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Demi Lovato


Well-known member
Aug 4, 2016
People are tired of this politically correct bullshit. He was asked to come back.

Radio host storms off after being told to ‘shut up’ about Demi Lovato pronouns

A longtime Boston radio host abruptly walked off his Matty in the Morning show on Wednesday after he was told to stop joking about Demi Lovato‘s announcement that they are non-binary.

Matty Siegel, 71, appeared to rage-quit on the air during his popular KISS 108 show Wednesday morning, citing an order from management to leave the Lovato story alone.

“I am the biggest of all time, and they said, ‘Shut up Matt! Stop talking,'” Siegel said on-air. “Well, I hope you’re happy because I just stopped talking.”

He then offered a quick goodbye and went off the air. “Matty out,” he said.

Siegel’s blow-up started with news from Lovato, who announced on Wednesday that they are gender non-binary. That means they do not see themselves in the male or female category, and they will go by the pronouns “they” and “them” going forward.

“I feel that this best represents the fluidity I feel in my gender expression, and allows me to feel most authentic and true to the person I know I am and am still discovering,” Lovato said in a video and Twitter messages posted in the early hours of Wednesday. “I’m doing this for those out there that haven’t been able to share who they truly are with their loved ones.”

Lovato’s announcement came after several years of battling mental health and addiction issues, including a near-fatal overdose in 2018.

GLAAD, one of the leading LGBTQ2 advocacy groups, hailed Lovato’s announcement as an important moment on Wednesday.

“Demi has always been one of the loudest and proudest advocates for LGBTQ people and issues. In sharing their story today, they will educate countless people around the world and reach other non-binary people with a message of pride,” GLAAD spokesperson Anthony Allen Ramos said in a statement.

Siegel dismissed Lovato’s latest revelation on his show Wednesday.

“It’s a joke, the whole non-binary thing,” he told listeners on the top-40 station. “I don’t care what Demi Lovato does.”



Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
In western society, you can be whatever you want to be or thought you are or think you should be. It's all good. I say no more.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Lovato’s announcement came after several years of battling mental health and addiction issues, including a near-fatal overdose in 2018.

the smoking gun


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
So why again? Why does someone wanting to be addressed as “they” piss you off for 15 mins! Like seriously. THAT is something I don’t get. Why anyone would allow something like this to piss them off so much.

So besides the grammar excuse, why does it piss you off so much? What is the actual true reason? Because what you are saying doesn’t really make any sense to be pissed off this much.
Because I speak English and in English , we don't use a plural pronoun to identify a singular individual. And also because it requires too much memory work to address every person with their fav pronoun.


Active member
Jun 29, 2010
Because I speak English and in English , we don't use a plural pronoun to identify a singular individual. And also because it requires too much memory work to address every person with their fav pronoun.
Except this rule really isn't true.

The pairing of they or their with everyone, which is technically being used as a singular, has been around for centuries, including examples in Shakespeare.

Not that long ago, people tended to use he when referring to an individual of unspecified gender. Of course, this practice was sexist. Some writers experimented with using she exclusively in such situations, or alternating. Sometimes people wrote he or she all the time. These options for identifying an individual of unspecified gender were awkward, and were not effective for addressing an individual who preferred a nonbinary pronoun. The use of words such as they as singular pronouns has been gaining traction for a while. At first, this practice was considered informal, but that's no longer the case. Major dictionaries like Merriam-Webster and Oxford, as well as style guides like APA and MLA, have accepted the use both for individuals of unspecified gender and for individuals who prefer to be identified with such a pronoun.

So, get used to it.

If it's too much memory work for you, refer to everyone using gender-neutral pronouns such as they. Problem solved. Though really, I suggest treating it as a sign of basic respect, like making an effort to learn someone's name if you're going to interact with them.

By the way, using you as a singular was once considered incorrect, but I doubt you'll find many people objecting to it now. Languages evolve.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
Because I speak English and in English , we don't use a plural pronoun to identify a singular individual. And also because it requires too much memory work to address every person with their fav pronoun.
Actually. We do now. The English language changes all the times. There are words removed and placed in the dictionary all the time.

But I get it. You are old and set in your ways and have no room In your life for change even it is to respect someone else. Your need to not change should trump everyone’s right to respect. I mean this is you. How are you not important enough for others to ensure you don’t have to change something? You have every right to allow this to piss you off for 15 mins of your day. Especially when you probably will never meet these people who choose other pronouns. LMAO

but Ya - you do you bud. I just personally think that getting mad at someone else’s life is ridiculous but hey - that is just me. LOL


Active member
Aug 15, 2018
This is one thing I have noticed. A lot of people are not receptive to change. No matter what it may be. Not sure why. Is it because they are so use to something, just not accepting, etc....
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Why do people care if someone wants you to use a certain pronoun? How does it affect you?

I mean if someone goes by William/Will/Willy/Bill/Billy id use whichever version they want. So how is this different?

Ive met trans people where they legit just seem more at ease identifying as a different gender. And i can also say that looking back on them before they came out(for lack of a better term) it made sense all along. So i truly believe some people are just born wired differently.

These are the same people who probably use terms like snowflake yet they are bent out of shape over something that doesnt chsnge their day in the least.
Because she’s asking everyone to deny reality by saying she isn’t a woman, which is completely ridiculous. The ‘referring to 2 people’ part of it is very secondary to me.
If I believe that I am 10 feet tall, that’s insane but I guess harmless. If I ask society to believe that I’m ten feet tall, then I should be in the Guinness Book of World Records for tallest person because it’s “my truth”. But the only thing that actually matters is THE truth, which is that she’s a woman.


It’s not about grammar. It’s about denial of the truth and being forced to embrace her delusion.


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
Looks like our gym will need a third shower room.
They (Them?)
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