Spot the difference! Clinton and Obama and the Easter Worshippers! :(

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
The worst thing about Iris is that she is so damned HOT!

I hate the things she says and simultaneously I really wanna fuck her...perhaps even moreso because of her views.

Does that make me a bad person?


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
The worst thing about Iris is that she is so damned HOT!

I hate the things she says and simultaneously I really wanna fuck her...perhaps even moreso because of her views.

Does that make me a bad person?
Hot body, no doubt. I'm just wondering if the face matches that of the ultimate right winger in the backwoods, where every one is related.

You can confirm by booking her, if you aren't a minority. I understand she doesn't see those types.


Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Hot body, no doubt. I'm just wondering if the face matches that of the ultimate right winger in the backwoods, where every one is related.

You can confirm by booking her, if you aren't a minority. I understand she doesn't see those types.

All of her reviews are good. I’m sure that as far as being an escort goes her service and appearance are top knotch.


Active member
Jan 22, 2011

Some unsolicited advice: do whatever you can to not cross paths w/Knuckle Ball.

He's a well known/long time nasty troll from another site.

He's known as Conway_Stewart. Check the private SP forums!

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017

Some unsolicited advice: do whatever you can to not cross paths w/Knuckle Ball.

He's a well known/long time nasty troll from another site.

He's known as Conway_Stewart. Check the private SP forums!
LMAO...Bro- you seriously need to chill out.

This “Conway” dude has obviously gotten into your head literally can’t stop thinking about him. I know the guy is a hobbying icon and a lot of other dudes are jealous...but I dunno why you think I’m the Great Conway Stewart? I’m just a guy no different than any other guy here (except for the fact that I’m not a gun-toting white nationalist, of course)


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I'm a member for more years than 9 and posted here on purpose. The lounge has more readers than the political section. But much nicer if you complain about these twitters and not about where I posted this.
Why? It's good here. The people can read it, against the political section where 95% of the readers are liberals and just sucking each other's dicks all day. No one care what you posting there. This section always has minimum 5 times more readers. So if I post something what is going under your skin , it must move it to a section where no one read it?? Nice!
Considering you posted this thread on purpose in the lounge, and in an attempt to troll other members MODS should delete this thread.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
When liberals call me hateful, homophobic, nazi...etc. I'm fine with it. Because I know, I did something right. Again!
If people are calling you hateful, homophobic or a Nazi and you are fine with it, guess what you are all those things they describe.
I love how these days so many bigots are trying to play the fake victim card.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
Good question... why didn't they say Catholics? For the same reason they didn't say Christians. Now we're getting somewhere.

Here's the proper response and what I expected from you:

The Easter worshippers term is stupid and both Clinton and Obama used it in lieu of more appropriate terms like catholic or Christian. They clearly read from the same script set for them, and the avoidance of using the appropriate terms is politically motivated - they don't want to be seen as pitting one religion against another. Now that the double standard has been revealed, maybe in the future Obama and Clinton will be less cowardly. Their adherence to political correctness doesn't widen their base and makes them look weak, as usual.
You are an idiot...... in American society Christianity is the predominant religion and everybody knows it. Saying Easter is just more specific . Of course everybody knows they are Christians. You are really doubling down on this pointless issue, aren't you..sad....LOL


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
You are an idiot...... in American society Christianity is the predominant religion and everybody knows it. Saying Easter is just more specific . Of course everybody knows they are Christians. You are really doubling down on this pointless issue, aren't you..sad....LOL
Your stupidity knows no bounds. There is no such thing as an Easter Worshipper.

But that doesn't matter because you're like, beyond woke. You're woke 2.0


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Censorship would be AWESOME if it got rid of stupid threads like this.
Fortunately the Mods understand the concept of free speech.

What you don't understand is you don't need to engage if you don't want to.

Note I couldn't be bothered to comment on the topic. But I did peek in. And sure enough someone wants to shut the thread down.

