Why do clients patronize SWs with gifts?


Feb 23, 2017
Sounds like we agree....Ive brought drinks for a SP and dont see much wrong with it as it was only $10 or so, the same or less amount of money Id give to a homeless person I can get nothing from. But even though I could gift a laptop with a bit of planning, I never would and think it comes from an unhealthy place...youre no longer just being nice, regardless of the duration of your business relationship
The weird thing is, although a laptop can be expensive, I would actually think that's better than a new cellphone, purse, or jewelry. The laptop is used in private and is practical. Some of these other things can (and will) be paraded around in. Now, I too wouldn't gift somebody a laptop - this might sound weird but wouldn't you basically have invested in her business?


New member
Nov 12, 2017
I give my sw a coffee and muffin as a gift every time I have a session with her and I get to share a chat session with her before anything else.But If I see her once a week for a number of weeks a year that adds up to be a good gift also and just look at the gift I get also the time to spend with a beautiful woman. Just saying !! but I still like to give a small gift the odd visit just to let her that she is special to me:)


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I was thought what you want in life you don't ask for from others you work for it and earn it yourself, there is nothing wrong with gifting people you know and care for and even doing it lavishly, but to gift lavishly to a any SP whose real name you don't even know, who is earning $250/hr+ and in many cases more than what her clients are making does not make any sense and IMO is stupid.
There are a lot of less fortunate people in this world, hell even in our own country who live in poverty or can't even feed their families because they make minimum wage, next time anyone is thinking of lavishly gifting a service provider who is already making a great living at $250/hr+ think about those people.

Self entitlement in today's North American society is real and it does look like less and less people want to work for what they have and want what they want right now and are completely fine with receiving it from strangers.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2015
Well, I used to gift my fav regs. But I got my eyes opened when my generosity was taken advantage of.
Guess that kinda ruined it for the other girls.


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2016
anywhere i want;)
I don't mind gifts from clients however I find that most of my "gifts " come from regulars or board members. In my opinion this is a very nice gesture on the clients part. Although it is not needed at all - its the thought that counts. However u don't want to do this to often because as others have said - you could start to be taken advantage of. I would tread very carefully if you do this.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
Sometimes you see pictures of $ 5,000 - $ 10,000 iMac Pro’s, Chopard watches and Birkin handbags. Are these real gifts, knockoffs or embellishments? Just my 2 cents.


Active member
May 22, 2011
I was thought what you want in life you don't ask for from others you work for it and earn it yourself, there is nothing wrong with gifting people you know and care for and even doing it lavishly, but to gift lavishly to a any SP whose real name you don't even know, who is earning $250/hr+ and in many cases more than what her clients are making does not make any sense and IMO is stupid.
There are a lot of less fortunate people in this world, hell even in our own country who live in poverty or can't even feed their families because they make minimum wage, next time anyone is thinking of lavishly gifting a service provider who is already making a great living at $250/hr+ think about those people.

Self entitlement in today's North American society is real and it does look like less and less people want to work for what they have and want what they want right now and are completely fine with receiving it from strangers.
Very true.

And a very weird thing, since the vast majority of people work at jobs that don't involves tips.

And it's not like an SP job is one where someone is making lousy wages and needs any buck they can get to get by (ie. a server working at a crappy restaurant).

So what you get is greedy people grabbing any buck they can get, even if it's from customers an SP truly knows might be kind of weird, naive, but some reason gifting. I highly doubt many SPs turn down freebies. But in some lines of work, freebies will be taken (and sometimes "expected" or else the client is called cheap).

If someone offered tips to avg people working in avg jobs, I don't think that many people will take it. And if they do, they'll think something weird is going on. And surely they won't plaster it on Twitter. If someone works in an office making average wages and suddenly every time you do an assignment someone comes by and wants to tip you like you are broke and need every dime someone offers, I think most people will say no thanks.

In most other countries, tipping/gifting isn't a norm.... even for waiter jobs. You leave a tip, and they'll think you are a rich asshole thinking they are poor scum. I've had people take my tip (didn't know at the time in that place), and hand it back to me.

