Canadian Economy - Buoyant


Mar 12, 2004
It's good to see, long overdue. I suspect this is more because of the growth in the US economy than anything the Liberals have done here. They are anti-business.
Pretty much as it always has been,... mind you a lot has been tied to a low dollar also,... which is now looking like the boom could be weakening because the CDN is creeping up again.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
It is the governments job to build infrastructure and provide basic services
Everyone is taxed to pay for this

It is not the governments job to address "Inequality Issues" through taxation
In addition the government needs to be responsible with the tax payers money
Ongoing deficits without a plan for balanced budgets is not responsible.

You talk about lacking common sense
The most basic common sense lesson is you can not continue to spend more than you bring in
Yet we elected Justin a man who can not grasp this concept
Of course it is the govts job. It is even there to address inequality among companies. During the robber baron era where the Rockefellers, Carnagies etc were practicing predatory capitalism, anti combines laws were passed that resulted in an ENORMOUS creation of wealth. This was income and power redistribution among COMPANIES!! It saved capitalism from itself. Yes you can continue to spend more then you bring in, long as your total debt does not exceed a percentage of your total revenues. Private companies use leverage all the time. I don't understand why you cannot grasp such a simple concept. The fact is, Trudeau spent to strengthen the economy, and build infrastructure. Harper did the same thing during the financial crisis. Now the economy is stronger, it remains to be seen what he will do. Even Wynne has a balanced budget.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
So true and many small businesses are struggling under heavy taxes and now the pending $15 minimum wage. A walk along West Queen Street West will show many boarded up windows where there used to be mom and pops. Also, even large retail chains are struggling (Sears, Future Shop, Blacks's, etc.).
When was the last time you were on Queen West? The only boarded up windows I see are because of renovations as fancier independent businesses move in.


Aug 23, 2001
So true and many small businesses are struggling under heavy taxes and now the pending $15 minimum wage. A walk along West Queen Street West will show many boarded up windows where there used to be mom and pops. Also, even large retail chains are struggling (Sears, Future Shop, Blacks's, etc.).
Ridey, QuWest is being gentrified out to Dufferin and the Mom and Pops are being replaced with trendy hipster bars and restaurants and art supplies stores. It's thriving more than ever.

Large retail chains are going under because they are being replaced by online ordering and big box stores. Even a non marketing type like me notices and scans those articles when they appear a few times per month in my home page news feed.

Both these trends have been old news for years. Next thing, you'll be telling us that Justin destroyed Blockbuster Video because he wouldn't let the IRA paint the signs green.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Or if you could put in quotes if it is obscure
Do not tell me what to do if you can not make your self clear

He is the PM and he is making some huge mistakes

jesus !
For the third (and hopefully last time)
What part of "I do not hate Justin, I do not think he is qualified for the job though" " do you not understand?

I do not care about polls at this point in a mandate

I could care less what anyone else thinks
despite your rhetoric many right wing people as you describe them can spot a bullshit artist a mile away

Anyone who spends more than he brings in and has no plan to return to balance is a damn fool. period

He was born lying

You misunderstood

The US unlike most other developed economies is far less dependant upon trade as the US consumer / domestic consumption are the primary drivers of their economy.
This is a fact and I encourage you to spend some time researching it

If you do not buy this FACT that is your loss
Try some other reputable sources , they will back up the dominance of US consumer / domestic consumption as the primary drivers of their economy

However is tax targeting small business and incomes over 200,000. That is a recipe for economic disaster

Fuji is the most despised person on this board and earns what he receives. He ratted me out and got me banned, all the while lying and insulting me.
Did you think I should treat him with any respect?

You did it first is a child's response
deal with it
likewise if you act more civil you can expect less caustic responses.
Implying I hate Justin despite multiple statements indicating I do not hate him is a just invite for abuse
Clearly, the quote was in English. So do not tell me to talk "English". Nothing "obscure" with the words, verbs or tense.

You are no expert on anything. So do not come up with your nonsense about Trudeau making huge mistakes. All PMs are humans and do make some mistakes that they own up to. Trudeau clearly had a platform that he stood on and is now implementing his legislations. Obviously, he was elected to do so, it is benefiting the economy and no gives a damn what your concerns are. Some businesses are hurting while others are thriving. It is called competition, that is a Conservative philosophy anyway. Online businesses and sales are the in thing today.

Again you are not the expert, in deciding who is and who is not qualified for a PM job. We know you hate Trudeau because he won the last election though you said on numerous occasions that he won't win. Your opinion only reflect the opinions of the Trudeau hating right wing media like the Rebel and Sun. You do not care for the polls for obvious reasons.

The right wing ones on this board adore Trump unlike you. If you do not see it, wake up. Calling him a bullshit artist is not how they see him, even though you perceive him to be a liar.

Obviously, you are unaware how stores like Dollarama, Walmart etc thrive in the USA. Where do you think that they get their products from? Do you think that if the USA decides to stop trading with all those nations, it would not hurt their economy and their lowest income earners? The USA no longer manufacture some of the cheapest and most basic item. Look at their auto sector for example. Where do you think that their parts are made?
Look at the number of states that could also be hit if NAFTA was cancelled. Trade is a basic necessity globally. Yes, the right wing researchers that you follow are just reflecting Trump's views. You seem to buy it.

You may call Trudeau a damn fool for not balancing the budget. At least he made no such promises to do so unlike the previous Harper regime that were in denial when Canada was heading for a recession. He clearly said that there were no plans for a budget deficit, until the facts were out. Since then there was no balanced budget. So he was a damn fool as well according to your usual warped logic.

Again, many small businesses are thriving as well. We have seen these trends for the past few decades. Look at the number of stores that shut in the malls only to be replaced by new stores. It is a fact. Why are the American stores opening new locations in spite of other American failures like Target and now Sears?

Finally you were the one starting to insult me. You do that to everyone who do not agree with your views. But when you call my knowledge childlike as I do not agree with your views then, I am left no other option but to call your attitude as being similar to a grumpy old man.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Of course it is the govts job.
No way comrade

It is even there to address inequality among companies. During the robber baron era where the Rockefellers, Carnagies etc were practicing predatory capitalism, anti combines laws were passed that resulted in an ENORMOUS creation of wealth. This was income and power redistribution among COMPANIES!! It saved capitalism from itself.
That is factually incorrect
Anti combine laws were passed to stop anti-competitive practices (i.e. net backs on rail transport costs by an oil companies competitors). They were not passed to re-distribute wealth
While some companies were broken up shareholders received proportionate shares in the new companies.
J.D. Rockefellers net worth was far greater after the break up of Standard oil than before
There was no wealth re-distribution

Yes you can continue to spend more then you bring in, long as your total debt does not exceed a percentage of your total revenues. Private companies use leverage all the time.I don't understand why you cannot grasp such a simple concept.
There is long long list of companies who were destroy by excessive debt and no banker will lend to anyone (company or private persons) who does not have a plan to return to a balanced budget

The fact is, Trudeau spent to strengthen the economy, and build infrastructure.
The fact is Trudeau bought the public vote with money they will eventual have to pay back
While infrastructure spending is necessary, excessive borrowing to fund it without a plan to come back to balance is foolish and very irresponsible

Justin's father spent tax payers money without regard for repayment and it took the burden of the GST to clean that mess up
What new tax burden will be levied on the next generation to clean up Justin's irresponsibility?

Harper did the same thing during the financial crisis.
There is a time to be manage expenses prudently and a time to borrow
2008 was time to borrow
Too bad Justin will have already spent our children's future should another unexpected economic shock hit Canada. he will then be forced to spend our grand kids future

Now the economy is stronger, it remains to be seen what he will do.
It is unclear whom you are referring to here, if it is Harper who cares ? He is out of politics, If it is Trudeau, it illustrates clearly he has no plan for returning to financial responsibility
Even Wynne has a balanced budget

That is just too funny
14 years of deficit spending have turn Ontario into a financial basket case and you want to praise Granny Wynne for balancing her budget in time for an up coming election?
She and that Dummy Dalton have turned Ontario into the world’s most indebted sub-sovereign borrower

This will end badly for the people of Ontario


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Clearly, the quote was in English. So do not tell me to talk "English". Nothing "obscure" with the words, verbs or tense.
The purpose of communicating is to ensure your message is understood
The burden is on you to ensure you are understood
it was unclear
You are no expert on anything
I am a lot sharper than you
. So do not come up with your nonsense about Trudeau making huge mistakes.
he has made massive mistakes and is about to make more.
excessive borrowing without a plan to come back to balance is foolish and very irresponsible

