Ford Nation lives on?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I know a few people who live in Toronto that liked Rob as mayor - the results were good. Unfortunately all the BS sideshow stuff took away from his accomplishments. I think Doug is better in the sense that he hasn't had any of his private misdeeds aired out in public. If he has as much support as he supposedly has in Toronto, there is a chance against Wynne. The smartest thing any non-Liberal can do is keep their mouths shut and just highlight the Liberal record which has just been God-awful.
But most folks who live in Toronto preferred other candidates, and the City Rob left for Tory was in much worse shape in every way that the one he took over from Miller.

As for Doug's misdeeds, he shared many with his kid bro' and they did get out, but as he was a mere Councillor, the misdeeds of the lying crackhead in the Mayor's chair made better headlines. Most folks seem to have short memories for the less-spectacular failings that don't make international media.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
It means I don't know who to vote for now.

Just ponder this!

How bad is our financial situation in Ontario? As former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney put it last week, “Ontario has been reduced to accepting equalization payments from Newfoundland and Labrador.

If you consider NDP ..think of Bob Rae era what he did to Ontario finance during the NDP era!

Now think of what Ontario liberals making Ontario the largest non-nation debt in the world. Someone will have to paid those interests to finance those debt and when those interest rate go up... The cost of debt will go up! Less money to spend on health care!! Therefore they will need more taxes aka rebranded as " revenue tools" to legally steal money from you " your income".

Best option stay home and don't vote and refused to pay any form of taxes...LOL!!
I figure better way for you is to make more money and when you rich enough..moved out of province or country and retired somewhere cheap and nice to live!!

PS. When government run out of money ... I figured in about 20 year from now.. THey will go after your RRSP and Tax Free Saving Account !! When the Tax Free saving get really big in the 6 figures to 7 figures range. They the Ont or Fed government will changes the tax rule to get their hand on your money on the TAX free saving account! They will probably rebrand by saving it only tax free if it under example your balance in the Tax free saving account is under $50,000.

PPS Carbon tax will be the best revenue tools to finance the debt for now until it becomes too big to services it!! Ontario will be like Greece in 20 year from now!!


Mar 12, 2004
Just ponder this!

How bad is our financial situation in Ontario? As former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney put it last week, “Ontario has been reduced to accepting equalization payments from Newfoundland and Labrador.”
But it doesn't matter,... everything will be "free".

Well at least paid for by other provinces.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
I know a few people who live in Toronto that liked Rob as mayor - the results were good.
Good?? He was a disaster; there is almost nothing to dispute.

I can't in good conscience vote for Doug Ford. He is a primate and he is not fit to be Premiere of Ontario.

I cannot believe the party that moved to dissociate itself from Brown has just elected Doug Ford as leader.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
But it doesn't matter,... everything will be "free".

Well at least paid for by other provinces.

LIke free tuition for Ontario student!
Like free pharmadrug for kids under 24 year old!
Like free TTC transit for kids under 12 year old! Conceived my John Tory Mayor of Toronto least Wynn (Ont. Liberals) don't get the credit for that that idea!

Like free basic income in Ontario.
( Getting paid to do nothing !)

Wonder what else will be free!!

Who going to paid for it!!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Mexico :bump2:
LOL.... Very funny. Just like they are sending a cheque to the Whitehouse. Apparently the tortoise is on it's way and will deliver the Mexican cheque to build the border wall in about 99 years time.
We have to wait our turn!!


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
LOL.... Very funny. Just like they are sending a cheque to the Whitehouse. Apparently the tortoise is on it's way and will deliver the Mexican cheque to build the border wall in about 99 years time.
We have to wait our turn!!
Easy to finance the Mexico wall.
Just slapped Mexico tariff ( special tax) when the illegal Mexican undocumented Mexican workers... sent money back home to their families in Mexico!!
That how you paid the wall!

Let's built that wall!


Dec 22, 2008
I am a left sided liberal/NDP supporter, I say that so you know where my politics lie. In also have many conservative friends and respect their opinions, as I think they have some great ideas.
I just wanted to put a link to a great vid from a conservative senator regarding basic income, give it a watch I think it has some great input that I did not see until I watched it. I am not a Doug Ford fan would have much preferred Christine Elliott MHO.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Just ponder this!

How bad is our financial situation in Ontario? As former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney put it last week, “Ontario has been reduced to accepting equalization payments from Newfoundland and Labrador.

If you consider NDP ..think of Bob Rae era what he did to Ontario finance during the NDP era!!
Fake news. Brian Mulroney did more to hurt Ontario's economy than anyone else. The 1991 - 95 Mulroney Recession hit Ontario the hardest. Never have I seen more closed shops and offices around Toronto then when he was PM. By the time Chretien became PM, Canada's SP Credit Rating had been downgraded to A. He should keep his fat yap shut. For most of his Premiereship Bob Rae had his hands tied. His predecessor David Peterson was just as much on the take as Mulroney. Do some reading before you post kaka.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Easy to finance the Mexico wall.
Just slapped Mexico tariff ( special tax) when the illegal Mexican undocumented Mexican workers... sent money back home to their families in Mexico!!
That how you paid the wall!

Let's built that wall!
So you believe that crap. Mexico are not paying for any wall. But Trump is paying for Stormy Daniels hush money. Go Stormy Go.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
So you believe that crap. Mexico are not paying for any wall. But Trump is paying for Stormy Daniels hush money. Go Stormy Go.
Who care if Trump paid stormy Daniels..who care if he fucked her!! Mexico will be paying the wall indirectly and there nothing Mexico can do about once tariffs or special taxes is enforced on Mexico!!
Unless Trumps loses the next election or get impeached. Or lose the majority republicans seat in Congress or lose control of the senate!

Mexico will pay for the wall!!
Let's build the fucking wall !


Feb 23, 2017
Good?? He was a disaster; there is almost nothing to dispute.
I'm just recounting what some friends/relatives who are Torontonians tell me. One of the main points was Rob dealt with the garbage union.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
So you believe that crap. Mexico are not paying for any wall. But Trump is paying for Stormy Daniels hush money. Go Stormy Go.
I agree with you but the Trump support base are terrified people, shell shocked that Obama could win not one but two terms. Now they put in this charlatan, this carnival huckster to sooth their neurosis and feed them a comedy show. Trump will not be there forever and very soon afterwards the reality will sink in again. of what America is today.

Ford Nation is a political force but will see how effective it is come June 7, maybe too little too late for the self destructive PCs.


Mar 12, 2004
I agree with you but the Trump support base are terrified people, shell shocked that Obama could win not one but two terms. Now they put in this charlatan, this carnival huckster to sooth their neurosis and feed them a comedy show. Trump will not be there forever and very soon afterwards the reality will sink in again. of what America is today.

Ford Nation is a political force but will see how effective it is come June 7, maybe too little too late for the self destructive PCs.
I still don't believe that the Republicans, let a lone Trump thought or even planned on him being president.

There was no support base for Trump during Obama,... he wasn't on anybody's radar as a possible presidential candidate,... including himself.

He ended up living a fictitious TV program in real life,... but in this case,... it became realty,... to everybody ,... including Trump's,... surprise.

But hey,... this "charlatan, this carnival huckster" beat the Democrats and the Clintons,... that has to say something about the mood in the US during Obama.


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
I still don't believe that the Republicans, let a lone Trump thought or even planned on him being president.

There was no support base for Trump during Obama,... he wasn't on anybody's radar as a possible presidential candidate,... including himself.

He ended up living a fictitious TV program in real life,... but in this case,... it became realty,... to everybody ,... including Trump's,... surprise.

But hey,... this "charlatan, this carnival huckster" beat the Democrats and the Clintons,... that has to say something about the mood in the US during Obama.

The extreme polarity is America is and always will be there which explains the Obama and Trump phenomenon.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Who care if Trump paid stormy Daniels..who care if he fucked her!! Mexico will be paying the wall indirectly and there nothing Mexico can do about once tariffs or special taxes is enforced on Mexico!!
Unless Trumps loses the next election or get impeached. Or lose the majority republicans seat in Congress or lose control of the senate!

Mexico will pay for the wall!!
Let's build the fucking wall !
The Wall being paid by Mexico is BS. Suddenly Trump decides ohhhhh yes I can mention the New NAFTA agreement as a means of how Mexico will pay for the wall. He was silent along about Mexico paying for it.
The Trumptard Cult followers in the US will ultimately pay for it. Build the damn wall and let them pay the price. Why is he asking Congress for those billions then???

Stormy Daniels will destroy Trump when this whole saga plays out, and is scrutinized. Most exciting saga, and I have some fresh popcorn ready for it. :)


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
The Wall being paid by Mexico is BS. Suddenly Trump decides ohhhhh yes I can mention the New NAFTA agreement as a means of how Mexico will pay for the wall. He was silent along about Mexico paying for it.
The Trumptard Cult followers in the US will ultimately pay for it. Build the damn wall and let them pay the price. Why is he asking Congress for those billions then???

Stormy Daniels will destroy Trump when this whole saga plays out, and is scrutinized. Most exciting saga, and I have some fresh popcorn ready for it. :)
Yeah get your popcorn out when you watch Donald Trump win a second term as POTUS and then you can cried like a baby!! LOL!!
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