Toronto in another lockdown. Are agencies in Toronto closing?


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Jesus H Christ! One year into this bullshit it it hasn't sank in, yet!!? CASES ARE NOT DEATHS. An outbreak at the LTC facility is a tragedy while an outbreak at a high school is a shrug of the shoulders. They are NOT the same. The framing of the public policies based on the infection rates is the moron's solution.
To COVIDIOTS it might not make sense but to anyone with a functioning brain it certainly makes sense.

11 months into this pandemic and it still hasn't yet sank in to the COVIDIOTS that the increase in cases specially exponential growth as is the case with COVID-19 will eventually lead to hospital systems (Ontario is at almost 90% capacity of ICU beds, Trillium health is at 101% capacity) being overburdened which will eventually lead to..................yes you can gues it UNNECESSARY & AVOIDABLE DEATHS
Which is what you and the rest have been unable to understand from the beginning.

Additionally if we do not take infection rates and cases into account we do not have enough staff to be able to combat the virus leading hospital staff to be overworked and that will have an effect on the care people who are hospitalized with positive COVID cases can receive, again all of this leads to UNNECESSARY & AVOIDABLE DEATHS.
Ontario is in that situation where hospital resources are at the tipping point of being strained due to selfish COVIDIOTS not caring, of course the same people who are claiming infection rates are not the solution will blame the government for the hospital systmes being overburdened.
What's also important to remember with Coronavirus the actions you take today will not be seen tomorrow as there is usually roughly a 14 day window before results are seen.
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
To COVIDIOTS it might not make sense but to anyone with a functioning brain it certainly makes sense.

11 months into this pandemic and it still hasn't yet sank in to the COVIDIOTS that the increase in cases specially exponential growth as is the case with COVID-19 will eventually lead to hospital systems (Ontario is at almost 90% capacity of ICU beds) being overburdened which will eventually lead to.......yes you can gues it UNNECESSARY & AVOIDABLE DEATHS
Which is what you and the rest have been unable to understand from the beginning.
I, the Covidiot, will go about my life, relaxed and secured in the consequences of my actions. I even wear the "mask" that has been so effective on the common flue, yet failed to arrest the progress of Covid. And with much amusement I will watch people like you advocating and repeating the mistakes of the spring truly believing that "this time it will be different". And when the Covid comes back with the spring thaw, I will ask my doctor for some valium to prevent myself from dying from uncontrollable laughter when listening to the same people, offering the same "expertise".


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I, the Covidiot, will go about my life, relaxed and secured in the consequences of my actions. I even wear the "mask" that has been so effective on the common flue, yet failed to arrest the progress of Covid. And with much amusement I will watch people like you advocating and repeating the mistakes of the spring truly believing that "this time it will be different". And when the Covid comes back with the spring thaw, I will ask my doctor for some valium to prevent myself from dying from uncontrollable laughter when listening to the same people, offering the same "expertise".
I will tell you what I've posted numerous times on this board from the beginning.

Although a small percentage but a significant portion of people who are selfish COVIDIOTS are the cause of this.
Selfish COVIDIOT's who do not socially distance, who do not understand to not congregate in large groups outside of their social bubble, who do not understand the purpose of mask wearing and the fact that masks reduce the rate of transmission of the virus, who do not understand contact tracing is needed to limit to the spread of the Coronavirus, who do not keep proper hygiene are the cause of this.
If you do not follow one or more of those guidelines look yourself in the mirror and understand you are the reason behind what you are complaining about.
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Cases are not deaths is correct and for the most part public policy is being driven by neither cases nor deaths. You have two extremes on this issue - one saying "Not many people die so this is no big deal. Open everything! The other saying "Cases are way up and it's a disaster. Close everything!" Somehow we need to strike a balance between those two extremes. But public policy is being largely driven - as many have pointed out many times - by the problem of hospital capacity; the ability of hospitals to be available for the seriously ill - both the seriously ill from COVID and the seriously ill from everything else. ICUs and ERs were already operating at near 100% capacity long before COVID. Once you start to throw in the additional people needing ICU and ER beds because of COVID you suddenly finds that you don't have the ability to provide the necessary care to everyone who needs it. This is the significant public health issue that's driving public policy - the ability of the health care system to provide the needed care. Cases precede hospitalizations; deaths come after. They're all linked. But the key issue is hospital capacity. The raw numbers of people in ICUs, for example, seems small - except that there are only a limited number of ICU beds available. If they get full deaths go up - both from COVID and from other things because hospitals can't provide the necessary care. That's the public policy issue.
We no longer have the resources to go another way. There were few, very few voices in the spring that advocated to use the public funds tp protect the vulnerable segments of the population. I, I must proudly say, was among them- not that it mattered in the noise of panic and hyperbole. The result? The Covid swept through the LTC facilities and gave us the very scary death numbers. We went into lockdown without having ANY idea about the prevalence of Covid among the general population because we didn't test and on the basis of "what if". As in "what if covid cases overwhelm our hospitals?" How many field hospitals and temporary facilities could we have erected with 300 billion dollars that we blew on the wage subsidies? How many seniors facilities could we have isolated by paying the staff to stay on site or even go through the proper quarantine before entering? The solutions were and are out there, but the people who are in charge cannot change the course, anymore. There political and their professional reputations are now on the line. What's left of them, anyway.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I will tell you what I've posted numerous times on this board from the beginning.

Although a small percentage but a significant portion of people who are selfish COVIDIOTS are the cause of this.
Selfish COVIDIOT's who do not socially distance, who do not understand to not congregate in large groups outside of their social bubble, who do not understand the purpose of mask wearing and the fact that masks reduce the rate of transmission of the virus, who do not understand contact tracing is needed to limit to the spread of the Coronavirus, who do not keep proper hygiene are the cause of this.
If you do not follow one or more of those guidelines look yourself in the mirror and understand you are the reason behind what you are complaining about.
Stop having bold font meltdowns dude, almost everybody is social distancing, wearing masks......etc.
The problem is the virus is highly contagious and airborne, and its gonna spread regardless of how many precautions we take
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I will tell you what I've posted numerous times on this board from the beginning.

Although a small percentage but a significant portion of people who are selfish COVIDIOTS are the cause of this.
Selfish COVIDIOT's who do not socially distance, who do not understand to not congregate in large groups outside of their social bubble, who do not understand the purpose of mask wearing and the fact that masks reduce the rate of transmission of the virus, who do not understand contact tracing is needed to limit to the spread of the Coronavirus, who do not keep proper hygiene are the cause of this.
If you do not follow one or more of those guidelines look yourself in the mirror and understand you are the reason behind what you are complaining about.
Are you calling the good Torontonians using the packed Keele bus Covidiots? Which guideline are they violating? Some Etobicoke asshole gets himself arrested for selling meat, yet Mr. Tory cannot find the time to address the full occupancy on his city's transit? Seen the rush hour, lately? Judging by the traffic, the "essential travel" rule seems to have a very flexible definition.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Stop having bold font meltdowns dude, almost everybody is social distancing, wearing masks......etc.
The problem is the virus is highly contagious and airborne, and its gonna spread regardless of how many precautions we take
The problem remains the same today as it did early on in the virus, alot of misinformation being spread by COVIDIOTS and although a small percentage but a significant portion not following these easy to follow preventive measures, if everybody did their part we'd be better off than we are right now. Off you go to a thread to spread more misinformation about masks and shutdowns being ineffective preventive measures in the fight against the Coronavirus.
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Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Are you calling the good Torontonians using the packed Keele bus Covidiots? Which guideline are they violating? Some Etobicoke asshole gets himself arrested for selling meat, yet Mr. Tory cannot find the time to address the full occupancy on his city's transit? Seen the rush hour, lately? Judging by the traffic, the "essential travel" rule seems to have a very flexible definition
And this is what I think was behind the new cases explosion we had in August and September.
People thought by wearing masks they were safe, so they started cramming TTC buses and streetcars together.
We all saw how that worked out. Current masks people are wearing are uselesss, and thats how new cases exploded again

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
The problem remains the same today as it did early on in the virus, alot of misinformation being spread by COVIDIOTS and although a small percentage but a significant portion not following these easy to follow preventive measures, if everybody did their part we'd be better off than we are right now
The problem with your "theory" is that covidiots were walking around Toronto before masks were made mandatory.
That number most likely has stayed constant.
So if it stayed constant how come new cases exploded after masks were made mandatory??

For the most logical answer see my previous post:


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Stop having bold font meltdowns dude, almost everybody is social distancing, wearing masks......etc.
The problem is the virus is highly contagious and airborne, and its gonna spread regardless of how many precautions we take
Like a true COVIDIOT It didn't take too long to try and undermine the preventive measure of mask wearing. "Stable Genius" I tell you. :ROFLMAO:

And this is what I think was behind the new cases explosion we had in August and September.
People thought by wearing masks they were safe, so they started cramming TTC buses and streetcars together.
We all saw how that worked out. Current masks people are wearing are uselesss, and thats how new cases exploded again
Please no more of your thinking and theories, all of your non factual theories have been wrong about COVID all along.
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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
I don't disagree with you at all. The pandemic is actually pointing to a decades long crisis in public health and in particular hospital capacity. We don't have anywhere near enough hospital capacity in Ontario, especially for an aging population, and we'd been doing a lot better handling this pandemic if we had done a better job 20 or 30 years ago addressing an issue that everyone knew was a problem. Now the pandemic is fraying nerves and causing governments to have to make policy on the fly - being reactive rather than proactive, which rarely turns out well.
My point is that the powers that be has always known about the limitations of our healthcare system. After all, that was the major talking point for the last 40 years. The "hallway medicine", the outrageous wait times, the full ERs, the shortage of long term beds are not a news to any Ontarian. What makes me so very angry, is that they went into the shutdown knowing full well about it. The argument that the shutdown was to prevent the overloading just holds no water. Firstly because of the expected second wave and, most importantly, if a 500 cases can stress the system, you have to look to the emergency expansion of capabilities to address that. There are a lot(!) of people making fun of Trump about his handling of Covid. But, when New York wanted more capacity, they got it with in a week, including the portable hospitals and extra equipment. I won't even say anything about the vaccine development and approvals lest the tds crowd has a stroke- Covid is bad enough. But, our side made no move to look at other options, instead they castrated the private sector. And I think that they went that way because it was easier for the government bureaucracy.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
I even wear the "mask" that has been so effective on the common flue, yet failed to arrest the progress of Covid.
Masks have kept the infections & death numbers down, but sadly they're not a cure all that can kill the vampiric murdering of covidiocy. When the pathogen killing masks that kill the flu, C-19, pneumonia, etc, come out we'll be closer to that & can name them the "silver bullet" masks ;

And with much amusement I will watch people like you advocating and repeating the mistakes of the spring truly believing that "this time it will be different".
There's no need for lockdowns to be different. We already know they work. It's the idiots out there that are the variable as to whether or not we'll keep doing this over & over gain.
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Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Like a true COVIDIOT It didn't take too long to try and undermine the preventive measure of mask wearing. "Stable Genius" I tell you. :ROFLMAO:

Please no more of your thinking and theories, all of your non factual theories have been wrong about COVID all along.
Stupid response. As per usual, you are all insults and zero substance.

But then thats why so many people dont like you and have you on ignore

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
It's not that the masks are useless. They provide limited protection in certain circumstances. They were never intended as a real safeguard in very crowded environments.
The masks most people are currently wearing dont even provide limited protection


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Facepalm. You have+/-20 deaths at 1800 cases. You can have the same amount with three times as many cases or as few.
Facepalm, indeed. The ratios may fluctuate on a short term basis, but to deny that, in general, more cases will lead to more deaths is idiotic, moronic, stupid, trumpian, totally illogical and denying reality.

However, knowing that you've been a trump supporter and thus suffering from tDS (, it is understandable how you have lost the ability of rational thought and unable to see things realistically. Those are two of the major symptoms.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
The problem is the virus is highly contagious and airborne, and its gonna spread regardless of how many precautions we take
For the most part, I can't argue with that. But we still hear, on an almost daily basis, of people throwing parties, holiday or religious gatherings and when bars were open until this week, people who don't take the proper precautions and in tight quarters. When people were more cautious and were not suffering covid fatigue, we had daily cases in Toronto below double digits. That is when people started letting their guard down. And now we don't have the benefit of being able to congregate outdoors.
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2012
almost everybody is social distancing, wearing masks......etc.
The problem is the virus is highly contagious and airborne, and its gonna spread regardless of how many precautions we take
As long as (1) people engage in riskier behaviours & (2) there are still covidiots acting irresponsibly.

Clean that up & the Canadian covid virus goes away much more quickly, fewer suffer longterm and fewer die.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Are you calling the good Torontonians using the packed Keele bus Covidiots?
Once businesses started opening back up in around May and more people were going back to work, TTC use has been a relative constant. Yet we saw only double digit daily cases in August and now we are setting records. So obviously, TTC use may help spread transmission, it is no more a factor now then it was in August.

The logical conclusion is that other factors are at play. Trying to actually determine which are the most significant factors is a major challenge. That is where tracing would/should have helped, but evidently theorizing about it and putting it into place are two different matters.
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