Spot the difference! Clinton and Obama and the Easter Worshippers! :(


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Spoken like a true liberal who can't grasp simple definitions and needs to change the meanings and words of absolutely everything.

It's Christians, not Easter Worshipers. It's Muslims not Ramadan Worshipers, It's Jews not Passover Worshipers.

250+ People DIED that day because they were CHRISTIANS.
Everyone knows that Easter worshippers are Christians. In case you didn't know, North America is predominantly Christian...... most of us don't need that spelled out ( unless we're trying to make some ridiculous point out of nothing). On the other hand , if we were describing a Mosque incident at a certain Muslim religeous ritual, we might be more general in our terminology because the average North American is not familiar with the various holidays of Islam. With Christians, we can be more specific, because we are more how is that insulting to anybody? I miss your illogic completely...... but it shows the rights' desperation in attempting to fabricate scenarios that criticize the left. What's the problem? Can't find enough legit criticisms, so you gotta warp logic to fabricate them, and then double down when your idiocy is exposed ? How Trumpian!
Last edited:

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Strong men like strong women. Both Iris and Kathleen are sexy as fuck (!), more so for their minds than their obvious physical talents.

My closest friends differ with me strongly on many things. Advanced people like new thoughts and can manage different opinions. The obsession with censorship and stopping thought is the domain of the weak.
I do not care to hang out with Nazis. I don’t find their thoughts and opinions to be in any way new or interesting.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
When the statements are generic about escorts, and then associate Iris, they most certainly are anti-escort.
This also includes the implied sexual assault scenarios. Nasty stuff.

Once again, the fact you guys will stop at nothing (promoting sexual assault, nazi slurs, etc.) just says more about your lack of decency than anything.
Check the thread, I think Iris was the one who brought up the pegging/butt rape.
As for the Nazi slurs, I'm sorry if you were offended, I'm sure you're a 'very fine person'.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Strong men like strong women. Both Iris and Kathleen are sexy as fuck (!), more so for their minds than their obvious physical talents.

My closest friends differ with me strongly on many things. Advanced people like new thoughts and can manage different opinions. The obsession with censorship and stopping thought is the domain of the weak.
Kathleen indeed has conducted herself in a very professional manner and not really been abusive or indulged in name calling on a consistent basis in her posts. Kathleen and I totally disagree on the politics point of view, but we mutually respect one another. I have seen her many years ago and have enjoyed my experience with her. Will recommend her services.

Now no one wants to censor anyone unless it threatens the freedom of others rights to conduct their daily lives without any hindrances with respect to their race or creed. The manner in which the extreme right go on chanting about "Jews will not replace us" and words to that effect is definitely nothing to do with free speech, but are threats against the livelihoods of those individuals.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Strong men like strong women. Both Iris and Kathleen are sexy as fuck (!), more so for their minds than their obvious physical talents.
My closest friends differ with me strongly on many things. Advanced people like new thoughts and can manage different opinions. The obsession with censorship and stopping thought is the domain of the weak.
This is not the jungle. Ramifications for not following set guidelines is not the same as censorship, just like the OP has done in this thread who has purposely done the same thing numerous times with other threads.

Why? It's good here. The people can read it, against the political section where 95% of the readers are liberals and just sucking each other's dicks all day. No one care what you posting there. This section always has minimum 5 times more readers. So if I post something what is going under your skin , it must move it to a section where no one read it?? Nice!
And who the fuck are you to give any order for me?? You are useless as Beckham was for the English national team. He was there but for what??
This board full of worthless liberal armchair warriors as you. The MOD the only person here, who can send me a message about what is acceptable and what is not. Until then , you can do one thing only: You can kiss my ass!
If you don't like something just report it. Liberals are the best to reporting everyone and everything, what are against their rainbow colored world. Police or facebook or twitter report , send anonymous mails everywhere...etc. You guys are just cowards as Obama and Hillary was in their twitter! Because the MOD moved the thread here, where no one will read it anymore, I don't post any comments .
Oh! That's hurt! What a loss. Otherwise if you changed your mind I'm ready. I have a big strap-on so if you like it in doggystyle as your name suggested I can do you as you like. No extra charge! ....:) :)
Why you screaming in your text always? I know strap-on can be painful sometimes, but for god's sake .... I didn't even start to use on you yet!!! :) :)
Isn't it amazing when a faceless liberal nobody with 10 different username, come to an Erotic Review Board and try to act like a most smart political scientist in the Northern Hemisphere. You are delusional!
Your definition of advanced people is definitely different than the majority and not the same as mine when you are referring to these bigoted, homophobic slurs, baseless accusations to bully, shame and emasculate straight male members into not posting that IRIS the OP of this thread did as "advanced people".


