But most folks who live in Toronto preferred other candidates, and the City Rob left for Tory was in much worse shape in every way that the one he took over from Miller.I know a few people who live in Toronto that liked Rob as mayor - the results were good. Unfortunately all the BS sideshow stuff took away from his accomplishments. I think Doug is better in the sense that he hasn't had any of his private misdeeds aired out in public. If he has as much support as he supposedly has in Toronto, there is a chance against Wynne. The smartest thing any non-Liberal can do is keep their mouths shut and just highlight the Liberal record which has just been God-awful.
As for Doug's misdeeds, he shared many with his kid bro' and they did get out, but as he was a mere Councillor, the misdeeds of the lying crackhead in the Mayor's chair made better headlines. Most folks seem to have short memories for the less-spectacular failings that don't make international media.