Ashley Madison

Canadian Economy - Buoyant


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Then stop telling us about your inane preferences and your ill informed opinions. They're kooky and wrong and nobody cares. Bring a reference, a well reasoned argument based on references, or shut it.
Stop telling is about a noble prize winner who has never read what you propose.
Bring us someone credible on TERB who aggress with you or shut it

That's true of any policy, any tax, it's not an argument. The greater good is served by protecting the Canadian economy from currency fluctuations and the impact on the oil industry will be minimal.
that is your opinion and it happens to be wrong
Our economy is a resource and export driven one.
the manufacturing sector you want to protect have not made the productivity changes all governments have been encouraging them to for decades, instead they relied on a cheap CAD dollar
Any you want to reward them by penalizing another sector?

I am pretty sure that is also illegal under Canadian law, however it is so messed up I am unsure how to search for it

The idea of an idiot which will be politically and regionally divisive

Why not just propose eliminating French as a second language as it would save our economy Billions not having to translate everything?
Why not suspend all transfer payments to the economic basket case which is newfoundland (or the entire martines for that matter)
Each of those would be for the betterment of the majority

The reason those courses of action are not taken is they just like your dual currency Franken Plan would be politically and regional divisive
And they just like Franken plan they would not work

Nope. They don't, and they won't. They don't get to sue the government every time you lost an argument, nor when a tax is imposed, a tariff applied. They just don't. Parliament is supreme in such matters.
No MP would support such a divisive proposal
The supreme court can take action to stop lunacy, even within parliament, there is lots of government legislation which has been successfully challenged within the courts

That doesn't create two currencies. You are using words you don't understand. It creates two exchange rates for the same currency. It doesn't mean there are two different US dollars or two different Canadian dollars.
there would be two separate exchange rates, one would be called Fuji the Fools posted rate for the oil industry and the other the great white peso.
It is a duel currency manipulation scheme which happens to be illegal
It will never ever ever see that light of day you fool

He refutes most of your objections by highlighting the value to the larger economy of sterilizing the effects of oil on currency. That's the fundamental issue.
no he has not endorsed your nightmare.
NOBODY other than FUJI has

You don't accept that and you have given a lot of wrong headed objections to doing so. Quibbling over whether it's achieved through policy on oil companies, or by taking them over to implement the same policy, it's an argument that goes nowhere.
It is a fools plan that is going nowhere
get someone credible on TERB to agree with you or shut your hole

You provided no evidence that the US would consider sterilization to be currency manipulation, you think so not you think a lot of stupid things and nobody believes you. In reality the US is concerned about countries that seek an unfair trading advantage and since Sterilization doesn't create any unfair advantage the US won't care. Whether it needs to be negotiated formally or not is an implementation detail for the Trade Minister to work out with his counterparts.
Oh, so your back to it is not currency manipulation now
a few posts ago you stated we could re-negotiate the NAFTA treaty to allow currency manipulation, it was just a matter of what we need to give up
Let me know when you will switch back to re-negotiation as your defence of this joke of a plan

A sure sign of a weasel is when he changes his story

You want to put a throttle on this thing to fine tune the exchange rates.
Your stated objective is to adjust the CAD dollar down when the Ontario manufactures become uncompetitive
That is the definition of currency manipulation

Seriously nobody in Ottawa would spend more than 10 minutes listening to your fools plan
They would thank you for your time and then you would hear the laughter after the door closed behind you
A lot of laughter

Just like I am laughing at you now
You lose, again

Fuji the Fool sitting in the corner wearing his dunce cap


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Lets see, you can imply that I absolutely hate Justin Treadueu and therefore it is a fact. despite my explicit denial of this hatred
I take offense when you align me with right wing web site which have had Neo Nazi slurs attached to them (not necessarily by you) and I am a liar?
OIC, The only two websites I mentioned are the Rebel and the Sun.The Rebel has a Jew as it's owner and editor-in chief. Is he Neo-Nazi?? Yet you had no problem posting quotes from him and the other Rebel editors in the past.
Then you equate anything right of Mao with us the Liberal and NDP supporters including Mr. Trudeau. Yes you are a liar, as you hate him.

Your not a moderate
Moderates an view issues objectively. You can not
Your opinion as usual is WRONG. Only the alt right cannot differentiate between Marxism / Communism and Socialists, Social Democrats, and Liberals.

Did that touch a sore spot comrade?
Your derogatory remarks knows no bounds.

Do not ever, ever tell any Canadian taxpayer that how their government spends tax dollars is not their concern


Planned deficits when the economy is health is just plain poor financial management. Period. end of story
Same old nonsense from a Grumpy Old Man. Be happy that the Canadian economy is doing much better than most of the G20 nations including the USA.

Again you do not give any leeway for the 2008 financial crisis and as such you have no business even forming an opinion about economics as you can not view issues objectively
It is sad that grown men can be so ignorant of issues, yet have such strong opinions.
Again like we showed you so often before, if even Stevie Harpo could not admit that there was a recession until the debt ballooned and then had to act as he had no other alternative, then you should have directed this remark to his attention.

The other explanation is your too stupid to understand the statement or you just prefer to avoid it

Lets try again

Every economist was calling for a soft landing up until a few months before the 2008 financial crisis hit
prove that incorrect or say nothing about it at all
Yes, again Stevie just did not admit or act right away.

70% of our trade in 2016 was with the USA (look it dummy)
The impact is still enormous
yes thanks to the US and the Canadian consumer taking on more and more debt
As pointed earlier their economy is far more dependant upon domestic consumption
Finally you are grasping that it is the working class and middle class who drive the economy and jobs associated with it.
Yes, they are taking on more and more debt thanks to higher tuition fees, house prices etc. and cannot save enough for retirement.
That is why the Government has to help to stimulate the economy and eventually cut down on the spending when the economy that was so tepid when they took it over is now growing.
Eventually they will start not only balancing the budget but creating a surplus. The positive side that you do not want to acknowledge is that they are spending a lot less than they wanted to and definitely less than Harpo did.

You misread a lot. at no time have I stated or implied the US is going to cut of trade with Canada. You LIAR
However any US slowdown will impact Canada disproportionately and US growth may not be sustainable
With 70% of our trade with the US these deals will not cancel out any US weakness
Again you are misinterpreting what I said. All I said is that every single nation on this earth depends on their trade with other nations. Canada has the natural resources that if the USA does not buy, then other nations like China will come forward and eventually purchase from us. There are states in the USA that have a large percentage of trade with Canada, and if the trade does decline then there are new markets round the globe that the Canadians will have to explore. Are you saying that Trump is going to screw up and so Canada will be screwed as well? The right wingies think that he is doing a grand job and we are going to benefit.

I never said that
I said if the US are going into a gut wrenching economy" the Canadian economy will be impacted , regardless of any new trade deal
Even a slight slow down south of the boarder will impact us and positive GDP growth is very much in doubt
Of coarse if you want to attribute all of the 4.5% to Justin, then be really to explain his actions when GDP growth turns negative (if he is a two term PM that will happen)
So then we can attribute Canada's gradual recovery from the recession purely to Obama's handling of the American economy, using your logic. Yes / No.
I do say that a great portion of how Mr Trudeau handled the economy from Day 1 helped to grow the economy. You were all doomsday about how he was going to screw up. Still waiting for your apocalyptical prediction.

Whats that got to do with me?
One idiot at a time, I will start with you
Do not you mean right wingers Neo Nazi Skinheads?
If you do not mean please explain how you tell the difference between a right winger and a right winger Neo Nazi Skinhead?
Dummy, you keep on throwing the neo nazis into the mix. You were the one who brought the Neo nazis into the mix. Now you even bring the skinheads in and next there will be the rest of the neo fascist and other racists. Wgere are you going with all this grumpy old man nonsense?

I am incapable of viewing anything objectively because I love Steven Harper
Corrected your statement.

Ready shoot aim planning ?
That makes no sense to you at all?
I think the average 16 year old would understand what this means
Typical statement from a Grumpy old man.

What was the cost to cannel the contract?
It is a simple straight forward question
Think you mean Mr Trudeau saved $50 billion. But you as usual will knitpick on a few pennies that he spent to do so, while being dollar wise.

Not what I said
Jesus you really like to twist the words don't you

How may welfare recipients shell out big bucks for renos, new homes, new businesses
Where did I say that welfare recipients shell out big bucks. As usual some stupid assumptions from you.

He plans to
Planned deficit spending for years with no plan to get back to balance
When the economy is vibrant and most Canadians can sustain themselves then the budget will be balanced. Sleep tight.

Thank the US federal reserve for that along with the Canadian Consumer ratcheting up their debt load
Makes no sense whatsoever.

??? Irrelevant??
Que'st-ce que??

Les hope so, although they do not have a plan for getting back to balance, not one they are willing to share with the taxpayer

Again my hatred for Mr. Trudeau renders your statement as perfectly true
Corrected your statement.

Your inability to understand the impact of the 2008 financial crisis renders you a an economic fool and incapable of forming any opinion worth reading
As previously said debating with you is like arguing with a child.
Lets hope I can maintain my patience until you finally grow up
Gibberish nonsense from a grumpy old man. Need mama to sing "Soft kitty warm kitty".


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Says you, who did not invest what they have invested and do not have the debt piled they have
How dare you assume what will or will not hurt those who work their asses off to improve their lot in life
That is the definition of the Loonie Left " Someone who thinks they know what is best for all others and thinks they can decide what others should be content with"
Liberal MPS have been inidateded with complaints and phone calls from Doctors, dentists and Farmers about these proposals

The Liberal MPS are wetting their pants
they will push back
Too bad Justin is so principled
Perhaps the issue to make him a one term bad dream instead of a multi term nightmare ?
Listen every class of people do complain under various governments. In plain the working and middle class did so under Harpo.
Why is it that the loopholes should not be closed, especially as the working class are also giving their blood sweat and tears and cannot save enough after paying a higher percentage of taxes in reality?
To you they do not matter at all.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Polls are dubious at best, when the rubber hits the road sensible Canadians will see how economically dangerous this
You claimed that Canadians wouldn't support taxing the rich.
I gave you two polls proving you are wrong.
Now you say polls are 'dubious'?

Sorry larue, the basis of your argument was just shot out from under you.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Listen every class of people do complain under various governments. In plain the working and middle class did so under Harpo.
Why is it that the loopholes should not be closed, especially as the working class are also giving their blood sweat and tears and cannot save enough after paying a higher percentage of taxes in reality?
To you they do not matter at all.
This is not about the working class
This is about ensuring we provide an environment where people who invest in themselves can prosper

Doctors, Dentist, Farmers other professionals and small business owners have been able to survive in Canada for 40 years based upon the current tax law

Change that and you will out a lot of highly skilled hard working folks out of business, despite what you think you know
Ask a doctor who much student debt they rack up
ask a farmer how important certain tax advantages at to their survival
these people do not put their had out , they work hard, pay lots of tax and they employ others
This is another loonie left witch hunt and it will end badly for Canada


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
You claimed that Canadians wouldn't support taxing the rich.
I gave you two polls proving you are wrong.
Now you say polls are 'dubious'?

Sorry larue, the basis of your argument was just shot out from under you.
Nope there are a number of Liberal MPSs who are getting quite nervous about this really bad proposal
They got an earful from Doctors professional and small business owners (the drivers of economy)

There will be changes to the current proposal, however Justin is principled and will push through a tax the rich mistake despite the warnings
It will be bad for the Canadian ECONOMY, YOU WATCH


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
OIC, The only two websites I mentioned are the Rebel and the Sun.The Rebel has a Jew as it's owner and editor-in chief. Is he Neo-Nazi?? Yet you had no problem posting quotes from him and the other Rebel editors in the past.
Then you equate anything right of Mao with us the Liberal and NDP supporters including Mr. Trudeau. Yes you are a liar, as you hate him.

Your opinion as usual is WRONG. Only the alt right cannot differentiate between Marxism / Communism and Socialists, Social Democrats, and Liberals.
Your derogatory remarks knows no bounds.
Same old nonsense from a Grumpy Old Man. Be happy that the Canadian economy is doing much better than most of the G20 nations including the USA.

Again like we showed you so often before, if even Stevie Harpo could not admit that there was a recession until the debt ballooned and then had to act as he had no other alternative, then you should have directed this remark to his attention.
Yes, again Stevie just did not admit or act right away.
Finally you are grasping that it is the working class and middle class who drive the economy and jobs associated with it.
Yes, they are taking on more and more debt thanks to higher tuition fees, house prices etc. and cannot save enough for retirement.
That is why the Government has to help to stimulate the economy and eventually cut down on the spending when the economy that was so tepid when they took it over is now growing.
Eventually they will start not only balancing the budget but creating a surplus. The positive side that you do not want to acknowledge is that they are spending a lot less than they wanted to and definitely less than Harpo did.

Again you are misinterpreting what I said. All I said is that every single nation on this earth depends on their trade with other nations. Canada has the natural resources that if the USA does not buy, then other nations like China will come forward and eventually purchase from us. There are states in the USA that have a large percentage of trade with Canada, and if the trade does decline then there are new markets round the globe that the Canadians will have to explore. Are you saying that Trump is going to screw up and so Canada will be screwed as well? The right wingies think that he is doing a grand job and we are going to benefit.
So then we can attribute Canada's gradual recovery from the recession purely to Obama's handling of the American economy, using your logic. Yes / No.
I do say that a great portion of how Mr Trudeau handled the economy from Day 1 helped to grow the economy. You were all doomsday about how he was going to screw up. Still waiting for your apocalyptical prediction

Dummy, you keep on throwing the neo nazis into the mix. You were the one who brought the Neo nazis into the mix. Now you even bring the skinheads in and next there will be the rest of the neo fascist and other racists. Wgere are you going with all this grumpy old man nonsense?

Corrected your statement.
Typical statement from a Grumpy old man.

Think you mean Mr Trudeau saved $50 billion. But you as usual will knitpick on a few pennies that he spent to do so, while being dollar wise.

Where did I say that welfare recipients shell out big bucks. As usual some stupid assumptions from you.

When the economy is vibrant and most Canadians can sustain themselves then the budget will be balanced. Sleep tight.

Makes no sense whatsoever.

Que'st-ce que??


Corrected your statement.

Gibberish nonsense from a grumpy old man. Need mama to sing "Soft kitty warm kitty".
The rants of a dummy


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
There will be changes to the current proposal, however Justin is principled and will push through a tax the rich mistake despite the warnings
It will be bad for the Canadian ECONOMY, YOU WATCH
First you are shown that Canadians want to tax the rich.
Next you admit that its going to happen.

So what are you going to, move out of the country like you think every other rich person will do?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
This is not about the working class
This is about ensuring we provide an environment where people who invest in themselves can prosper

Doctors, Dentist, Farmers other professionals and small business owners have been able to survive in Canada for 40 years based upon the current tax law

Change that and you will out a lot of highly skilled hard working folks out of business, despite what you think you know
Ask a doctor who much student debt they rack up
ask a farmer how important certain tax advantages at to their survival
these people do not put their had out , they work hard, pay lots of tax and they employ others
This is another loonie left witch hunt and it will end badly for Canada
The working and middle class do rack up a lot of debt as they do not have the loopholes to take advantage of. In 2013 the average doctor in Alberta earned $350,000. Canadian doctors are the second highest paid after the USA globally.

The average Canadian is the tenth highest paid among the advanced nations. The minimum wage at $8.70 an hour is lower than most advanced nations as well. So why should an average Canadian pay a higher percentage of tax than a doctor who earns around 10 times that amount? They all work hard, and an average Canadian can no longer afford to own his own home.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
First you are shown that Canadians want to tax the rich.
Next you admit that its going to happen.

So what are you going to, move out of the country like you think every other rich person will do?

I will just have to accept that my goals will be pushed back for a while
Until the next election

Relocation is always an option,
I am sure a number of doctors are taking another look at Arizona
think about that next time you have to sign up for a prostrate exam
Lets hope you get the big fisted refugee

Justin will regret tax targeting doctors, dentists, professionals , farmers and small business owners
Small business employs a lot of people, between this mistake and the increases in minimum wage, I suspect you will see far less hiring


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The working and middle class do rack up a lot of debt as they do not have the loopholes to take advantage of. In 2013 the average doctor in Alberta earned $350,000. Canadian doctors are the second highest paid after the USA globally.

The average Canadian is the tenth highest paid among the advanced nations. The minimum wage at $8.70 an hour is lower than most advanced nations as well. So why should an average Canadian pay a higher percentage of tax than a doctor who earns around 10 times that amount? They all work hard, and an average Canadian can no longer afford to own his own home.
Justin will regret tax targeting doctors, dentists, professionals , farmers and small business owners
Small business employs a lot of people, between this mistake and the increases in minimum wage, I suspect you will see far less hiring

This is a very poorly thought out policy and one which will backfire on the Liberals


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Coming from the grumpy old man, who has talked nothing but garbled old nonsense.
Your posts were getting impossible to follow.
You misinturpurpt a lot and you make a lot of far flung assumptions which were layered onto your very poor understanding of economics
You view issues emotionally and view the world as you think it should be
I view the world far more pragmatically , knowing there is a reason for everything, including why there will always be rich and poor

You look to the government to solve lifes problems.
you will be eternally disappointed as there will always be poor folks


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I view the world far more pragmatically , knowing there is a reason for everything, including why there will always be rich and poor
When the rich game the system by 'fixing' taxation to favour them, there is a bigger divide between rich and poor.
That is the pragmatic truth.