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
The Moderators may have removed that thread.
Yes another politics thread by the same OP of this thread posted in the lounge area on purpose to troll people and she even mentioned her intentions in the thread saying that is what her purpose were. Gotta love these trolls getting called out for their trolling posts and then they shed crocodile tears. Yelling censorship when they can't abide by set guidelines.

The link is still there I believe they moved it to the politics section.!&p=6397142#post6397142


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
And fortunately you aberals are never represent that many sweet clients from this board who visit me every week. Since I'm professional I never talk about politics with my clients in the bedroom. My income is never depends from liberal trolls. You guys spread the liberal bullshit very intensively, so you don't have time for sex. As your case Frankfooter , average 20 post a day in the past 4 years without a day-off, make you the Terb's famous graphomaniac, but not a client who want spent money in this hobby. Many men like to make love with women but you make love with your keyboard. Good for you! :biggrin:
If you are a professional and never talk about politics, how did you come to the conclusions that a person with liberal political belief has never visited you?
That would be a baseless assumption on your part if you never talk politics with them?

Liberals don't have time for sex, that's a new one. How are all these liberal minded people reproducing if they do not have sex. Another one of your baseless assumptions.


Active member
Jan 22, 2011
Part 1 of this deranged manifesto: "completely unhinged"

I took the liberty of compiling your steaming pile of dogshit so you can print it out and take it to your shrink. :crazy:

You can thank me later.

Considering you posted this thread on purpose in the lounge, and in an attempt to troll other members MODS should delete this thread.

If people are calling you hateful, homophobic or a Nazi and you are fine with it, guess what you are all those things they describe.
I love how these days so many bigots are trying to play the fake victim card.

When people can't abide by guidelines and are posting threads on purpose in different category as IRIS did and said she did on purpose and attempting to troll as many members as possible which (Trolling) is against the guidelines here, Yes deleting these threads is required.
It is not censorship it's ramifications for not abiding by the set guidelines.

She posted it on purpose in the lounge to name call more people and troll as many people as possible.

It was in the first post of the thread where the OP (IRIS) called people pieces of shit and in her subsequent post where she called members idiots who disagreed with her

Trying to mock, using derogatory terms and using homophobic slurs to attack people in your posts shows how hateful, and homophobic you are.

Thank you for not subjecting us to more of your hateful, homophobic and white nationalist views here.

Yes thread should be deleted, as the guidelines. You trying to mock, use homophobic posts numerous times to troll other members is another reason why. As I pointed out above post #125

Politics, Religion and International Affairs
We've got a forum for that.

And it's not the lounge.

Such posts in the lounge will be deleted.


Not that salaries have anything to do with this thread, but my salary is high enough that people in your profession get paid by people like me. Not that I would ever see someone with so much hate filled and vitriol posts and views. Keep trolling.

"Well, let's not start sucking each other's dicks just yet" a line from a movie is quite different than calling others members
"Against the political section where 95% of the readers are liberals and just sucking each other's dicks all day."

Yes the truth hurts. As for the strap on not that it has anything to do with this thread, you can use it on your mouth so it keeps both your hand and mouth occupied.
Trying to mock, using derogatory terms and using homophobic slurs and such vitriol to attack people in your posts shows how hateful, and homophobic you are. Keep trolling.

Screaming would be in CAPS.
I Make it bold for the ones who sift through posts without reading the full post and comprehending, so that it's easier for them to concentrate on the important part. You keep trolling.

The strap on would be more useful on your mouth so it keeps your hand and mouth occupied. ;) You should get Rocco Siffredi to give you pointers.

As I have said numerous times (which keeps being ignored by you in an attempt to try to emasculate me and you have done this to other members too) you can use that strap on yourself on your mouth so it keeps your hands and mouth occupied, it be good for everyone. Less of you spewing your hateful, bigoted, homophobic, white nationalist views. It's clear you refer to your strap on in an attempt to humiliate straight men here so they don't respond back to you.

Since you clearly don't understand when I have said numerous times that I am not interested in a strap on or ever interested in seeing such a bigoted, hateful, homophobic, vitriol filled woman. "Hate women" get over yourself and your bigoted assumptions, I do love physically beautiful and intelligent woman of all colour, background, religion, who are filled with joy, a playful attitude, and love, anyone else I couldn't care for.

How did you get to that 95% figure of posters in the political section to be liberals?
It's clear you don't care what others with an opposite point of view of yours think but many others do.

This thread was wrong from the first post since she purposely posted it in the lounge section in an attempt to troll many more members and subsequently by the name callings of the OP, and the constant use of homophobic terms in an attempt to humiliate straight male members on here. Should have been deleted a while ago.
Using homophobic terms against straight men is the equivalent of using the C word against women, it's disparaging and the OP knows what she is doing.

Exactly she did it on purpose to troll more members and then name calling and homophobic remarks to follow in an attempt to disparage members to respond to her. What a class act she is.

I believe IRIS used to be known as Paige from Redzone years and years ago.

Nothing like promoting IRIS's bigotry with more hateful and bigoted posts.
Her hateful, bigoted, homophobic posts towards other members should not be celebrated but denounced. You posters are just egging her on, considering who I have quoted above it's not surprising that you posters are celebrating it rather than denouncing her posts.
Posters who are spreading organized hate, and false information to back up their vitriol are being banned on social media outlets on a daily basis and rightfully so.

[Trying to normalize this way of thinking is a policy right wing nut bars have taken, as it is their view that once it becomes the norm it is not so easily to be dismissed as reprehensible attitude.

Movie quote
"Well, let's not start sucking each other's dicks just yet"
Your post
"Against the political section where 95% of the readers are liberals and just sucking each other's dicks all day."

They are two very different statements you know what you are doing you use these homophobic statements against straight men on this site in an attempt to emasculate, humiliate and shame them into not posting. Just like you did about a strap on against me.[/SIZE][/B]

Again trying to use a strap on as a way to emasculate, humiliate and shame straight members into not posting. You know what your doing and doing it on purpose.

I love putting you bigots in your place.
Everything I posted is facts and can’t be refuted, when you acquire some intelligence come back.

The resident Islamaphobe, I love how you think you are actually having a intelligent conversation when you are actually posting pictures/memes to facts you can not refute. Don't you have to go looking for articles from 1985 about a Muslim that did something wrong so you can label all Muslims the same and spread your hate.
I was banned for bigotry really that's news to me. When did this happen perhaps I had another handle?

These people want free reigns to do what they please, with no respect to guidelines, with no retort back from others, and no ramifications to their actions. As has been clearly shown in this thread from post #1. Just a bunch of their herd agreeing with one another.

That's why a lot of these people are up in arms about social media outlets banning their fake accounts, banning the spread of misinformation, banning the spread of organized hate.

What's up Bigot,
As I said in post #135 CAPS would be screaming, I bold the words for people like you who have reading and comprehension issues, as it is proven by your post above. Try taking a breath before reading and try to read and understand before responding back, it's really not that difficult.
Your response is so well thought out, so well put together that I have no words to respond back to you. :rolleyes: :wink:
Keep trucking on with your hateful, bigoted, homophobic and white nationalist views.

Hey Bigot your back for more.
You really need to start making some sense, I don't have multiple handles unlike your herd who keep getting banned and coming up with new handles.
I come to an Escort Review Board to review escorts meanwhile coming across many of you bigoted people, so I put people like you in your place.
Liberal maybe but I am more centre leaning if you must know. Nobody highly unlikely as I stated in another one of your hateful posts about my income I make enough so people in your profession can be paid by people like me.
Keep trying to humiliate people in an attempt that they don't answer that's all you can do, because you are oblivious to facts.

You keep posting nonsense after nonsense I didn't call myself anything, you on the other hand tried calling me and other members many different bigoted, and homophobic terms in an attempt to shame, bully and humiliate straight male members into not responding back, which I responded to your bigoted posts and that pisses you and people like you off.
As you and your ilks like free reigns to do what you please with no respect to guidelines, with no retort back from others and no ramifications to your actions as has clearly been shown by this thread from post #1. That's why you and your ilk are up in arms about social media outlets banning your accounts on a daily basis due to the spread of misinformation, the spread of organized hate, and the multiple fake trolling accounts you have.

Let me repeat what I told Zeibetter and IRIS earlier, as Zeibetter claimed I have never been banned for bigotry, and as IRIS claimed I do not have 10 different accounts I have just this one.
Also I have never posted anywhere "Jews would go back to the concentration camps" as you claim or any other type of antisemite remarks. Zeibetter is upset because I call him out for his bullshit, bigoted posts as well as the shady links he provides.
You have either read someone else's quotes and hoping it was me, or you're attempting to paint me in a different picture so you can point your fingers, just like Zeibetter and IRIS attempted. You can always check with the MODS.
Please direct me to that post as well.

I do expect an apology from you when you clarify with the MODS. Thanks

Let me repeat what I told Zeibetter and IRIS earlier, as Zeibetter claimed I have never been banned for bigotry, and as IRIS claimed I do not have 10 different accounts I have just this one.
Also I have never posted anywhere "Jews would go back to the concentration camps" as you claim or any other type of antisemite remarks. Zeibetter is upset because I call him out for his bullshit, bigoted posts as well as the shady links he provides.
You have either read someone else's quotes and hoping it was me, or you're attempting to paint me in a different picture so you can point your fingers, just like Zeibetter and IRIS attempted. You can always check with the MODS.
Please direct me to that post as well.

I do expect an apology from you when you clarify with the MODS. Thanks

Get out of here with that trolling garbage.
My response is above for you to read.

As I told Zeibetter and IRIS, and let me remind you what I said earlier. As IRIS stated I do not have 10 different accounts this is the only account I have
As Zeibetter claimed I have never been banned bigotry.

Shapeup as you claim I have also never posted anywhere on this site, on any other site, blog, email, text or any form of communications or in person that "Jews should go back to the concentration camps" or have made any other antisemite remarks.
If you want to know why I was banned, yes I have been banned once when I first came on this board I posted a PM in one of the threads not knowing it is against the guidelines, and another time when the super troll Sempel was banned in a thread about an SP I had seen that he kept on equating my experience to a racist person seeing a non white SP and then complaining about it which ultimately led to the thread being locked and me being banned and Sempel being banned.

Again as I said earlier you have either read someone else's quotes and hoping or mistaken that it was me, or you're attempting to paint me in a different picture so you can point your fingers, just like Zeibetter and IRIS attempted. You can always check with the MODS.

I do expect an apology from you when you clarify with the MODS.


Active member
Jan 22, 2011
Part 2 continues: Completely unhinged

Do direct me to the post.

Interesting enough I just checked a few of the many hundred threads you have started in the politics section (which mostly pertain to pro Israel, anti Palestine, and anti Iran and anti anyone who is against Israel) and in not a single one of those threads I checked from 2010-2018 do I even have a single post in them. Now those are facts you and everyone else can bank on.

Again as I said earlier you have either read someone else's quotes and hoping or mistaken that it was me, or you're attempting to paint me in a different picture so you can point your fingers, just like Zeibetter and IRIS attempted. You can always check with the MODS.
But either way do direct me to this post you talk about.

Wargames as per your signature how did you come to the conclusion that Frankfooter is aka Groggy aka Gryfin aka Flubadub?
Since your new on here how do you know who those posters were and how they posted?

Unfortunately this is the third poster (Zaibetter, IRIS, Shapeup1) in this thread that has either accused me of being banned for bigotry or has accused me of having multiple handles which are all incorrect. Interesting enough I just checked a few of the many hundred threads that Shapeup1 has started in the politics section (which are for the majority pro Israel, anti Palestine, and anti Iran) and in not a single one of those threads I checked from 2010-2018 had I even made a single post in.
I've already asked him to direct me to the supposed post. But I know he can't because I have never posted "Jews would go back to the concentration camps" here or anywhere for that matter.

Shapeup1 is anti anyone who dare to criticize Israel.
In the past I have been critical of Israel for their inhumane treatment of Palestinians, and illegal settlements, guessing that doesn't sit well with Shapeup1 and Basketcase who he was discussing that post with.

Again at no time have I been banned for bigotry.
You should PM the person who fed you this information and tell him he provided you with wrong intel.

TERB Resident Islamophobe is back.
This is the only time you have posted something that is correct. You're right there was no arguments I was stating facts that you couldn't understand or refute, meanwhile you and your ilk were making baseless accusations.


There was no argument to begin with since this was a troll thread in the wrong section for maximum trolling effect. People were pointing out facts that you couldn't refute or understand. But subsequently you lost any sort of discussion that might have been useful when you started being a bigot and used mocking, derogatory words, and homophobic slurs against straight men in an attempt to shame, bully and humiliate them into not responding back. Only to humiliate yourself for everyone to see.
Although there are some of your ilk who are egging you on as I pointed them out earlier. Perhaps they'd be interested in your strap on as clearly you couldn't find a client here and clearly they are a fan of yours. :D

As I said earlier you are a bigoted person who is filled with hate, white nationalist and homophobic views, and that is the reason you are fine for being called those things.

Misinformation and bigotry are two things that I can not stand, that's why I keep putting these people in their place with facts and then they run off and shoot their mouths with more vitriol and baseless accusations.

Quite the intelligent statement.
Unless you're an escort on an escort review board claiming how intelligent you are because you are fluent in multiple languages (believe the claim was 4). But the important question is are you fluent in all these languages as well as you are in the English language? ;)

Again It's not censorship when it's against the guidelines. It's ramification for not abiding by the set guidelines.You'd also want to let IRIS know that using hateful remarks, homophobic slurs against straight men or baseless accusations to bully, shame, and humiliate them into not posting wouldn't work.

Stop your crocodile tears.

There was never an argument or a discussion to begin with, since this was a troll thread on purpose in the wrong section for maximum trolling effect (As has been confirmed by IRIS the OP). I simply pointed out facts to the posts IRIS was making which she couldn't understand or refute and instead she made more posts which were mocking, bigoted, and homophobic slurs against straight men in an attempt to shame, bully and humiliate them into not responding back. This only lead to her being humiliated by such posts and getting called out for it for everyone to see.
And you were one of the ilks who were egging her on. Great job

If you think I am anti escort because I called IRIS out on her hypocrisy in that post knock yourself out. But my point was very clear as she made a statement on how someone intelligent would never say they are intelligent and she called a member out for it when she had done the same herself. Hypocrisy at work

Another thread the OP on purpose posted in the lounge section. and boasted about doing so in an attempt to troll as many people as possible against the TERB guidelines.!&p=6397145#post6397145

The thread link is different now!&p=6397142#post6397142

This is not the jungle. Ramifications for not following set guidelines is not the same as censorship, just like the OP has done in this thread who has purposely done the same thing numerous times with other threads.