Never seen that in Canada.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Very true.

And a very weird thing, since the vast majority of people work at jobs that don't involves tips.

And it's not like an SP job is one where someone is making lousy wages and needs any buck they can get to get by (ie. a server working at a crappy restaurant).

So what you get is greedy people grabbing any buck they can get, even if it's from customers an SP truly knows might be kind of weird, naive, but some reason gifting. I highly doubt many SPs turn down freebies. But in some lines of work, freebies will be taken (and sometimes "expected" or else the client is called cheap).

If someone offered tips to avg people working in avg jobs, I don't think that many people will take it. And if they do, they'll think something weird is going on. And surely they won't plaster it on Twitter. If someone works in an office making average wages and suddenly every time you do an assignment someone comes by and wants to tip you like you are broke and need every dime someone offers, I think most people will say no thanks.

In most other countries, tipping/gifting isn't a norm.... even for waiter jobs. You leave a tip, and they'll think you are a rich asshole thinking they are poor scum. I've had people take my tip (didn't know at the time in that place), and hand it back to me.

Never seen that in Canada.
In countries where tipping is not customary, restaurants and bars pay their servers a very decent living wage. Unlike north america, where they are expected to get most of their income from tips.

Jasmine Raine

Well-known member
Jul 28, 2014
I was thought what you want in life you don't ask for from others you work for it and earn it yourself, there is nothing wrong with gifting people you know and care for and even doing it lavishly, but to gift lavishly to a any SP whose real name you don't even know, who is earning $250/hr+ and in many cases more than what her clients are making does not make any sense and IMO is stupid.
There are a lot of less fortunate people in this world, hell even in our own country who live in poverty or can't even feed their families because they make minimum wage, next time anyone is thinking of lavishly gifting a service provider who is already making a great living at $250/hr+ think about those people.

Self-entitlement in today's North American society is real and it does look like less and less people want to work for what they have and want what they want right now and are completely fine with receiving it from strangers.
Are you seriously telling me that if you went to work and someone, a client, or an employee, etc came in with a gift for you, you would turn it down? I don't think so.

Are you seriously telling me that if someone said they wanted to gift you something and wanted some ideas of what you may like that you would not tell them anything? I don't think so.

There is a difference between self-entitlement and simply accepting a gift. Don't call me self-entitled because I accepted chocolates from a client. Don't call me self-entitled for putting a gift list on my site when I was repeatedly asked by clients at Christmas, what they could bring for me. Even after I would protest and tell them it is not needed, they don't have too, etc.

Don't call me self-entitled when I equally gift clients. Two who have actually posted in this thread.

I am not a person who asked to borrow money and never have. I have been taking care of myself since I was a teen and out of the house.

You are generalizing and lumping all of us together. I mean fucking self-entitled bitches getting a box of chocolate. Who the fuck do they think they are? Right?

Very true.

And a very weird thing, since the vast majority of people work at jobs that don't involves tips.

And it's not like an SP job is one where someone is making lousy wages and needs any buck they can get to get by (ie. a server working at a crappy restaurant).

So what you get is greedy people grabbing any buck they can get, even if it's from customers an SP truly knows might be kind of weird, naive, but some reason gifting. I highly doubt many SPs turn down freebies. But in some lines of work, freebies will be taken (and sometimes "expected" or else the client is called cheap).

If someone offered tips to avg people working in avg jobs, I don't think that many people will take it. And if they do, they'll think something weird is going on. And surely they won't plaster it on Twitter. If someone works in an office making average wages and suddenly every time you do an assignment someone comes by and wants to tip you like you are broke and need every dime someone offers, I think most people will say no thanks.

In most other countries, tipping/gifting isn't a norm.... even for waiter jobs. You leave a tip, and they'll think you are a rich asshole thinking they are poor scum. I've had people take my tip (didn't know at the time in that place), and hand it back to me.

Never seen that in Canada.
I have left tips for retail workers who spent an hour on me picking out the perfect outfit. Right here in the Canada!!!! Crazy, I know. What is even more crazy..... they took the tip, enjoyed the tip, was very shocked and happy to recieve a tip. They felt apprecaited and that was the point.

So crazy....


Asian Picasso
Jan 11, 2014
I guess the guys who complain are the ones who have to pay to be with someone and the fact that on a hourly basis they make more then them makes it even worse. For those guys, next thing you know they will complain about SP's who have bigger balls than they do, because apparently, they have very small ones or none at all.
Dec 12, 2017
The weird thing is, although a laptop can be expensive, I would actually think that's better than a new cellphone, purse, or jewelry. The laptop is used in private and is practical. Some of these other things can (and will) be paraded around in. Now, I too wouldn't gift somebody a laptop - this might sound weird but wouldn't you basically have invested in her business?
Cellphones are more crucial than a laptop in this business Id guess but i get your point, not that it makes the purchase any better than a purse, other than purely from a practical stand point.

Sure, you could argue youre investing in her business, but so is booking her, which I get something out of so Ill just do that.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Sometimes you see pictures of $ 5,000 - $ 10,000 iMac Pro’s, Chopard watches and Birkin handbags. Are these real gifts, knockoffs or embellishments? Just my 2 cents.
They're real. The power of pussy is immense. We all know that. In theory, none of us should be dropping $150 for a half hour of fun when that money could buy groceries for 1 - 2 weeks. But we do it because we enjoy pussy so much, even though it makes no practical sense in the world of finance.

So, it's all relative. The guy with a bigger wallet will drop more money, all things being equal. They take these girls to expensive restaurants, buy expensive gifts, and even take them on expensive trips. I personally know run-of-the-mill strippers that have been treated to such things.

All the power to the women that can get it and decide to take it. If everyone is healthy and happy, there is no problem.


Feb 23, 2017
Cellphones are more crucial than a laptop in this business Id guess but i get your point, not that it makes the purchase any better than a purse, other than purely from a practical stand point.

Sure, you could argue youre investing in her business, but so is booking her, which I get something out of so Ill just do that.
Just from a pure business standpoint, if you give someone cash as equity or an actual asset, that's an investment. Purchasing a service/good makes you a customer.


New member
Nov 12, 2017
Giving a gift and receiving a gift is part of life at least in my world. It's not how about how much you spend but it's the thought that counts .


Feb 23, 2017
Such a long thread to wade through and I got lost in the back and forth between a few posters but I’ll just add my 2 cents that I believe a gift is still a gift: a kind gesture in appreciation for someone’s time or service. I don’t mind when a SW posts on twitter what she received from someone. It’s no different than when a gf shows on her FB what she got from her SO, friend or the meal she’s about to eat etc. What I think is tacky is when a SW posts a list of material things she wants and how one goes about giving it to her. That’s just tacky and makes me not want to see the girl, no matter how well rated she is.
I think the problem though is that some guys feel her posting the gift is a subtle way of soliciting more (or sometimes not so subtle).

When you show a gift off to a small circle of people, on some level it bragging but that's what most do and it's generally accepted (like when a girl shows off her new engagement ring). When you post it on Twitter, something many people can see, it's less celebration and more advertising/solicitation. True appreciation probably means just telling the giver.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
The weird thing is, although a laptop can be expensive, I would actually think that's better than a new cellphone, purse, or jewelry. The laptop is used in private and is practical. I too wouldn't gift somebody a laptop - this might sound weird but wouldn't you basically have invested in her business?
So tangential to the topic at hand as to be pointless. Who on earth cares?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001


Asian Picasso
Jan 11, 2014
There was an SP I used to visit regularly (now retired). At Christmas I gave her her a very small gift (under $10) because I knew she would like it. She posted it on her social media account and thanked me personally for it in person and online. When a woman who receives a gift from a client, big or small, they may choose to post it on their Twitter account to publicly thank the person who gave it to them. Although not by name but having it made public to everyone probably made the gift giver feel much more appreciated. Yes it may come off the wrong way to some but the message was not meant for you
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