Heather Heyer was killed yesterday by a terrorist


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Typical alt right nonsense. It was an act of terrorism, and even if it was not to you, we have seen lunatics kill innocent people.
If it was the reverse and an alt right person was the victim you definitely would have been slamming the left wing like we have seen you do time and again, and then would show more sympathy to that victim. Whether you like it or not, there were alt right loonies holding hands with the KKK and White Supremacists. The organiser is an alt right nutcase as well.

To wrap this up, it is no use trying to be logical with some biased right wingies. Thankfully, the majority of the decent Americans are paying their respects to her. We know in your heart of hearts that you love the White Supremacists.
The alt right loonies that was holding hands with the KKK and white supremacists are nutcase too which I am in agreement!
BY the way I not white! I am a member of a visible minority! I suffered racism discrimination when I growing up with people calling me names like chink chink you stink! I had snowball embedded with rock throw at me when I was in high school because of my skin colour and slant eyes. My great grandfather died building the railroad when the so called white majority gave the nitro to the chinaman to carrying into the tunnel. My great grandfather and lots of his friends died building the first trans Canada railroad! Typically leftie logic demonize the person!
I was born in Montreal and first generation Chinese Canadian who loved the liberal and voted for Pierrre Elliot Trudeau all his life! Thought the leftie liberal is the greatest governments! I woked up and smelled the roses! The old saying is true " when you born you are a liberal / leftie at heart when your in your teens and early 20's to late 20's you will always voted for the liberal. As you grew older you become less and less liberal and become more conservative!! Why do that happen? Is because of the governments fuckking keep taking your hard earned money to justified their spending. Tired of the bullshit and lies by the libtardS . That why I became a rightie/ conservative!
So being a rightie and not supporting SJW, antifascists, Muslim, BLM, antiglobalization and not does not make you a white supremacists!!!

And you wonder why Trump won the POTUS!! Because of us the silent majority who back Trump!! I fucking hate the libtard and NDP and the leftie libtardS!! I hate the fuckking democrats too! And the republicans and the neocons are no better! Only hope that Trump can drain the swamp and hopefully make American Great again!

Fuck poltical correctness is a fucking warp idea!! Also fucking hate Justin Trudeau !! Will never voted for him and had more respect for his dad "Pieerre " then for school teacher born with a silver spoon who rode on the coatails of his father name recognition " Trudeau" If weren't of his last name "Trudeau" , Justin at best career achievement would had been a drama Teacher!!

PS White supremacist don't like Chinese Canadian also because of ours slant eyes and our yellow skin colours!! You will never understand discrimination until you experiment it ! And I did experience!!! Also don't you hate it when you born as Canadian and people keep asking you where your from or where your born based on my skin colour and slant eyes!! And I keep telling them I born In Montreal and they keep asking you what is your Nationality and my respond is Canadian. And then they keep asking where your from!! So fuck you leftie libtard!!!And got zero sympathy for selfish stupid Heather Heyer only the sympathy for her parents now they had to buried her! All this could have been avoided in the first place by not going to the demonstration!!

PSS GO Ahead demonization the rightie and Trump will win a second term as POTUS!!



New member
Apr 3, 2011
So I guess the charge will be simply,...domestic-terrorism,...if they can prove intent to terrorise.

Probably a good way to nip this shit in the bud.

Does killing some one while committing terrorism, carry a heavier sentence than a simple criminal murder,...???

Lawyers are going to have a field day with this.
They just have to prove that driving instructors are terrorist trainers. And that he intentionally pressed the gas pedal as part of his terrorist training, not a motor vehicle accident.


