Allegra Escorts Collective

The Democrats are completely nuts!


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Rep. Steve Cohen(D-Tenn) tweeted as follows: " Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of the enemy."
Calling for a military coup is low even by the TDS standards. It's actually scary that an elected representative of a free republic would dare to display such sentiment in public. Disgusting.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
Rep. Steve Cohen(D-Tenn) tweeted as follows: " Where are our military folks? The Commander in Chief is in the hands of the enemy."
Calling for a military coup is low even by the TDS standards. It's actually scary that an elected representative of a free republic would dare to display such sentiment in public. Disgusting.
<rolleyes> You far-righties only see what you want to see.

I'm curious, do you know where the acronym "TDS" first came from. If you did, you wouldn't be using it.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
<rolleyes> You far-righties only see what you want to see.

I'm curious, do you know where the acronym "TDS" first came from. If you did, you wouldn't be using it.
So, an elected representative calling for a military coup is not a problem? I guess we should be very afraid of Trump.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I guess we should be very afraid of Trump.
That may be the truest thing you have ever said.

The man is dangerous and little by little he is destabilizing the markets, NATO and the world.

When will Congress stand up? When will they place more importance on the oath they took to their country than they are to ensure they get re-elected. They are whores until they do.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
That may be the truest thing you have ever said.

The man is dangerous and little by little he is destabilizing the markets, NATO and the world.

When will Congress stand up? When will they place more importance on the oath they took to their country than they are to ensure they get re-elected. They are whores until they do.
You lefties are sooo afraid of everything. The commie bastards I have known in my youth were deathly scared of capitalism- all the while they were enriching themselves by stealing from the destitute. And so afraid of the rotten west- while vacationing there and opening bank accounts. I'm suppose to be scared of Trump- while all his policies thus far are designed to boost the economy and punish the foreign freeloaders. Yeah, I'm terrified.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
<rolleyes> You far-righties only see what you want to see.

I'm curious, do you know where the acronym "TDS" first came from. If you did, you wouldn't be using it.
Ok. I don't use the term but my curiousity is awoke......


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
So, an elected representative calling for a military coup is not a problem? I guess we should be very afraid of Trump.
You righties will lie about anything. He didn't say that at all.

I'm curious, do you know where the acronym "TDS" first came from. If you did, you wouldn't be using it.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
You righties will lie about anything. He didn't say that at all.

I'm curious, do you know where the acronym "TDS" first came from. If you did, you wouldn't be using it.
Yes, it must have been the ghost of Tweeter past or maybe the CIA.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
You lefties are sooo afraid of everything. The commie bastards I have known in my youth were deathly scared of capitalism- all the while they were enriching themselves by stealing from the destitute. And so afraid of the rotten west- while vacationing there and opening bank accounts. I'm suppose to be scared of Trump- while all his policies thus far are designed to boost the economy and punish the foreign freeloaders. Yeah, I'm terrified.
Except his policies thus far show a complete ignorance of real world economics, real world border security, real world military strategy and real world intelligence management.

I understand jc, not understanding any of this should make you terrified.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Except his policies thus far show a complete ignorance of real world economics, real world border security, real world military strategy and real world intelligence management.

I understand jc, not understanding any of this should make you terrified.
What would you know about reality? Oh, I know. The crashing trade deficit-good. Illegal invasion by migrants-good. Endless military conflicts- good. Spying on own citizens-good. Am I getting it right, yet? Is there hope for me on yer side? How about shipping our jobs overseas to the third world hell holes? Am I in the club, yet?? Please let me in, I so want to be liked!


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
What would you know about reality? Oh, I know. The crashing trade deficit-good. Illegal invasion by migrants-good. Endless military conflicts- good. Spying on own citizens-good. Am I getting it right, yet? Is there hope for me on yer side? How about shipping our jobs overseas to the third world hell holes? Am I in the club, yet?? Please let me in, I so want to be liked!
Oh My God! Crashing deficits - illegal invasion - endless conflicts - spying !!. How did the USA survive before Trump? All hail Trump, only he can possibly fix this. Smartest president ever. Knows more than the generals, economists and intelligence people COMBINED!

Hold on ...... but none of that is true. It's just an alt-right political manipulation tactic to promote fear in the scared hateful people who are Trump's base. No thinking person who focus on facts would be fooled by such obvious manipulations.

Poor rightards, living in a world of Trump/Stone/Bannon/Goebbels manufactured fiction. For the record, you got everything wrong.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Oh My God! crashing - invasion - endless - spying !!. How did the USA survive before Trump? All hail Trump, only he can possibly fix this. Smartest president ever. Most popular president ever. Knows more than the generals, economists and intelligence people COMBINED,

Hold on ...... but none of that is true. It's just an alt-right political tactic to promote fear in the niave scared people who are Trump's base. No thinking person who can fact check would be fooled by such obvious manipulations.

Poor rightards, living in a world of Trump/Stone/Bannon/Goebbels manufactured fiction. For the record, you got everything wrong.
Oh, I get it. I have to park my brain in the handicapped zone to enter your world. &#55357;&#56397;&#55357;&#56397;


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
Oh, I get it. I have to park my brain in the handicapped zone to enter your world. ����
lol, looking at your various posts, I think your brain was parked many years ago. Living in a fact-immune world, having been manipulated then brainwashed so easily by Trump, eaten inside by your hate and fear. I can see why you want to join my club.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
lol, looking at your various posts, I think your brain was parked many years ago. Living in a fact-immune world, having been manipulated then brainwashed so easily by Trump, eaten inside by your hate and fear. I can see why you want to join my club.
And yet, dim as I am, I saw Trump coming a mile away while you ladies put your faith in the clueless nonentity like Hillary. Must be annoying to be so full of facts and be so spectacularly wrong at the same time. If I tried very hard, I bet that I could force myself to feel pity for you. Alas, I think I'll go for a stroll, instead. It is a beautiful night.


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
And yet, dim as I am, I saw Trump coming a mile away while you ladies put your faith in the clueless nonentity like Hillary. Must be annoying to be so full of facts and be so spectacularly wrong at the same time. If I tried very hard, I bet that I could force myself to feel pity for you. Alas, I think I'll go for a stroll, instead. It is a beautiful night.
lol. Your posts reak of desperation ...... and fiction.

I thought you were going for a stroll. Here we are an hour later and your still on-line.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
lol. Your posts reak of desperation ...... and fiction.

I thought you were going for a stroll. Here we are an hour later and your still on-line.
M o b i l e


Active member
Jan 10, 2009
M o b i l e
"Alas, I think I'll go for a stroll, instead. It is a beautiful night." <-- Yet you bring along your cell so that you can continue to engage on TERB. Bounce off anyone? Walk into a ditch? Your stroll must have been very fulfilling Comrad jc.

No military cop overnight. Disappointed?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
rep. Steve cohen(d-tenn) tweeted as follows: " where are our military folks? The commander in chief is in the hands of the enemy."
calling for a military coup is low even by the tds standards. It's actually scary that an elected representative of a free republic would dare to display such sentiment in public. Disgusting.
Lock 'im up!! Lock 'im up!! Lock 'im up!! Lock 'im up!! Lock 'im up!!

It wasn't him who set the current standard of 'debate'. And you seem stuck there. Why not leave that level of B.S. to actual Americans?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts