You are missing the point I'm making. Nobody is arguing that Sweden's death rate is good. Its terrible in fact.
But what I wanna know is how come Sweden managed to lower their daily new infection curve without shutting down their economy, and without making masks mandatory?? I have yet to hear a good explanation as to how they managed to do that.
Yesterday they had only 60 new infections. Have a look at their chart
Lets see if you can come up with an intelligent explanation without changing the subject and going back to refer to their death rate
Yesterday Sweden had 173 new cases the day before it was 64
What you fail to understand is what I've alluded to numerous times and you either do not understand these important facts or pursposely avoid them to fit your narrative.
The societal norms of Nordic people are far different than those of other European countries, if you understood what that means you would have compared them (Sweden) to other Nordic countries such as Finland, Denmark, Norway who they share so many sociological similarities to and not the other non Nordic European nations that they have a lot less similarities to
If you don't know what they are Nordic people for the very high majority have high trust in their governments, probably the most around the world, they listen to what the government tells them to do mostly without questions. Also Nordic countries have a larger percentage of their population living in single person households.
Now when these important facts are taken into consideration it's clear they (Sweden) are not doing very well like you've claimed and their policies are not working
Cases Yesterday------173-------------------------------------123-------------------------------------55------------------------------21
Cases for the month of July and per million population