Mar 31, 2009
So I guess the charge will be simply,...domestic-terrorism,...if they can prove intent to terrorise.
Fuji is probably having multiple -------over the death of this poor woman killed by a white non-Muslim "terrorist". Meanwhile 2 Canadians and 16 others killed by Boko Haram terrorists and not a beep from Fuji.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The alt right loonies that was holding hands with the KKK and white supremacists are nutcase too which I am in agreement!
BY the way I not white! I am a member of a visible minority! I suffered racism discrimination when I growing up with people calling me names like chink chink you stink! I had snowball embedded with rock throw at me when I was in high school because of my skin colour and slant eyes. My great grandfather died building the railroad when the so called white majority gave the nitro to the chinaman to carrying into the tunnel. My great grandfather and lots of his friends died building the first trans Canada railroad! Typically leftie logic demonize the person!
I was born in Montreal and first generation Chinese Canadian who loved the liberal and voted for Pierrre Elliot Trudeau all his life! Thought the leftie liberal is the greatest governments! I woked up and smelled the roses! The old saying is true " when you born you are a liberal / leftie at heart when your in your teens and early 20's to late 20's you will always voted for the liberal. As you grew older you become less and less liberal and become more conservative!! Why do that happen? Is because of the governments fuckking keep taking your hard earned money to justified their spending. Tired of the bullshit and lies by the libtardS . That why I became a rightie/ conservative!
So being a rightie and not supporting SJW, antifascists, Muslim, BLM, antiglobalization and not does not make you a white supremacists!!!

And you wonder why Trump won the POTUS!! Because of us the silent majority who back Trump!! I fucking hate the libtard and NDP and the leftie libtardS!! I hate the fuckking democrats too! And the republicans and the neocons are no better! Only hope that Trump can drain the swamp and hopefully make American Great again!

PS Fuck poltical correctness is a fucking warp idea!! Also fucking hate Justin Trudeau !! Will never voted for him and had more respect for his dad "Pieerre " then for school teacher born with a silver spoon who rode on the coatails of his father name recognition " Trudeau" If weren't of his last name "Trudeau" , Justin at best career achievement would had been a drama Teacher!!

PSS White supremacist don't like Chinese Canadian also because of ours slant eyes and our yellow skin colours!! You will never understand discrimination until you experiment it ! And I did experience!!! Also don't you hate it when you born as Canadian and people keep asking you where your from or where your born based on my skin colour and slant eyes!! And I keep telling them I born In Montreal and they keep asking you what is your Nationality and my respond is Canadian. And then they keep asking where your from!! So fuck you leftie libtard!!!


And got zero sympathy for selfish stupid Heather Heyer only the sympathy for her parents now they had to buried her! All this could have been avoided in the first place by not going to the demonstration!!

GO Ahead demonization the rightie and Trump will win a second term as POTUS!!
Are you living in the USA? You are the silent majority that voted Trump into office? Again the fact is that Trump did not get a majority. He is the biggest liar who said he knew nothing about Duke during his campaign and the CNN clearly showed how he contradicted himself years ago when he referenced David Duke in his interview then. You love believing a liar and you can continue to do so. Unfortunately, Trump has made America very divisive, and as I have said before, he is draining the swamp alright, but into the Whitehouse. He and his organisations will benefit, not the majority of the Americans and definitely not the minorities, who are feeling the pain of the KKK and White Supremacists who are crawling out of the crevices and no longer are afraid to cover their heads. You have to be in thankful to Canada and to a Prime Minister who was not afraid to call it as it was i.e. a terrorist attack by a racist. You do not have to worry about your ethnicity in Canada, as you will be respected for who you are and how you contribute to the economy. I know you hate Trudeau but he is doing a great job with the economy. That is what matters to the majority, and that is why the loonie is rising and the interest rates are going north. Obviously, you believe the right wing media, and you can continue to do so.

Like I said, you can be respected for who you are, but when you come out with some disgusting statements about the poor victim of this horrific attack, then you are in line with the White Supremacists who are saying exactly the same thing and also taking the same credit for voting Trump in. Case closed.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
How is this for selfish.

CNN has decided, with all of the ills mentioned above, and many more, to devote a special to Trump and Twitter.

Because that is the most important problem facing middle America.
Actually, it is. You just deny that, because he's your boy.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Are you living in the USA? You are the silent majority that voted Trump into office? Again the fact is that Trump did not get a majority. He is the biggest liar who said he knew nothing about Duke during his campaign and the CNN clearly showed how he contradicted himself years ago when he referenced David Duke in his interview then. You love believing a liar and you can continue to do so. Unfortunately, Trump has made America very divisive, and as I have said before, he is draining the swamp alright, but into the Whitehouse. He and his organisations will benefit, not the majority of the Americans and definitely not the minorities, who are feeling the pain of the KKK and White Supremacists who are crawling out of the crevices and no longer are afraid to cover their heads. You have to be in thankful to Canada and to a Prime Minister who was not afraid to call it as it was i.e. a terrorist attack by a racist. You do not have to worry about your ethnicity in Canada, as you will be respected for who you are and how you contribute to the economy. I know you hate Trudeau but he is doing a great job with the economy. That is what matters to the majority, and that is why the loonie is rising and the interest rates are going north. Obviously, you believe the right wing media, and you can continue to do so.

Like I said, you can be respected for who you are, but when you come out with some disgusting statements about the poor victim of this horrific attack, then you are in line with the White Supremacists who are saying exactly the same thing and also taking the same credit for voting Trump in. Case closed.
I don't live in the USA ... You will be surprise lots of visible minority support Trump in Canada but they will not admitted it in public. DUe to the leftie tactics of demonize " by calling them racist" .
Trump will win a second term!!
The USA constitution is based on the who win the majority electoral seats!! The silent majority had voted for trump base on the electoral seat he won you lost libtardS!! Examples you win the hockey games by the most goals score not by the most shot on goals!
AMerica is decisive that a fact and two person... Hillary vs trump and two different vision of how to run a USA. The leftie is the one cause the most decisive they never accepted trump victory as compare to the righties who accepted Obama presidency and gave him a chance to govern!
JUstin Trudeau , Kathelyn Wynn, Racheal Northly are all fucking idiots which they will fuck up the economies and will be paying for it just like Ontario with all the debts racked up for all future generations!! And my statements is not sure coating it and it the truth!! HEather is a dead idiot and if the reverse had happen . I will says the same thing if some innocent rightie showed up on a antifascists demonstration and got ran over by some SJW / antifascists will called him or her an idiot too!! You don't run into a house that on fire unless your a fireman !! Use some fucking common sense!! I have zero sympathy for heather for causing pain and grief for her parents!! MY sympathy is for her parents...CAse closed ...loser!!!

PS. ANswer this question. If there were a demonstration rightie( alt-right or KKK ) vs leftie (SJW/ Anyifascist)would you allow your daughter to go to their protest?


Mar 31, 2009
JUstin Trudeau , Kathelyn Wynn, Racheal Northly are all fucking idiots which they will fuck up the economies and will be paying for it just like Ontario with all the debts racked up for all future generations!!
They now have one in B.C. too.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I don't live in the USA ... You will be surprise lots of visible minority support Trump in Canada but they will not admitted it in public. DUe to the leftie tactics of demonize " by calling them racist" .
Trump will win a second term!!
The USA constitution is base on the who win the majority electoral seats!! The silent majority had voted for trump base on the electoral seat he won you lost libtardS!! Examples you win the hockey games by the by the most goals score not by the most shot on goals!

JUstin Trudeau , Kathelyn Wynn, Racheal Northly are all fucking idiots which they will fuck up the economies and will be paying for it just like Ontario with all the debts racked up for all future generations!! And my statements is not sure coating it and it the truth!! HEather is a dead idiot and if the reverse had happen . I will says the same thing if some innocent rightie showed up on a antifascists demonstration and got ran over by some SJW / antifascists will called him or her an idiot too!! CAse closed ...loser!!!
Typical disgusting response about the poor dead lady. Again from someone who adores the White Supremacists. The majority of Canadians hate Trump. That is a fact. Thankfully, we do not have the same retarded, warped collegiate electoral system where the majority of Americans were conned as unlike Canada and the rest of the Democratic nations, "Every Vote Counts". Trump definitely will not get that second term in office. Only the Alt Right and Connartistvertives in Canada believe that myth. Majority of Canadians still think that Trudeau is doing a good job. Enjoy your Trump violent USA.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Typical disgusting response about the poor dead lady. Again from someone who adores the White Supremacists. The majority of Canadians hate Trump. That is a fact. Thankfully, we do not have the same retarded, warped collegiate electoral system where the majority of Americans were conned as unlike Canada and the rest of the Democratic nations, "Every Vote Counts". Trump definitely will not get that second term in office. Only the Alt Right and Connartistvertives in Canada believe that myth. Majority of Canadians still think that Trudeau is doing a good job. Enjoy your Trump violent USA.
Right lol Trump definitely will not get a second term ..LOL.. Just like the Main stream media predicted 95% chance that Hillary will win the elections! And how did that turn out ..lol.
Again typically leftie respond demonized the person by calling them a racist / white supremacists or adoring White supremacists. Oh wait I am a visible minority who like conservative value not libtard values! You cannot even now say Merry Chirstmas without offending somebody !!! YOu have to says " Happy Holidays instead". Why you think people voted for Trump? Go bury your head in the sand Libtard and when TRump win a second term you can go crying with your rest of your libtard snowflakes! Once your behind the curtain at the ballot box nobody will tell your how to cast the ballot and when you cast your ballot.
And the majority that will win the electroal college sear will voted for trump !!!
And can't wait Ontarians boots out the fucking Wynn government and Rachel Northery governments. Fucking Trudeau gives a 10 millions dollar to kadhar a fucking terrorists wait until that come and bite him in the ass!

PS Heather is dead because of her selfish stupidity now causing grief to her parents .
PPS You forgot to answer my question.
ANswer this question. If there were a demonstration rightie( alt-right or KKK ) vs leftie (SJW/ Anyifascist)would you allow your daughter to go to their protest?

On final note ... DId you know that generation Z is more conservative then millennials


Jan 31, 2005
Fuji is probably having multiple -------over the death of this poor woman killed by a white non-Muslim "terrorist". Meanwhile 2 Canadians and 16 others killed by Boko Haram terrorists and not a beep from Fuji.
Boko Haram should be annihilated.

Do you say the same about the IRA and these racist terrorists? I think they should all be killed.
Last edited:


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
She was a victim of terrorism for sure. All I can say WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH HOMELAND SECURITY. This was a MASSIVE failure of intelligence, the FBI, Virginia state police, etc etc etc. There is no way in HELL this should have been allowed to get out of hand. And the scumbag that drove that car into the crowd should be facing first degree murder charges, because he sure as hell know someone was likely to die and he had time to think about it.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
She was a victim of terrorism for sure. All I can say WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH HOMELAND SECURITY. This was a MASSIVE failure of intelligence, the FBI, Virginia state police, etc etc etc. There is no way in HELL this should have been allowed to get out of hand. And the scumbag that drove that car into the crowd should be facing first degree murder charges, because he sure as hell know someone was likely to die and he had time to think about it.
It was a crime of hate / passionate alt-right view but not domestic terrorism!! The court will decide it and I bet you the court will say it not domestic terrorism but a criminal acts only! That why he was charged second degree murder! If it was a terrorist you have to have intent ..example making a bombs to blew up Grande concert or Boston bombers or stealing a Truck and wiring all your money from your bank account to your relative and then stealing a truck and deliberating running over people!!

To me it more like a hybrid or mixture of road rage at like the heat of the moment to attack the antifacists protestor via car.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
As much as I DESPISE neo-nazi's (and I'm Dutch, so trust me I have every reason to after WW2), these are the facts:

1. The Neo-nazi rally which was planned ahead of time had received a permit from the city to hold their event
2. The anti-fascists left-wingers who showed up did NOT have a permit to hold their rally.
3. Its pretty clear the Lefties (who had no right to hold their own rally there) came to cause trouble, and there's good indications they started the violence.
4. As much as you can hate Nazi's, they have every right to have their own opinion and hold their rallies in a democratic country. As uncomfortable as that is for most people, thats a cold hard fact!!

So really, who's at fault in all this?? Who started all the trouble??

EDIT: slight correction, a judge ordered that the rally could go ahead.

From wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Unite_the_Right_rally

would you also support the Pedophiles right to march if they held as rally to legalize pedophilia?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
would you also support the Pedophiles right to march if they held as rally to legalize pedophilia?
Wrong argument. One is illegal. While I hate the bastards under the law of the USA they are within their legal rights and even had a permit.

So that argument is moot.

Although letting a bunch of pedos March so you can identify them might not be a bad thing.....

See in a way it's better if they are out in the open where you can deal with them.


Well-known member
May 10, 2011
Toronto, ON
Wrong argument. One is illegal. While I hate the bastards under the law of the USA they are within their legal rights and even had a permit.

So that argument is moot.

Although letting a bunch of pedos March so you can identify them might not be a bad thing.....

See in a way it's better if they are out in the open where you can deal with them.
Same with racists (the White Supremacists).


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Right lol Trump definitely will not get a second term ..LOL.. Just like the Main stream media predicted 95% chance that Hillary will win the elections! And how did that turn out ..lol.
Again typically leftie respond demonized the person by calling them a racist / white supremacists or adoring White supremacists. Oh wait I am a visible minority who like conservative value not libtard values! You cannot even now say Merry Chirstmas without offending somebody !!! YOu have to says " Happy Holidays instead". Why you think people voted for Trump? Go bury your head in the sand Libtard and when TRump win a second term you can go crying with your rest of your libtard snowflakes! Once your behind the curtain at the ballot box nobody will tell your how to cast the ballot and when you cast your ballot.
And the majority that will win the electroal college sear will voted for trump !!!
And can't wait Ontarians boots out the fucking Wynn government and Rachel Northery governments. Fucking Trudeau gives a 10 millions dollar to kadhar a fucking terrorists wait until that come and bite him in the ass!

PS Heather is dead because of her selfish stupidity now causing grief to her parents .
PPS You forgot to answer my question.
ANswer this question. If there were a demonstration rightie( alt-right or KKK ) vs leftie (SJW/ Anyifascist)would you allow your daughter to go to their protest?

On final note ... DId you know that generation Z is more conservative then millennials
Again, I live in Canada, and if the Americans believe in this retarded fool call Trump then they can get stuck with him. No doubt they will not make that same illogical mistake again. You as a Trump and Connartistvertive supporter will probably get disappointed, but hey I like Trudeau and do not give a rats ass about Trump.

Keep on aligning yourself with the White Supremacists with regards to the murder of this wonderful young lady. If my daughter chooses to go to a demonstration against such rancid organisations, then she alone makes that decision for herself. I will support her decision as I believe in democracy and her right to exercise it. Obviously, only the White Supremacists believe that they solely have those rights, and you seem to support them. Your true colours.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Again, I live in Canada, and if the Americans believe in this retarded fool call Trump then they can get stuck with him. No doubt they will not make that same illogical mistake again. You as a Trump and Connartistvertive supporter will probably get disappointed, but hey I like Trudeau and do not give a rats ass about Trump.

Keep on aligning yourself with the White Supremacists with regards to the murder of this wonderful young lady. If my daughter chooses to go to a demonstration against such rancid organisations, then she alone makes that decision for herself. I will support her decision as I believe in democracy and her right to exercise it. Obviously, only the White Supremacists believe that they solely have those rights, and you seem to support them. Your true colours.
Or you fucking dimwit?? Did you read any of my post??? All my post being consistent ...calling any person who visit a demonstration leftie vs rightie is stupid . Putting your own life at risk whether your a lefite or a rightie supporter is plain stupid!! end of story !! And if your daughter go to a protest and get hurt or killed ... I will have zero sympathy for her and you because you allowed it! NO parent should burial their child !!!
Hey you can excerise your democratic right ..got no problem with that!
But if you get killed whether your a rightie or lefite it your own fault and stupidity!!
Hey there a building down your street is on fire maybe you should run into the burning house!!
What a stupid fuck you are!!

Yeah keep using the old leftie libtard trick ..don't like opposing view point and all they do is to demonize the person to shut him up !!! Also putting words into my mouth by saying I oppose demo rate right to protest for the left and only the alt-right can protest. And then call him a white supremacist or racist or like white supremacist idea instead of liking conservative view. And you wonder why Trump won!

PS I never said leftie cannot demonstrated !! Everyone has the right to demonstrates or protest!
All I said was analyses the risk and determine whether losing your life is worth it whether your right or leftie!
THat why I have no sympathy for heather only for Heather parents! I not going to sugar coat it by giving you a poltical correct respond!

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
would you also support the Pedophiles right to march if they held as rally to legalize pedophilia?
They already do that (or did that).
Its a pedo organization called NAMBLA and they even got city permits for their rallies.

If I remember correctly they had to stop doing them because FBI would show up and put all members under surveillance (which is why its a lot smarter to let these clowns have their marches)
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