That is why you have to watch the fox when he gets control of the henhouse.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Justin will regret tax targeting doctors, dentists, professionals , farmers and small business owners
Small business employs a lot of people, between this mistake and the increases in minimum wage, I suspect you will see far less hiring

This is a very poorly thought out policy and one which will backfire on the Liberals
Again pure speculation by you. Obviously, you think that people can survive if the minimum wage is not raised in spite of everything from housing, rent, food, transport prices spiralling upwards. Doctors, farmers etc were paying much lower taxes, and it is just asking them to pay their fair share. What do you not understand?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Your posts were getting impossible to follow.
You misinturpurpt a lot and you make a lot of far flung assumptions which were layered onto your very poor understanding of economics
You view issues emotionally and view the world as you think it should be
I view the world far more pragmatically , knowing there is a reason for everything, including why there will always be rich and poor

You look to the government to solve lifes problems.
you will be eternally disappointed as there will always be poor folks
Again I do not need your nonsensical advice, as it is clear that you have just a totally biased and partisan understanding of economics.
Your doomsday prediction from day 1 of the Liberal tenure has made you a laughing stock.
I think you mean that I "misinterpret" you? Nothing to misinterpret, as you are the one making all the stupid assumptions.
You just bring your dogmatic arguments and you want the poor to live in squalor, while the rich get richer. You cannot understand the hardships that people living on minimum incomes are subjected to. No one is taking anything from the rich, other than asking them to pay their fair share of the taxes. I know of cases where people earning their own businesses put themselves on minimum income for tax purposes and bill their own businesses for a number of their lavish expenses. They end up paying next to nothing on taxes. Obviously, that is okay with you. That is one of the loopholes that will come under scrutiny.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Again pure speculation by you. Obviously, you think that people can survive if the minimum wage is not raised in spite of everything from housing, rent, food, transport prices spiralling upwards. Doctors, farmers etc were paying much lower taxes, and it is just asking them to pay their fair share. What do you not understand?
You do not get it
Doctors , farmers , small business owners employ a lot of people
do you think they will absorb these extra burdens all to themselves
They will hire les people and lay employees off
But just so long as you et your pound of flesh from the rich, you are happy. A simple ideal for a simple person


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Again I do not need your nonsensical advice, as it is clear that you have just a totally biased and partisan understanding of economics.
While yours is next to non existant
Your doomsday prediction from day 1 of the Liberal tenure has made you a laughing stock.
While you are a laughing stock every time you post
A four year mandate is a long time. Do not worry Justin has already steped into it with this tax mistake

I think you mean that I "misinterpret" you? Nothing to misinterpret, as you are the one making all the stupid assumptions.
Not at all
Your interpretation of issues is at best at an adolescent level

You just bring your dogmatic arguments and you want the poor to live in squalor, while the rich get richer.
No I do not want that, another example of how you misinterpret things and tend to twist words

I do know that taxing doctors, Framers , and small business owners will hurt the poor more than the professionals as they will just not hire as many people
Small business owners are the primary driver of employment in our country and Justin should know this
This will be a colossal screw up

You cannot understand the hardships that people living on minimum incomes are subjected to.
They should get the skills needed to make more.
Taxing the rich will not address that issue
It will just make simpletons like you feel your anger is justified

No one is taking anything from the rich, other than asking them to pay their fair share of the taxes.
Fair share is a relative term
They certainly do their fair share of employing people

I know of cases where people earning their own businesses put themselves on minimum income for tax purposes and bill their own businesses for a number of their lavish expenses. They end up paying next to nothing on taxes.
And how do you think these people will react to higher tax expenses?
They cut other costs, namely laying off employees or holding off on raises
I have seen it happen many times when unexpected expenses hit small business owners
Obviously, that is okay with you.
You take things very personally
Am I OK with this behaviour?
Not my place to judge
They have a business to run and protect for their family)
They do what they have to

GET IT NOW !!!!!!!
Simpleton !
That is one of the loopholes that will come under scrutiny.
Just as long as you get your pound of flesh from the rich right?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
When the rich game the system by 'fixing' taxation to favour them, there is a bigger divide between rich and poor.
That is the pragmatic truth.