All PMs are humans and do make some mistakes that they own up to.
Misspeaking or making politically incorrect statements is a hazard all politicians must navigate
Mistakes with Billions of dollars at stake are not forgivable

Trudeau clearly had a platform that he stood on and is now implementing his legislations. Obviously, he was elected to do so, it is benefiting the economy
At what price to our kids and grand kids
and no gives a damn what your concerns are.
I am not the only one
Some businesses are hurting while others are thriving. It is called competition, that is a Conservative philosophy anyway. Online businesses and sales are the in thing today.
Logic please
Is this your rationalization for Trudeaus tax assault on small business owners?
If so you should take some economic refreshers as you do not have a clue what drives our economy

Again you are not the expert, in deciding who is and who is not qualified for a PM job.
That is a redicolous thing to say
As a taxpayer and a Canadian citizen I am extremely entitled to judge his performance and as someone who is knowledgeable about economic matters I am defiantly qualified to evaluate his actions
how dare You!!!!!
We know you hate Trudeau because he won the last election though you said on numerous occasions that he won't win.
My cousin will not win the next election. That does not mean I hate him
How old are you? that is a child's logic

You are not good at it and applying emotional factors into arguments is irrelavant

Your opinion only reflect the opinions of the Trudeau hating right wing media like the Rebel and Sun. You do not care for the polls for obvious reasons.
Grow up and see above

The right wing ones on this board adore Trump unlike you. If you do not see it, wake up. Calling him a bullshit artist is not how they see him, even though you perceive him to be a liar.
Are you that stupid that it is impossible for you to understand a person can evaluate Justin and Trump separately and evaluate them each objectively ?
DO NOT even pretend to think you can pigeon hole me into what you think I represent. You are not that sharpe

Obviously, you are unaware how stores like Dollarama, Walmart etc thrive in the USA. Where do you think that they get their products from? Do you think that if the USA decides to stop trading with all those nations, it would not hurt their economy and their lowest income earners? The USA no longer manufacture some of the cheapest and most basic item. Look at their auto sector for example. Where do you think that their parts are made?
Look at the number of states that could also be hit if NAFTA was cancelled. Trade is a basic necessity globally. Yes, the right wing researchers that you follow are just reflecting Trump's views. You seem to buy it.
This is like arguing with a 10 year old!
I am well aware of which retailers are doing well and which are not
While trade is important for all countries as I have repeated several times:
The US unlike most other developed economies is far less dependant upon trade as the US consumer / domestic consumption are the primary drivers of their economy.
I encourage you to do some intendant research. ask your brokers economist. They will confirm that FACT

You may call Trudeau a damn fool for not balancing the budget. At least he made no such promises to do so unlike the previous Harper regime that were in denial when Canada was heading for a recession. He clearly said that there were no plans for a budget deficit, until the facts were out. Since then there was no balanced budget. So he was a damn fool as well according to your usual warped logic.
1, Fail to plan, plan to fail
2. The bill always comes due

Again, many small businesses are thriving as well. We have seen these trends for the past few decades. Look at the number of stores that shut in the malls only to be replaced by new stores. It is a fact. Why are the American stores opening new locations in spite of other American failures like Target and now Sears?
1. Justin's tax assault is on Canadian small business, so your gibberish about US retailers is not relevant
2. Retailers make up a small percentage of Canadian small business, so your other gibberish is not relevant

Finally you were the one starting to insult me. You do that to everyone who do not agree with your views. But when you call my knowledge childlike as I do not agree with your views then, I am left no other option but to call your attitude as being similar to a grumpy old man.
"He started it" is not an adult arguement
Grow up


Jan 31, 2005
The purpose of communicating is to ensure your message is understood
The burden is on you to ensure you are understood
it was unclear

I am a lot sharper than you

he has made massive mistakes and is about to make more.
excessive borrowing without a plan to come back to balance is foolish and very irresponsible

Misspeaking or making politically incorrect statements is a hazard all politicians must navigate
Mistakes with Billions of dollars at stake are not forgivable

At what price to our kids and grand kids

I am not the only one

Logic please
Is this your rationalization for Trudeaus tax assault on small business owners?
If so you should take some economic refreshers as you do not have a clue what drives our economy

That is a redicolous thing to say
As a taxpayer and a Canadian citizen I am extremely entitled to judge his performance and as someone who is knowledgeable about economic matters I am defiantly qualified to evaluate his actions
how dare You!!!!!

