Quote Originally Posted by eternalbachelor:
hands down one of the best things your money can buy!
Um no, it's actually not sarcasm. I think that buying your freedom from your ex is truly one of the best things one may ever buy. They say that the most significant purchase in a man's life is usually his house. But what good is the house if your wife is in it, and she has rights to nag and control your sex life and ask you for money and take half of the house any time she wants?
And you need to lie to her every day and at the same time be proud and happy that you can share intimate moments with her. It's actually interesting that elected politicians are usually married because being married makes them trustworthy, when it should be very much the other way around. I would not trust a married man.
Sorry, my bad for the sarcasm assumption.
Although I'm sure you're absolutely right in some cases, you're painting a picture I'd imagine a TERB member named eternalbachelor might have in his mind for what marriage and/or long-term cohabitation of any kind looks like.
I feel like there's a doppelgänger married version of you on some other board talking shit about hobbyists as throwing any money they have down the (proverbial) drain to get their rocks off with some tired, haggered, STD-rife, drug-addled pro. She smiles but hates you and everything about you even at $300/h, and won't spend any amount of time with you, in any context for $1 less. You lie to your friends, your co-workers, your family about this part of your life, a potentially dangerous, in-terms of health and LEA risk - particularly if your career would be at-risk should you ever be caught up in a bust. But at least you get sex whenever you want, as long as you can afford it, and it doesn't take too long to get to where she is, and who you want to see doesn't have another dick jammed in her. The only intimacy and love in your life is something you need to pay by the hour for, that is until your dick stops working and eventually you get to die alone in that house that you own 100% of (equity or debt). Slow-clap, fade to black.
This is unlike those married guys who get to fuck their smoke-show Lulu Lemon-wearing, corporate-ladder climbing wifies raw, for free, before they roll out of bed in the morning and head to work to earn you those Benjamin's to help pay for your house and cars. Or they don't work and fill their days keeping that body tight at the gym or as your (free) personal babysitter, maid, cook and driver. And then, after she cooks your dinner, cleans your house and puts your kids to bed while you're out playing hockey with your bros, you get to come home and fuck her raw again. This goes on long after you're truly unfuckable as a man without the help of dick pills, at which point she also becomes your live-in nurse until one of you dies, probably loved and hopefully still in love.
I'm truly being devil's advocate here; I've been happily married before, and now I'm happily divorced. The in-between happily married and happily divorced-time kinda sucked, but OP asked 'is there life after divorce?' to which I respond hhheeellll YES.
Regardless, end of my rambling and to respond to your point, I do mostly agree with you in that in some cases, a divorce is money well-spent.