Ford Nation lives on?


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2006
I'm just recounting what some friends/relatives who are Torontonians tell me. One of the main points was Rob dealt with the garbage union.
If those friends live in North Etobicoke aka Rexdale or Scarborough, then of course they support Doug because they live in Ford Nation. The rest of the city especially downtown is more left leaning. We saw that in the last municipal election where Chow took a chunk of downtown and Tory took the rest.

Ford was only able to get contracted garbage collection west of Yonge Street. The rest of the city with the exception of Etobicoke still has unionized collection.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Yeah get your popcorn out when you watch Donald Trump win a second term as POTUS and then you can cried like a baby!! LOL!!
Who gives a damn as he will not our POTUS. Go and live there if you want to kiss his derriere. We have Trudeau as our PM and that is all that matters.
You are the one that will weep when Stormy destroys Trump when she reveals everything. It is not a question of if she will reveal, just when that will happen. My popcorn will be even more tastier!!


New member
May 12, 2017
I still don't believe that the Republicans, let a lone Trump thought or even planned on him being president.
He won with smart campaigning. I was living in the southern U.S. when Obama won his second term. Throughout those campaigns the concern was always "what are you going to do to win the female vote?", "what are you going to do to win the gay vote?", "what are you going to do to win the latino vote?", etc., etc.. Trump's team targeted the uneducated redneck vote and there are a fuck ton of them... enough to win himself the presidency.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2010
Looks like he’s got more than enough to eat at home.
His wife is pretty hot.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
people outside of toronto LOVE doug ford. i was in a small town north of here earlier today and all the blue collar guys are stoked that he won.
Absolutely correct.

They think he's just like them and since they understand why things (in their minds) are fucked up and, that they know better, Doug will be the man with the plan.

Thing is, it's easy to bitch about the government, it's a whole different thing to actually come up with a plan and implement something that works and that's where guys who drink beer and eat chicken wings fall flat. And Doug loves beer and wings.

he's not going to provide the level of entertainment fodder his brother did though, and that is all i care about.
Maybe not the crack, but rest assured that everything else will be the same or worse.

Doug will want to rule by decree and he's not that bright. When he was on city council, he was not effective and his opponents could run circles around him.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
Fake news. Brian Mulroney did more to hurt Ontario's economy than anyone else. The 1991 - 95 Mulroney Recession hit Ontario the hardest. Never have I seen more closed shops and offices around Toronto then when he was PM. By the time Chretien became PM, Canada's SP Credit Rating had been downgraded to A. He should keep his fat yap shut. For most of his Premiereship Bob Rae had his hands tied. His predecessor David Peterson was just as much on the take as Mulroney. Do some reading before you post kaka.
Ditto for you


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I can't help but think we've just doomed ourselves with another term of "Wynne or Lose".
Better the lesbian granny than yet another guy with phony hair covering a largely vacant mind, questionable ethics and a dubious self-proclaimed talent for business.

Boat-in hotels for a harbour that freezes?


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Ontario spends $1 billion a month just to service its debt — more than it spends on all social services for adults or to run its universities and colleges. It’s the third largest single item in the budget after health care and public education, and that’s in a historically low-interest-rate environment. So what happens when interest rates rise?

Truly mind boggling. Wynne for 4 more years. We're screwed!


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Ontario spends $1 billion a month just to service its debt — more than it spends on all social services for adults or to run its universities and colleges. It’s the third largest single item in the budget after health care and public education, and that’s in a historically low-interest-rate environment. So what happens when interest rates rise?

Truly mind boggling. Wynne for 4 more years. We're screwed!
Before you get all panicky and start seeing imaginary lifeboats, you might tot up the number of years and debt-dollars Ontario's long-running habit of electing Conservatives piled on.

And never ever forget it was a Conservative that filled in a subway we were already digging, one we've needed for decades, and another named Ford who's committed us to digging one no one will need or use for decades to come, but will add billions to our debt and interest now, just to buy him a few votes his lies couldn't earn.


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
Before you get all panicky and start seeing imaginary lifeboats, you might tot up the number of years and debt-dollars Ontario's long-running habit of electing Conservatives piled on.

And never ever forget it was a Conservative that filled in a subway we were already digging, one we've needed for decades, and another named Ford who's committed us to digging one no one will need or use for decades to come, but will add billions to our debt and interest now, just to buy him a few votes his lies couldn't earn.
well there was 40 years of tory rule in ontario and we were in pretty good shape then the ndp and liberals took over and screwed up everything i don't think it can be fixed now


Aug 23, 2001
I know a few people who live in Toronto that liked Rob as mayor - the results were good. Unfortunately all the BS sideshow stuff took away from his accomplishments. I think Doug is better in the sense that he hasn't had any of his private misdeeds aired out in public. If he has as much support as he supposedly has in Toronto, there is a chance against Wynne. The smartest thing any non-Liberal can do is keep their mouths shut and just highlight the Liberal record which has just been God-awful.
Absolutely, Roffo was the best cocaine addict mayor of Toronto who spent most of each day sitting in a van getting high in a school parking lot. That's a lot of accomplishment right there. He set a "high" bar for his successors.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Anyone who votes Ford is a fool
I am probably one of the most hardcore right wingers on this board and even I shook my head when I heard this idiocy


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
well there was 40 years of tory rule in ontario and we were in pretty good shape then the ndp and liberals took over and screwed up everything i don't think it can be fixed now
Actually, at least for Toronto, the screwing began with the last Tory Preem, and his short-lived successors. And it was Royal.

It had little to do with the Party, a lot more to do with where the Leader took it, and Ford sounds way too much like Harris re-born for my digestive tract. We note that the Harris Tractor has stalled since he retired (so Eves could take the loss), and the voters he inherited from Davis went elsewhere.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Before you get all panicky and start seeing imaginary lifeboats, you might tot up the number of years and debt-dollars Ontario's long-running habit of electing Conservatives piled on.

And never ever forget it was a Conservative that filled in a subway we were already digging, one we've needed for decades, and another named Ford who's committed us to digging one no one will need or use for decades to come, but will add billions to our debt and interest now, just to buy him a few votes his lies couldn't earn.
Filling in a subway for a few million dollars is not equivalent to the financial recklessness of the liberals increasing the provincial debt from 100 billion approximately to 320 billion now in 18 years. Not even the same ballpark.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Filling in a subway for a few million dollars is not equivalent to the financial recklessness of the liberals increasing the provincial debt from 100 billion approximately to 320 billion now in 18 years. Not even the same ballpark.
Its on the same scale for the city.
Cutting the fully funded Transit City plan that wouldn't have cost the city and replacing it with a $3 billion subway stop that won't even serve the 'burbs is just as reckless.
Ford did give us a 30 year tax increase for that one subway stop.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts