Demi Lovato


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
It is a sad existence when a person only sees in black and white.
But in certain cases there IS only black and white.
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Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
There are many, many things that have grey area in life. What sex you are isn't one of them.
We are not talking sex, we are talking gender. Gender is fluid. Deal with it. LOL.

You may not want to change but the world is already doing it for you. Whether you like it or not.


We are not talking sex, we are talking gender. Gender is fluid. Deal with it. LOL.

You may not want to change but the world is already doing it for you. Whether you like it or not.
There is no difference between gender and sex. Gender is decidedly NOT fluid. If a pregnant woman who “identifies” as non-binary comes to the hospital in labour you don’t pretend she isn’t a woman. That would be criminal negligence.
Peoples opinions are changing, yes, but biology isn’t.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
She demands we call her They
She addresses herself as I instead of We.

Clown Shoes.
They didn't claim t be royal, why on earth would they use "We"?

Can two non-binary people engage in sex?
With great enthusiasm and skill, in my experience.

Why do people care if someone wants you to use a certain pronoun? How does it affect you?
For many it seems to be that it threatens their sense of order and therefore they take it as a personal attack.

Using They Their when referring to a particular person is wrong and it isn't an error people normally make so you get used to it. It's a bit like saying Me fail English, that's unpossible.
Sorry that most Englishes don't agree with you.
They as singular is hundreds of years old.
If you want to make an argument about They as singular for a particular person being less common, sure but it isn't wrong there either.
There would be a problem if we abandoned "he" and "she" as pronouns completely since we would need something to deal with referents but obviously a solution would evolve and I don't see the other pronouns being abandoned anyway.

Come on dont hide behind grammar as an excuse.

At least be honest that it makes you uncomfortable.

I mean you do realize language changes right? At one point we used to use thee and thy
You aren't allowed to point out that language changes. You especially can't point out that pronouns in the Englishes have changed repeatedly.

But all the new pronouns confuse me.
There are next to no new pronouns. The attempts to introduce entirely new pronouns have mostly failed - entirely new pronouns is a very hard lift for a language. That's why just focusing on "them/they/their" has been more successful.

So, if I self identify as a deity, can I demand everyone address me as "Almighty"
Of course you can. And since identity is a negotiated position, most people will ignore you.
What isn't going to happen is people on a message board going on at length on how awful it is and it pisses them off and ruins their day.

People are tired of this politically correct bullshit. He was asked to come back.
Assholes gotta asshole.

Because I speak English and in English , we don't use a plural pronoun to identify a singular individual. And also because it requires too much memory work to address every person with their fav pronoun.
Yes we do use "they" as both singular and plural. Just like we use "you" as both singular and plural.
As for memory work, there aren't a million fav pronouns because no language is going to keep that.

Except this rule really isn't true.

The pairing of they or their with everyone, which is technically being used as a singular, has been around for centuries, including examples in Shakespeare.

Not that long ago, people tended to use he when referring to an individual of unspecified gender. Of course, this practice was sexist. Some writers experimented with using she exclusively in such situations, or alternating. Sometimes people wrote he or she all the time. These options for identifying an individual of unspecified gender were awkward, and were not effective for addressing an individual who preferred a nonbinary pronoun. The use of words such as they as singular pronouns has been gaining traction for a while. At first, this practice was considered informal, but that's no longer the case. Major dictionaries like Merriam-Webster and Oxford, as well as style guides like APA and MLA, have accepted the use both for individuals of unspecified gender and for individuals who prefer to be identified with such a pronoun.

So, get used to it.

If it's too much memory work for you, refer to everyone using gender-neutral pronouns such as they. Problem solved. Though really, I suggest treating it as a sign of basic respect, like making an effort to learn someone's name if you're going to interact with them.

By the way, using you as a singular was once considered incorrect, but I doubt you'll find many people objecting to it now. Languages evolve.
Don't bring actual facts into this, you will just upset them being upset. :)

This is one thing I have noticed. A lot of people are not receptive to change. No matter what it may be. Not sure why. Is it because they are so use to something, just not accepting, etc....
And that's normal. People are uncomfortable with change. Which is fine. Just don't be an asshole about it.
(Or take up one of the versions of Buddhism that embraces the ephemeral.)

But in certain cases there IS only black and white.
Almost never, though. Categories, labels, and boundaries tend to be incredibly fuzzy overlays on reality.

There is no difference between gender and sex. Gender is decidedly NOT fluid. If a pregnant woman who “identifies” as non-binary comes to the hospital in labour you don’t pretend she isn’t a woman. That would be criminal negligence.
Peoples opinions are changing, yes, but biology isn’t.
So what is your complaint? No one is saying biology is changing.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
There is no difference between gender and sex. Gender is decidedly NOT fluid. If a pregnant woman who “identifies” as non-binary comes to the hospital in labour you don’t pretend she isn’t a woman. That would be criminal negligence.
Peoples opinions are changing, yes, but biology isn’t.
Gender identity is not biological.