That is why you have to watch the fox when he gets control of the henhouse.
You do not have a clue
Small business owners employ a lot of people
They will not absorb all of these extra expense themselves

But so long as you get to screw the man

You are unbelievable
You have no qualms about paying teachers over $100K in compensation for 9 1/2 months work and they are pure 100% cost on society. no risk for them, 9;00 am to 3:30 pm union protected , gold plated pension for life. No body to really answer to
Yet when a small business owner makes over $150 K you want to put the screws to him regardless of how many people he employs. He Takes all the risks, sweats it out day in day out 12+ hours a day , no pension, failure is only avoided by drive determination and hard work

You loonie lefties have your heads up your collective asses


Jan 31, 2005
Stop telling is about a noble prize winner who has never read what you propose.
I never said he's read any posts on terb. I just pointed out he endorsed sterilization and proved you entirely wrong.

You realized you lost the debate and started this pathetic clown show around has he read posts on terb -- I mean, just how fucking stupid is that? You've gone off the rails - kook!

Our economy is a resource and export driven one.
the manufacturing sector you want to protect have not made the productivity changes all governments have been encouraging them to for decades, instead they relied on a cheap CAD dollar
I've pointed out to you before that's because no-one will invest in an unstable currency. You just don't have the mental horsepower to understand that point. If you want business people to invest you need to create a healthy environment for that investment. Obviously this topic is beyond your ken.

Any you want to reward them by penalizing another sector?
Business is forward looking, idiot, investment decisions are made based on future returns. Not on sunk costs. You really don't have a clue.

I am pretty sure that is also illegal under Canadian law, however it is so messed up I am unsure how to search for it
Do you ever think before posting? W're talking about Parliament enacting a policy here. You know that Canadian law is whatever Parliament wants it to be, right?

Why not just propose eliminating French as a second language as it would save our economy Billions not having to translate everything?
Why not stay on topic, and lose the debate, instead of going off on stupid tangents? Just own up to the fact that you're wrong instead of squirming like this.

The reason those courses of action are not taken is they just like your dual currency Franken Plan would be politically and regional divisive
And they just like Franken plan they would not work
Nobody gives a fuck about your wrong opinion.

No MP would support such a divisive proposal
See the above comment about your ignorant and stupid opinion and how nobody cares about it.

The supreme court can take action to stop lunacy, even within parliament, there is lots of government legislation which has been successfully challenged within the courts
Not in this case. You've gone full retard now. There's nothing in the Charter or anywhere else that would restrict Parliament from adopting any policy on foreign exchange it likes -- the law is whatever Parliament says it is. Parliament could do whatever it wants with our currency -- it could peg the CAD to Bitcoin, or put us back on the gold standard, or peg it to the USD, or set the exchange rate by fiat, or any other thing it wants to do. In this case, unlike those extremist ideas, Parliament would simply mandate a specific exchange rate for oil.

If you don't like that, it's mathematically equivalent to setting up a national oil marketing board and requiring all private oil companies to sell through it to foreign entities. It would publish a price for oil based on the spot market price in the US based on a fixed exchange rate and then it would decide whether or not to convert the USD it to receives to CAD based on some parameters designed to limit currency impact. As a government agency it would have unlimited authority to borrow in CAD, while amassing a stockpile of USD. It would periodically pay down its CAD debt by converting its USD, at a steady and predictable rate advertised long enough in advance that there are no short-term shocks to the currency.

Either way the impact of oil is sterilized by controlling how many USD are converted to CAD.

there would be two separate exchange rates, one would be called Fuji the Fools posted rate for the oil industry and the other the great white peso.
Your ignorance and incompetence at English isn't an argument. There would only be one currency. You wind up with CAD both ways, and that dollar buys the same in any store in Canada no matter how you aquired it. There are not two currencies--this is just you being stupid and igonrant again.

It is a duel currency manipulation scheme which happens to be illegal

The rest of your post was just more inane sputter. You know fuck all about this topic and you prove it with every post.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts