Spot the difference! Clinton and Obama and the Easter Worshippers! :(


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
But considering you and your little friends have just wasted several pages on empty name-calling in a thread about name-calling some name-callers, it's obvious you're wrong about all babies growing up.
Agreed, there is sure is a lot of whining from those right wingers about those words they didn't like.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Nothing like promoting IRIS's bigotry with more hateful and bigoted posts.
Her hateful, bigoted, homophobic posts.[/SIZE][/B]
What's up buddy? Stuck the needle? You act like a broken records! Don't screaming always! Sooner or later you will got a stroke. Just because you screaming, I'm still not agree with you.

Here is the new Guide To Alternative Names For World Religions. :) :)

I must tell you something because I know, the screaming liberals are never had sense of the humor:
It's a meme( if you understand this word).

Otherwise free to use them in your very tolerant future posts.



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
What's up buddy? Stuck the needle? You act like a broken records! Don't screaming always! Sooner or later you will got a stroke. Just because you screaming, I'm still not agree with you.

Here is the new Guide To Alternative Names For World Religions. :) :)

I must tell you something because I know, the screaming liberals are never had sense of the humor:
It's a meme( if you understand this word).

Otherwise free to use them in your very tolerant future posts.

IRIS said:
"…sense of the humor: It's a meme… "
Now I get it!! You weren't complaining angrily or whining bitterly about words Obama and Clinton used. You were joking!!

Silly TERB for taking any of you seriously!!

Who knew people could stir up such hot water by misunderstanding basic grammar?

Even in fun.
PS: Since you're so fussy about words, you should be aware that members of the Latter Day Saints may be offended by your graphic calling them Mormons.
The term Mormon was initially a derogatory term applied to Latter Day Saints in the 1830s…some Latter Day Saint denominations…have renounced the term
Let's hope they're better people, and don't assume you're as evil as you assume Obama and Hillary to be.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Gotta say: That pic nicely sums up the reaction the OP and her claque expressed in their posts here about the words they didn't like.
Your second one, not so much.

But considering you and your little friends have just wasted several pages on empty name-calling in a thread about name-calling some name-callers, it's obvious you're wrong about all babies growing up.
These people want free reigns to do what they please, with no respect to guidelines, with no retort back from others, and no ramifications to their actions. As has been clearly shown in this thread from post #1. Just a bunch of their herd agreeing with one another.
That's why a lot of these people are up in arms about social media outlets banning their fake accounts, banning the spread of misinformation, banning the spread of organized hate.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
What's up buddy? Stuck the needle? You act like a broken records! Don't screaming always! Sooner or later you will got a stroke. Just because you screaming, I'm still not agree with you.

Here is the new Guide To Alternative Names For World Religions. :) :)

I must tell you something because I know, the screaming liberals are never had sense of the humor:
It's a meme( if you understand this word).

Otherwise free to use them in your very tolerant future posts.

What's up Bigot,
As I said in post #135 CAPS would be screaming, I bold the words for people like you who have reading and comprehension issues, as it is proven by your post above. Try taking a breath before reading and try to read and understand before responding back, it's really not that difficult.
Your response is so well thought out, so well put together that I have no words to respond back to you. :rolleyes: :wink:
Keep trucking on with your hateful, bigoted, homophobic and white nationalist views.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Otherwise I don't like our PM but at least he was clear on his Twitter.( Or maybe he got the instructions too late).

"Absolutely horrific news from Sri Lanka.
Canada strongly condemns the heinous attacks on Christians at churches and hotels.
Our hearts & thoughts are with the families & loved ones of those killed and all those injured


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010

Now I get it!! You weren't complaining angrily or whining bitterly about words Obama and Clinton used. You were joking!!

Silly TERB for taking any of you seriously!!

Who knew people could stir up such hot water by misunderstanding basic grammar?

Even in fun.
You can use those words on other topics , but never use them when you post a condolence twitter after hundreds are murdered by a terror attack. Doesn't matter the religion. Just don't do it. It's very simple.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You can use those words on other topics , but never use them when you post a condolence twitter after hundreds are murdered by a terror attack. Doesn't matter the religion. Just don't do it. It's very simple.
It wasn't hundreds, it was hundreds of millions according to the pussy grabber in chief.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
You can use those words on other topics , but never use them when you post a condolence twitter after hundreds are murdered by a terror attack. Doesn't matter the religion. Just don't do it. It's very simple.
Where may I read these Rules for Condolence Twitters you refer to?

Apparently they're very strict, and allow for no human error by the twits who tweet them nor any human understanding from the twits who read them.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
It wasn't hundreds, it was hundreds of millions according to the pussy grabber in chief.
Yes you right. He was dumb about that number. But it was a mistake and everyone knew that. But use the "Easter Worshippers" was not. The democrats (many of them)posted on purpose because they are cowards to use Christians.



CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Yes you right. He was dumb about that number. But it was a mistake and everyone knew that. But use the "Easter Worshippers" was not. The democrats (many of them)posted on purpose because they are cowards to use Christians.
I'm just curious if any Christians were attacked other than those attending Easter Worship services?


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Not sure why you are so butt-hurt about not being addressed by what you think as a proper Christian title but then again you are on an escort website so you are entitled to whatever hypocrisy you wish to embrace.

What pisses me off is all this bullshit about being concerned about Christianity and in some threads family values when, if they had real concern concern, a lot of the people professing this stuff would not be on Terb and they might look at the real history and practice of the faith they are supposedly trying to defend and maybe live by it. Of course, they won't because they don't believe or it is too hard to do.

Look in the mirror before you cast stones.
Isn't it amazing that an escort is preaching about the Christianity faith and the injustices it suffers while she is on an escort review board committing adultery on a regular basis with married men.
The herd really couldn't care about Christianity they just want a reason to yell and scream and profess how they are being treated unfairly, all awhile they don't abide by the rules of Christianity themselves. Just like the OP spewing her hatred about immigrants all awhile she is one herself.
Crocodile tears.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Isn't it amazing that an escort is preaching about the Christianity faith and the injustices it suffers while she is on an escort review board committing adultery on a regular basis with married men.
The herd really couldn't care about Christianity they just want a reason to yell and scream and profess how they are being treated unfairly, all awhile they don't abide by the rules of Christianity themselves. Just like the OP spewing her hatred about immigrants all awhile she is one herself.
Crocodile tears.
Isn't it amazing when a faceless liberal nobody with 10 different username, come to an Erotic Review Board and try to act like a most smart political scientist in the Northern Hemisphere. You are delusional!


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Isn't it amazing when a faceless liberal nobody with 10 different username, come to an Erotic Review Board and try to act like a most smart political scientist in the Northern Hemisphere. You are delusional!
Hey Bigot your back for more.
You really need to start making some sense, I don't have multiple handles unlike your herd who keep getting banned and coming up with new handles.
I come to an Escort Review Board to review escorts meanwhile coming across many of you bigoted people, so I put people like you in your place.
Liberal maybe but I am more centre leaning if you must know. Nobody highly unlikely as I stated in another one of your hateful posts about my income I make enough so people in your profession can be paid by people like me.
Keep trying to humiliate people in an attempt that they don't answer that's all you can do, because you are oblivious to facts.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Hey Bigot your back for more.
You really need to start making some sense, I don't have multiple handles unlike your herd who keep getting banned and coming up with new handles.
I come to an Escort Review Board to review escorts meanwhile coming across many of you bigoted people, so I put people like you in your place.
Liberal maybe but I am more centre leaning if you must know. Nobody highly unlikely as I stated in another one of your hateful posts about my income I make enough so people in your profession can be paid by people like me.
Keep trying to humiliate people in an attempt that they don't answer that's all you can do, because you are oblivious to facts.
Yes you can call yourself the "Best Political Expert of the Toronto Erotic Review Board". Took years but you did it! Congratulations!

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Conservatives outraged by Easter Worshippers aren’t offended by Passover Worshippers

Conservatives outraged by ‘Easter worshippers’ aren’t offended by ‘Passover worshippers’

Last week was bookended by two horrific attacks on religious worshipers attending holiday services. The reactions by the American right wing were quite different.

A week ago, conservative extremists were angry. After deadly Easter bombings at churches in Sri Lanka killed hundreds of worshippers on one of the holiest days in the Christian faith, some appeared to be upset by the sentence construction and word choice in the subsequent tributes.

In statements condemning the attacks and paying tribute to the victims, former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julian Castro each used the term “Easter worshippers” to describe the victims of those attacks.

Conservative critics were incensed. Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich claimed this was an attempt to avoid using the word “Christian.”

Fox News host Jesse Watters made a similar charge. “They didn’t use ‘Christians.’ They didn’t say ‘churches.’ They actually said ‘Easter worshippers’ were under attack. Now, you don’t call Muslims Ramadan-worshippers. You don’t call Jews Passover-worshippers. It’s a made-up phrase.”

Fox News hosts Brit Hume and Laura Ingraham, former Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka, One America News Network host Jack Posobiec, Turning Point USA President Charlie Kirk, radio host Dennis Praeger, and Breitbart’s Joel Pollak also joined the fray, suggesting that this phrase was some sort of anti-Christian slur.

Even Kellyanne Conway, the White House counselor to President Donald Trump, slammed Obama and Clinton for the phrase in a CNN interview. “I think there’s anti-Christianity. That’s why the Sri Lankans were gunned down. They’re not Easter worshippers, Obama and Hillary Clinton. They are Christians,” she asserted.

Rep. Alexandria Ocassio-Cortez (D-NY) pointed out how silly this argument was, tweeting to Conway:
The terrorist attack in Sri Lanka was horrifying. Saying ‘Easter worshippers’ matters bc Easter is the holiest day of the year for Christians, & to be targeted on Easter highlights how heinous the attack was - just as saying yesterday’s #SanDiego shooting was on Passover.

After a mass shooting at a synagogue in Poway, California, on Saturday, the Times of Israel’s Jewish News Reporter site posted a story with a sub-headline “19-year-old armed with firearm launches attack against passover worshippers in California community.”

Indeed, some of Conway’s colleagues used similar language to express sympathies to the members of the Jewish community who had been observing Passover.

First Lady Melania Trump tweeted that she was “heartbroken” to hear about the “senseless shooting in a place of worship” on Passover.

And Elan Carr, Trump’s recently-appointed Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, tweeted on Saturday that the “attack on Passover worshipers at Chabad of Poway is a monstrous act of evil.”

As of publication, none of the people who were outraged by the term “Easter worshippers” have expressed similar outrage over these references to “Passover worshippers.”

Looks like Melannia trump is anti-Semitic!!! Why does she refuse to use he word “Jews”?

Conservatives are not the sharpest tools in the shed.



Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Yes you can call yourself the "Best Political Expert of the Toronto Erotic Review Board". Took years but you did it! Congratulations!
You keep posting nonsense after nonsense I didn't call myself anything, you on the other hand tried calling me and other members many different bigoted, and homophobic terms in an attempt to shame, bully and humiliate straight male members into not responding back, which I responded to your bigoted posts and that pisses you and people like you off.
As you and your ilks like free reigns to do what you please with no respect to guidelines, with no retort back from others and no ramifications to your actions as has clearly been shown by this thread from post #1. That's why you and your ilk are up in arms about social media outlets banning your accounts on a daily basis due to the spread of misinformation, the spread of organized hate, and the multiple fake trolling accounts you have.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
You keep posting nonsense after nonsense I didn't call myself anything, you on the other hand tried calling me and other members many different bigoted, and homophobic terms in an attempt to shame, bully and humiliate straight male members into not responding back, which I responded to your bigoted posts and that pisses you and people like you off.
As you and your ilks like free reigns to do what you please with no respect to guidelines, with no retort back from others and no ramifications to your actions as has clearly been shown by this thread from post #1. That's why you and your ilk are up in arms about social media outlets banning your accounts on a daily basis due to the spread of misinformation, the spread of organized hat, and the multiple fake trolling accounts you have.
They also get really mad when people knock their MAGA hats off.


Mar 26, 2018

Looks like Melannia trump is anti-Semitic!!! Why does she refuse to use he word “Jews”?

Conservatives are not the sharpest tools in the shed.

Melania's tweet:
Melania Trump
On this last day of Passover, I was heartbroken to hear of another senseless shooting in a place of worship. My heart & prayers go out to all affected in the community.
(that's like saying Easter Sunday) Not Passover Worshipers. Big difference

Hillary and Obama started a trend.

Guess we'll just change all the names.

It's Easter Worshipers

Passover worshipers

Ramadan worshipers

Those are the new names now. Because saying Christians, Jews and Muslims was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hard for them.

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Melania's tweet:

(that's like saying Easter Sunday) Not Passover Worshipers. Big difference

Hillary and Obama started a trend.

Guess we'll just change all the names.

It's Easter Worshipers

Passover worshipers

Ramadan worshipers

Those are the new names now. Because saying Christians, Jews and Muslims was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too hard for them.
Why does she call it a “place of worship” instead of a synagogue?

Why does she say “the community” instead of the Jewish community?

FLOTUS is an obvious anti-Semite! Why aren’t Right Wing pundits screaming from the roof tops about this obvious anti-Semitism?

Moreover, trump’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism called them “Passover Worshippers” as did The Times of Israel’s Jewish News Reporter site. MORE ANTI-SEMITES!!! LMAO!

Conservatives are MORONS!!! They are so stupid they literally don’t even comprehend how stupid they truly are! Pathetic!
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