Your definition of advanced people is definitely different than the majority and not the same as mine when you are referring to these bigoted, homophobic slurs, baseless accusations to bully, shame and emasculate straight male members into not posting that IRIS the OP of this thread did as "advanced people".

Yes another politics thread by the same OP of this thread posted in the lounge area on purpose to troll people and she even mentioned her intentions in the thread saying that is what her purpose were. Gotta love these trolls getting called out for their trolling posts and then they shed crocodile tears. Yelling censorship when they can't abide by set guidelines.

The link is different as it was moved to the politics section.!&p=6397142#post6397142

If you are a professional and never talk about politics, how did you come to the conclusions that a person with liberal political belief has never visited you?
That would be a baseless assumption on your part if you never talk politics with them?

Liberals don't have time for sex, that's a new one. How are all these liberal minded people reproducing if they do not have sex. Another one of your baseless assumptions.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I took the liberty of compiling your steaming pile of dogshit so you can print it out and take it to your shrink. :crazy:

You can thank me later.
Hey did I need to get permission from you to respond to people's bigotry, homophobic posts or white nationalist views? Didn't think so.



Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Hey did I need to get permission from you to respond to people's bigotry, homophobic posts or white nationalist views? Didn't think so.

It was a nice chit-chat Mr. Doggie. Unfortunately I'm not interested anymore about this thread. Still watch the political section. Few months later I will post again something, what will drive you crazy! Good Bye! Say no to drug!:)



Well-known member
May 23, 2010
It was a nice chit-chat Mr. Doggie. Unfortunately I'm not interested anymore about this thread. Still watch the political section. Few months later I will post again something, what will drive you crazy! Good Bye! Say no to drug!:)

And who the fuck are you to give any order for me?? You are useless as Beckham was for the English national team. He was there but for what??
This board full of worthless liberal armchair warriors as you. The MOD the only person here, who can send me a message about what is acceptable and what is not. Until then , you can do one thing only: You can kiss my ass!
If you don't like something just report it. Liberals are the best to reporting everyone and everything, what are against their rainbow colored world. Police or facebook or twitter report , send anonymous mails everywhere...etc. You guys are just cowards as Obama and Hillary was in their twitter! Because the MOD moved the thread here, where no one will read it anymore, I don't post any comments .
Heard this before, hopefully this time you mean it.:D


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Strong men like strong women. Both Iris and Kathleen are sexy as fuck (!), more so for their minds than their obvious physical talents.

My closest friends differ with me strongly on many things. Advanced people like new thoughts and can manage different opinions. The obsession with censorship and stopping thought is the domain of the weak.
Plenty of strong liberal women out there too....... Kathleen manages to maintain her composure and femininity, while Iris is more of an angry macho redneck.... just like most of the terb alt righters..... not a turn on pour moi


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001

My closest friends differ with me strongly on many things. Advanced people like new thoughts and can manage different opinions. The obsession with censorship and stopping thought is the domain of the weak.
A very suitable comment for a thread asserting one single form of permissible speech and damning people for speaking differently.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Latinboy must have spent hours compiling the Doggystyle papers......get a life, man!


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Plenty of strong liberal women out there too....... Kathleen manages to maintain her composure and femininity, while Iris is more of an angry macho redneck.... just like most of the terb alt righters..... not a turn on pour moi
Angry redneck? Nothing new under the sun :) :)



Active member
Jan 22, 2011
I like how these leftist trolls use big fonts as if it makes up for what they lack.

Latinboy must have spent hours compiling the Doggystyle papers......get a life, man!
OUCH you got me.

You with your 7K+ posts vs my 500. Yeah I really need to get a life :rolleyes:

And see that little "+ button in the lower right hand corner? It's a multi quote button that took me about 39 SECONDS to copy his 39 deranged attack posts to IRIS.

It's your hateful buddy who actually wrote 39 rage-filled posts to a woman here that would have taken him HOURS. But oh yeah right, I really need to get a life.

You are the epitome of "better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."
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