary to best practices cause of supply and only supply.
1. Delaying second dose up to 4 months
2. Entering into an agreement with China for a Chinese vaccine (Wtf would take that shite)
3. Telling Canadians to not take AZ (after India imposed an export ban
4. Using vaccines past expiry
5. Flip flopping AZ not for <60 & >65, then it’s approved when AZ supply was expected to exceed Rnra vaccine shipments
6. Stoping AZ for first doses when supply ran dry
7. Mismatching vaccines shots. People are more likely now to get Pfizer as thei second dose (cause we have gotten more shipments of Pfizer and the govt has no clue how to get more of the other two).
The federal strategy can be summed up as beggars can’t be choosers, we’ll take anything from anyone approve it and tell people that’s the best one.
And what so you don’t think that Warrants criticism, get the fuck out of here!