My cousin will not win the next election. That does not mean I hate him
How old are you? that is a child's logic

You are not good at it and applying emotional factors into arguments is irrelavant

Grow up and see above

Are you that stupid that it is impossible for you to understand a person can evaluate Justin and Trump separately and evaluate them each objectively ?
DO NOT even pretend to think you can pigeon hole me into what you think I represent. You are not that sharpe

This is like arguing with a 10 year old!
I am well aware of which retailers are doing well and which are not
While trade is important for all countries as I have repeated several times:
The US unlike most other developed economies is far less dependant upon trade as the US consumer / domestic consumption are the primary drivers of their economy.
I encourage you to do some intendant research. ask your brokers economist. They will confirm that FACT

1, Fail to plan, plan to fail
2. The bill always comes due

1. Justin's tax assault is on Canadian small business, so your gibberish about US retailers is not relevant
2. Retailers make up a small percentage of Canadian small business, so your other gibberish is not relevant

"He started it" is not an adult arguement
Grow up
All sputter. No content.


Jan 31, 2005
He is always full of it and very insulting to everyone he disagrees with.
He read some Ayn Rand books he picked up at a garage sale and thinks that makes him an expert on business but when you probe you discover he has no actual knowledge of the subject. (He will reply saying something about his little finger or how much he forgot, but he is NEVER able to demonstrate any knowledge or expertise in practice.)

You skewered him with the comment that businesses use leverage, he had no reply to that so he threw a fit and called you all kinds of names and then declared what he believes--but he has no reasons for those beliefs.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The purpose of communicating is to ensure your message is understood
The burden is on you to ensure you are understood
it was unclear

I am a lot sharper than you

he has made massive mistakes and is about to make more.
excessive borrowing without a plan to come back to balance is foolish and very irresponsible

Misspeaking or making politically incorrect statements is a hazard all politicians must navigate
Mistakes with Billions of dollars at stake are not forgivable

At what price to our kids and grand kids

I am not the only one

Logic please
Is this your rationalization for Trudeaus tax assault on small business owners?
If so you should take some economic refreshers as you do not have a clue what drives our economy

That is a redicolous thing to say
As a taxpayer and a Canadian citizen I am extremely entitled to judge his performance and as someone who is knowledgeable about economic matters I am defiantly qualified to evaluate his actions
how dare You!!!!!

My cousin will not win the next election. That does not mean I hate him
How old are you? that is a child's logic

You are not good at it and applying emotional factors into arguments is irrelavant

Grow up and see above

Are you that stupid that it is impossible for you to understand a person can evaluate Justin and Trump separately and evaluate them each objectively ?
DO NOT even pretend to think you can pigeon hole me into what you think I represent. You are not that sharpe

This is like arguing with a 10 year old!
I am well aware of which retailers are doing well and which are not
While trade is important for all countries as I have repeated several times:
The US unlike most other developed economies is far less dependant upon trade as the US consumer / domestic consumption are the primary drivers of their economy.
I encourage you to do some intendant research. ask your brokers economist. They will confirm that FACT

1, Fail to plan, plan to fail
2. The bill always comes due

1. Justin's tax assault is on Canadian small business, so your gibberish about US retailers is not relevant
2. Retailers make up a small percentage of Canadian small business, so your other gibberish is not relevant

"He started it" is not an adult arguement
Grow up
Again all the same old bs from you. Garbage or rubbish as it is known across the pond. Have to spell everything out to you a grumpy old dude.
No use whipping the same old dead horse. From day one you sputter out all the same nonsense as The Rebel and the Sun.
You are not more intelligent than me, although you think you are. So no use responding as the GDP growth is 4.5%, not what you and the right wing dudes predicted about a couple of years ago, and unemployment is down as well. Keep up the good work Trudeau.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Thank Trump, Canadian economy is largely a derivative of the US economy, at least until Trump turns to NAFTA.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Again all the same old bs from you. Garbage or rubbish as it is known across the pond. Have to spell everything out to you a grumpy old dude.
No use whipping the same old dead horse. From day one you sputter out all the same nonsense as The Rebel and the Sun.
You are not more intelligent than me, although you think you are. So no use responding as the GDP growth is 4.5%, not what you and the right wing dudes predicted about a couple of years ago, and unemployment is down as well. Keep up the good work Trudeau.
If you wish to remain an economic illiterate suit your self and ignore my wisdom

