Not in those exact words, but in your opinion any mask that allows more than an an N95 is useless. That is wrong.
A mask that stops, for example, 80% means only 1/5 the number of virus particles exhaled is released. We can agree on that. Of those 20% of virus particles, how many reach somebody nearby? That would be transmission rate of virus particles. Obviously not all of them, less than 100% of that 20%. I don't know the number and neither do you, but it is less than that 20% of those originally exhaled particles. That transmission rate is not the infection rate because having the virus land on someone does not automatically lead to an infection. It may land on their clothing or hand (which should get washed) or hair. What percentage of transmission of virus leads to infection? Again neither of us know, but we know it is not 100%. But in your mind, a mask that allows more than 5% to get through is going to cause infection, they are useless.
So with a mask stopping 80%, only 1/5 of the virions get past the mask. The number that get transmitted (actually land on a recipient) is significantly less than that. And the number of resultant infections is less than that again because not every virus that lands on someone is going to get into their bloodstream. So 1/5 minus a certain percent and then that number reduced by another certain percent is going to result in a very, very low chance that a mask that "only" stops 80% will result in an infection. I'd estimate that it reduces the chance of infection to somewhere between 90-95%. You call those masks useless. I call them effective. The only way they can be called useless is that they result in an infection every time. That is why I said what I said about 1 virion. It was a slight exaggeration but the concept is bang on.
No. No. No. Once again you blame everything on the mask and never on people's behaviour. Totally unreasonable and irrational. You stubbornly refuse to acknowledge that during those numerous holiday get togethers many people take off their masks indoors because they are with family and friends where they feel safer. That is the exact reason why the health experts told people, DON'T HAVE TRADITIONAL HOLIDAY DINNERS AND PARTIES. They know that people let their guards down. But to you, it is ONLY about masks that allow more than 5% of exhaled virus to get through.
If you want to debate, please do so looking at all factors, not with blinkers on. Having tunnel vision and being stubborn does not make you right. It makes you a debater that is easy to prove wrong.