Far easier not to comment. No argument.....the thread dies quickly.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Nothing censorship won't solve eh?
When people can't abide by guidelines and are posting threads on purpose in different category as IRIS did and said she did on purpose and attempting to troll as many members as possible which (Trolling) is against the guidelines here, Yes deleting these threads is required.
It is not censorship it's ramifications for not abiding by the set guidelines.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I agree it should never have been posted here. IRIS seems to feel it is her right to do so because no agrees with her in those forums. I couldn't let the bullshit go though.
She posted it on purpose in the lounge to name call more people and troll as many people as possible.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
When liberals call me hateful, homophobic, nazi...etc. I'm fine with it. Because I know, I did something right. Again!
What can I say about these two coward democrats piece of shit?
What is wrong with me? What is wrong with you and your two stupid Democrats?
This logic clearly shows how fucked up the people's brains these days. So if you complaining for the Christians( Easter Worshippers) rights or wrote anything against those ass-licker, spineless liberal politicans , it make you white nacionalist or nazi?
Why? It's good here. The people can read it, against the political section where 95% of the readers are liberals and just sucking each other's dicks all day. No one care what you posting there. This section always has minimum 5 times more readers. So if I post something what is going under your skin , it must move it to a section where no one read it?? Nice!
Thank you for this indispensable information Mr. National Geographic. I still prefer a WHITE pine tree in Christmas time. I hope it doesn't make me white supremacist!
And who the fuck are you to give any order for me?? You are useless as Beckham was for the English national team. He was there but for what??
This board full of worthless liberal armchair warriors as you.
The MOD the only person here, who can send me a message about what is acceptable and what is not. Until then , you can do one thing only: You can kiss my ass!
If you don't like something just report it. Liberals are the best to reporting everyone and everything, what are against their rainbow colored world. Police or facebook or twitter report , send anonymous mails everywhere...etc. You guys are just cowards as Obama and Hillary was in their twitter! Because the MOD moved the thread here, where no one will read it anymore, I don't post any comments .
Trying to mock, using derogatory terms and using homophobic slurs to attack people in your posts shows how hateful, and homophobic you are.

Thank you for not subjecting us to more of your hateful, homophobic and white nationalist views here.


Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
It was in the first post of the thread where the OP (IRIS) called people pieces of shit and in her subsequent post where she called members idiots who disagreed with her
I called that two "politicans" a "piece of shit" and we all know the politicans are not people. Many of you called Trump a piece of shit many times on this board previously but I didn't care. You never complained about Trump , so why you became so sensitive now? I thought it's just the natural way to call politicans a "piece of shit" on this board. As you see I'm a good student. Otherwise many of you called me idiot or moron or stupid just in this thread, because I didn't agree with you. Again! The good old liberal double standard!
Another lesson why you don't have to do anything what liberals ask ever. You just can't make them satisfied. First you guys complained about the wrong section repeatedly. The MOD moved it into the right section. You got what you want but it's not enough for you. Now you wants to delete the all thread. Why? You want to hide something? Technically I didn't do anything, just posted a muslim Imam's twitter message. I don't understand why is so hurtful for liberals!...or maybe I understand: The truth hurts!


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I called that two "politicans" a "piece of shit" and we all know the politicans are not people. Many of you called Trump a piece of shit many times on this board previously but I didn't care. You never complained about Trump , so why you became so sensitive now? I thought it's just the natural way to call politicans a "piece of shit" on this board. As you see I'm a good student. Otherwise many of you called me idiot or moron or stupid just in this thread, because I didn't agree with you. Again! The good old liberal double standard!
Another lesson why you don't have to do anything what liberals ask ever. You just can't make them satisfied. First you guys complained about the wrong section repeatedly. The MOD moved it into the right section. You got what you want but it's not enough for you. Now you wants to delete the all thread. Why? You want to hide something? Technically I didn't do anything, just posted a muslim Imam's twitter message. I don't understand why is so hurtful for liberals!...or maybe I understand: The truth hurts!
Yes thread should be deleted, as the guidelines. You trying to mock, use homophobic posts numerous times to troll other members is another reason why. As I pointed out above post #125

Politics, Religion and International Affairs
We've got a forum for that.

And it's not the lounge.

Such posts in the lounge will be deleted.



Supporting Member
Feb 18, 2010
Yes thread should be deleted, as the guidelines. You trying to mock, use homophobic posts numerous times to troll other members is another reason why. As I pointed out above post #125
I attacked politicans. You have lots of time as I see. What's your hourly salary to do this? What you call a homophobic rant is a famous line from a very well known movie by Quentin Tarantino. Very sad you never heard of the Pulp Fiction and you couldn't identified that line. Here it is and you'll be smarter.

I can't believe this is the same car.

The Wolf:
Well, let's not start sucking each other's dicks just yet."


Mar 26, 2018
First you guys complained about the wrong section repeatedly. The MOD moved it into the right section. You got what you want but it's not enough for you. !Now you wants to delete the all thread. Why?
If they don't see it, in their anti-free speech heads, it doesn't exist lol

I've archived this whole thread. The internet is FOREVER!
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