Most 10 years old children understand if they borrow money they need to have some kind of plan to pay it back
Too bad you hold 10 year olds to a higher standard than your PM

Re the Rebel and the Sun
1. I have never read the Rebel
2. The Sun is suitable for wrapping fish or scoping out the strip clubs

You may do well to read the Globe or the Economist at some point in order to fill in the obvious missing pieces in your economic understanding
You are not more intelligent than me, although you think you are.
Ha Ha
I have forgotten more than you will ever understand
Three times I pointed out factual information about the US economy which was relevant to one of your flawed arguments and three times you did not clue in


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
He is always full of it and very insulting to everyone he disagrees with.
Agreeing Fuji is hardly something which instills confidence in your decision making
At some point you will disagree with him and then come to realize how untrustworthy and difficult he is
Disagree with me or not, I am always truthful


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
If you wish to remain an economic illiterate suit your self and ignore my wisdom

Most 10 years old children understand if they borrow money they need to have some kind of plan to pay it back
Too bad you hold 10 year olds to a higher standard than your PM

Re the Rebel and the Sun
1. I have never read the Rebel
2. The Sun is suitable for wrapping fish or scoping out the strip clubs

You may do well to read the Globe or the Economist at some point in order to fill in the obvious missing pieces in your economic understanding

Ha Ha
I have forgotten more than you will ever understand
Three times I pointed out factual information about the US economy which was relevant to one of your flawed arguments and three times you did not clue in
Somehow you think calling someone a hater is relevant to economic discussions which need to be based on facts not emotion


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
The current Canadian economy is primarily driven by policy in the US under The Federal Reserve as well as ebbs and flows in US demand

prior to you bringing it up I had applied no attribution of any performance to any specific US administration
Re-read the posts moron

Its little wonder you ('Fuji' ) are the most despised person on this board
:thumb: I wonder if Fuji personality is like that in real life?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
If you wish to remain an economic illiterate suit your self and ignore my wisdom

Most 10 years old children understand if they borrow money they need to have some kind of plan to pay it back
Too bad you hold 10 year olds to a higher standard than your PM

Re the Rebel and the Sun
1. I have never read the Rebel
2. The Sun is suitable for wrapping fish or scoping out the strip clubs

You may do well to read the Globe or the Economist at some point in order to fill in the obvious missing pieces in your economic understanding

Ha Ha
I have forgotten more than you will ever understand
Three times I pointed out factual information about the US economy which was relevant to one of your flawed arguments and three times you did not clue in
You still cannot fathom the bs that spews out of your mouth.
That condescending attitude of yours says it all.
Maybe you do not understand that most Canadians take out a mortgage to invest, yes invest in a house.
The value of the house goes up over a period of time and it is a great investment in the long run.
What do you think that the Government is doing? Harper created huge deficits and you are okay with it, in spite of his denial that there was a recession. The economy was sluggish when Trudeau took over, but with this fastest growth rate in a space of a few months, means he HAS NOT just wasted money that some right wing sites try to instill in that head of yours. You were predicting how this was going to be doomsday since the Liberals won the election. Eat your words and stop coming out with further nonsense now. Again your hatred is displayed in your innuendos against Trudeau, by comparing him to ten year olds. He is smarter than you will ever be, but if you think of him as a ten year old, then Harper must be a 5 year old. LOL. I am "economic literate" and do not need that brainwashed pompous and extremely stupid advice of yours.

The above are two links from more conservative sites. Read and try to take in some facts into that grumpy old head of yours.
Hahahaha, you are just not smart. I read the globe and mail and star, and they are not sounding that pessimistic as that grumpy old brain of yours.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Somehow you think calling someone a hater is relevant to economic discussions which need to be based on facts not emotion
Yes, you are addressing the right person as you look at yourself in the mirror. Post #75 is hilarious.
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