Sex, yes - gender no.
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Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
The word "they" is already taken in English. Its meaning is crystal clear. So as not to cause confusion, invent a new word for your pronoun. You want to make communication difficult and have people constantly fumble when addressing you as "they".... that's on you and your sad stupid life. We can only accommodate so much of it.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
The word "they" is already taken in English. Its meaning is crystal clear.
You are right.

check the dictionary.



Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
You are right.

check the dictionary.

Woke dictionaries. congrats.

You and they will forever hold an L regardless. Sit in your corners angry at the world over your non-binary status.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
The word "they" is already taken in English. Its meaning is crystal clear. So as not to cause confusion, invent a new word for your pronoun. You want to make communication difficult and have people constantly fumble when addressing you as "they".... that's on you and your sad stupid life. We can only accommodate so much of it.
That's not how language works.
Besides, "they" as a singular is already hundreds of years old.
It was the stupid 18th century politically correct obsession with pretending English worked like Latin that resulted in people trying to insist it was plural.


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
The Oxford English Dictionary traces singular they back to 1375, where it appears in the medieval romance William and the Werewolf.
Yup. Super-woke and recent.
All kinds of institutions that are centuries-old are woke today. Add full-fledged universities to that category.


Giver of truth
Jul 26, 2020
That's not how language works.
Besides, "they" as a singular is already hundreds of years old.
It was the stupid 18th century politically correct obsession with pretending English worked like Latin that resulted in people trying to insist it was plural.
As a gender pronoun, "they" is very recent, very woke, and absolutely absurd. I'll call you 'they' if you like, but don't get angry if I and everyone else makes a mistake every now and then. Because, after all, the term already has currency in a more common more useful form.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
That's not how language works.
Besides, "they" as a singular is already hundreds of years old.
It was the stupid 18th century politically correct obsession with pretending English worked like Latin that resulted in people trying to insist it was plural.
Yes it is. language, like life, evolves. You don’t have to agree but it doesn’t change the fact that language is going to continue to change over the years.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
All kinds of institutions that are centuries-old are woke today. Add full-fledged universities to that category.
So you think they went back in time to 1375 and faked a play about a werewolf because they are super woke now?

As a gender pronoun, "they" is very recent, very woke, and absolutely absurd. I'll call you 'they' if you like, but don't get angry if I and everyone else makes a mistake every now and then. Because, after all, the term already has currency in a more common more useful form.
So you actually have no complaint at all other than an aesthetic one about personal taste, and in reality will do your best to be respectful and honor people's wishes as a member of society?
How shockingly woke of you.

Yes it is. language, like life, evolves. You don’t have to agree but it doesn’t change the fact that language is going to continue to change over the years.
You've got the wrong person, Jenesis. I was pointing out to them that their idea language doesn't change isn't how language works.
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Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Skimmed the respinses....

First of all you may think the world is black and white and thats great but when people tell you there are shades of gray why is that so hard to grasp? You know that as a man you are not identical to all men. So is it really a stretch that there could be a man born xy whose feelings dont match their body parts? Maybe thats why words like effeminate exist because people born men but feel like a woman is nothing new? Similarly, butch exists because some women dont fit the stereotype of what a woman is supposed to be like.

Second....if youre trying to win this argument by referring to dictionary definitions you might be surprised that the meaning if words can change....e.g. when you say faggot today no one assumes you are talking about a bundle of sticks. Meanwhile the same person using dictionary to try and prove their point uses the word woke which is not universally adopted by dictionaries yet.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Actually. We do now. The English language changes all the times. There are words removed and placed in the dictionary all the time.

But I get it. You are old and set in your ways and have no room In your life for change even it is to respect someone else. Your need to not change should trump everyone’s right to respect. I mean this is you. How are you not important enough for others to ensure you don’t have to change something? You have every right to allow this to piss you off for 15 mins of your day. Especially when you probably will never meet these people who choose other pronouns. LMAO

but Ya - you do you bud. I just personally think that getting mad at someone else’s life is ridiculous but hey - that is just me. LOL
Well, you done a poor job of reading me based one comment. I am not pissed off or homophobic. I have dated a MTF trans person and I called her "her". ... not "them".


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Well, you done a poor job of reading me based one comment. I am not pissed off or homophobic. I have dated a MTF trans person and I called her "her". ... not "them".
Great. You should have because that is her preferred pronoun. But trans people identify as male or female, non-binary identify as neither, so theirs is them.

and I never called you homophobic. Point that one out in that quote.

I did confuse you and NotaDoctor who said it kissed him off but then you challenged a post I made directly to him so not hard to mix up. Maybe don’t defend someone who admitted to being pissed off for 15 mins of the day because someone else’s prefers a gender pronoun he doesn’t like.
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